- Country or region
- United States
- Trade topics
- Negotiations and agreements
TTIP Reader's guide
Textual proposals are the European Union's initial proposals for legal text on topics in TTIP. They are tabled for discussion with the US in negotiating rounds. The actual text in the final agreement will be a result of negotiations between the EU and US.
Position papers set out and describe the European Union's general approach on topic in the TTIP negotiations. They are tabled for discussion with the US in negotiating rounds.
- Market access
- Regulatory cooperation
- Rules
- Institutional
The European Commission is negotiating TTIP as openly as possible.
And as part of our latest transparency initiative, we're publishing:
- 2-page factsheets, in plain language
- negotiating texts we've given US negotiators:
- EU textual proposals on parts 2 and 3 of the TTIP – these set out how we'd want a final deal to read, line by line
- EU position papers what we want to achieve in a chapter.
We will publish further texts as they become available.
We will make the whole text of the agreement public once negotiations have been concluded – well in advance of its signature and ratification.
For the text of a recently completed EU trade agreement, see the text of the EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CETA).
EU negotiating texts, chapter by chapter
Part 1: Market Access
Better access to the US market
Trade in Goods and Customs Duties
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposal
- Trade in goods
- Agriculture
- Wine and spirits
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposals
Public Procurement
- Factsheets
Rules of Origin
- Factsheets
Part 2: Regulatory Cooperation
Cutting red tape and costs - without cutting corners
Regulatory Cooperation
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposal
- Regulatory cooperation
- Good Regulatory Practices (GRPs)
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs)
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposal
Food Safety and Animal and Plant Health (SPS)
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposal
- EU proposal to include an article on Anti-Microbial Resistance within the SPS Chapter of TTIP
Specific industries
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
Medical Devices
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
Part 3: Rules
New rules to make it easier and fairer to export, import and invest
Sustainable Development
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposals
Energy and Raw Materials (ERMs)
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposal
Customs and Trade Facilitation (CTF)
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposals
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposals
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposal
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposals
Intellectual Property (IP) and Geographical Indications (GIs)
- Factsheets
- EU position papers
- EU textual proposals
- Intellectual Property (IP)
- Geographical Indications (GIs)
Government-Government Dispute Settlement (GGDS)
- Factsheets
- EU textual proposals
Part 4: Institutional
Institutional, General and Final Provisions
- Textual proposal