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Liberty Bell Center

Local Histórico e Tombado e Parque Nacional
Center City East, Filadélfia
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    Justin L.
    "Great museum (museus) with lots of history."(5 dicas)
    Arthur L.
    "you can rush through the exhibit (exposições) under 2 minutes"(4 dicas)
    Caner G.
    "Sundays are so crowded (cheio de gente) and so long queue."(3 dicas)
    "Amazing ❤️ a must see & get there early for short line (filas)!"(35 dicas)
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  • Marcio N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Marcio NavarroAgosto 20, 2017
    Ótima oportunidade de conhecer um pouco sobre a independência americana que tem grande relação com o sino que dá nome ao prédio.
  • Julyane L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Julyane LimaSetembro 16, 2015
    Famosos sono da liberdade! Tem que conferir!
  • Milena L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Milena LoureiroAgosto 17, 2014
    A fila é longa, mas anda rapidinho. Precisa ser ligeiro pra conseguir tirar foto com o sino, pois os espertinhos não respeitam ninguém.
  • Nick S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Nick SweetmanAgosto 17, 2015
    Of course it's amazing. But be on your best behavior: we saw security remove some people from the display. Be patient for pictures in front of the bell. It does get extremely busy.
    Voto a favor Jan 27
  • visitPA
    visitPASetembro 29, 2014
    The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is a timeless symbol of freedom and independence. Visit the Independence National Historic Park and learn how the bell changed history beyond its iconic crack.
    Voto a favor 31 de Dec de 2024
  • US National Archives
    It's not JUST an oversized bell with crack in it -- it's the iconic Liberty Bell! Take a trip in history and check out this photo of President Kennedy's viewing of the Liberty Bell in 1962! Leia mais
  • Mark B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Mark BJunho 17, 2015
    Usually a good sized line for this. Get your tickets for Independence Hall first (at the Visitor Ctr) and than check out the Bell. Might time it right to go to Hall afterword for your time slot.
  • Ovgu C.
    Ovgu C. O.Outubro 1, 2014
    We stayed in Philadelphia for 10 days. There were always long lines in front of the Liberty Bell Center because it is one of the most historical place in the States and of course it's free💃
  • Stefaniícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    StefaniNovembro 26, 2014
    Enjoy the history that you are in the presence of. As you read about the bell's journey you will quickly see that many historical people have been to see it because of its symbolism.
  • Nate F.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Nate FolkertJulho 2, 2023
    you can see the bell through the window without waiting in line, though they strategically display it such that the crack is not visible, which is obviously the only reason you're there.
  • Team Coco
    Team CocoNovembro 10, 2011
    "This is my second favorite bell, right after Taco Bell. When the day comes where I can get a delicious Crunch Taco Supreme here, maybe I'll reconsider." - Conan O'Brien
  • Allie I.
    Allie IlaganJaneiro 30, 2012
    Even if you think you're too cool to visit touristy spots, go anyway and be amazed by the history. The 1.5 million people who visit the Bell each year can't be wrong (plus it's free)!
  • The Ritz-Carlton
    The Ritz-CarltonMarço 11, 2015
    On July 8, 1776, the Liberty Bell was one of many bells that rang out from the tower of Independence Hall for Philadelphia citizens to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.
  • JH H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    JH H-DJaneiro 14, 2020
    For those who do not wait to wait in line for who knows how long, there is a book outside where you can see the bell. Or wish until dark and you will see the Bell lit up in all its glory
  • Glen G.
    Glen GilmoreNovembro 27, 2011
    Reward yourself with a walk to the City Tavern on 2nd St. where you can enjoy a sampling of brews using recipes from Washington, Franklin and Jefferson! And authentic, colonial period food!
  • US National Archives
    What better way to celebrate the 4th of July than with one of the most prominent symbols of freedom? Liberty Bell doesn't ring anymore, but check out this photo from 1959 when it still did! Leia mais
  • Karenícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    KarenNovembro 9, 2021
    Don't just head straight to the bell. Take time to read up on the history!
    Voto a favor 2 semanas atrás
  • Melissa P.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Melissa PerezDezembro 28, 2018
    It was a bit crowded but still was able to capture some great photos! 🔔 It had good info. The souvenir shop is behind the entrance.
  • Andrew C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Andrew CJulho 20, 2016
    The line is always super long... So not really worth it IMO, especially since you can walk around the bldg and get a side view of the bell anyway!!
  • David W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    David WaldmanMaio 9, 2016
    It's a beautiful area and the tours are great! Fun Philly neighborhood. Great restaurants nearby!
  • C E.
    C EdwardsAgosto 3, 2013
    This is the place to start for anyone interested in our nations history. Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Constitution Center. Before you head out make sure to check hours of operation.
  • Luis Felipe R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Luis Felipe RiveraAgosto 30, 2019
    Excelente... la historia de la campana y el significado que le dan en este país, es muy atractivo para quien goza de conocer historia!!!
  • Janie A.
    Janie AlexanderJulho 20, 2014
    There was such a long line to get in to see the "bell", we decided against it. But it was powerful just being there on the lawn and experiencing all the excitement. Great photo ops.
  • Louis G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Louis GardinoSetembro 15, 2014
    If the lines are long, you can get pictures from the back windows of the building. You get just as close as going inside, since the guards keep you so far back.
  • Richard R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Richard RevillaJulho 16, 2024
    The line moves quickly. Take your time and take some great pictures.
  • Aakash V.
    Aakash VermaMarço 28, 2012
    Get tickets to go to Independence Hall ahead of time, you can even get them online. If they are sold out, still ask at the desk because they usually still have a couple on hand during non peak times.
  • アミツ17 ツ17.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    I had to take a picture next to the Liberty Bell because it is one of the nation's most symbolic symbols.
  • Colin N.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Colin NelsonSetembro 8, 2015
    Very educational. Awesome if you're into history. Welcome to Philadelphia.
  • Gaudiness
    GaudinessAgosto 16, 2014
    Amazing ❤️ a must see & get there early for short line!
  • Gabriel R.
    Gabriel RestrepoJaneiro 12, 2014
    T.-.A.-.F.-. A todos los QQ.-.HH
    HISTORYAbril 13, 2010
    The Bell was ordered in 1751 & is one of the most prominent symbols of the Revolutionary War. In 1752 to the dismay of onlookers the bell cracked during testing. Over 2 million visitors come each year
  • Justin L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Justin LisenbyDezembro 7, 2016
    Great museum with lots of history. Awesome to see the bell up close.
  • Visit Philly
    Visit PhillyMaio 1, 2012
    The PHLASH trolley runs Fri, Sat & Sun from 10-6 pm May-October 28, 2012. Just head to stops 2 or 18, buy a $2 ticket & you'll be on your way to seeing more of Philadelphia's attractions and museums. Leia mais
  • Emerson C.
    Emerson CollinsJulho 27, 2013
    If you're in a hurry and have limited city center time, you can see the bell through the glass from the outside of the center and not have to wait in the slow moving line.
  • Tim D.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tim DengJulho 8, 2018
    Honestly a little underwhelming. Bell is so much tinier than I thought and the crack is smaller than I thought too. Should have kept my expectations in check
  • Jeiran H.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jeiran HasanJaneiro 10, 2017
    Lines move quickly. Lots of interesting information before you see the bell. Worth the time.
  • Abhishek B.
    Abhishek BanthiaJunho 17, 2023
    Be prepared for a long line to see the bell on the weekends. There’s a shorter line to see the bell through the window.
  • K12 Inc
    K12 IncJunho 16, 2011
    Did you know? The bell was not always a national icon. It was known simply as the  17span class="entity tip_taste_match">State House bell 17 until the 1830s when the abolitionist movement adopted it as a symbol and dubbed it “Liberty Bell. 17 Leia mais
  • Katherine W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Katherine WootenSetembro 16, 2014
    This is a fun exhibit. I especially liked seeing the foundation of the first "White House".
  • Santi C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Santi CaamañoJunho 2, 2015
    Go past a piece of the real american history! Can't leave Phillie without a picture right next to the bell.
  • Invisible E.
    Invisible EyesJunho 23, 2010
    Pay to Park the car in a lot . You can walk to the Constitution Center, Betsy Ross House Fireman's Museum, Elfreth's Alley, U.S. Mint, WHYY Studio, African American Museum and Penn's Landing. MORE !! Leia mais
  • Jeffrey M.
    Jeffrey MillerJulho 8, 2015
    The is a great place to visit. Spoiler alert: the Bell is smaller in person than you think.
  • Jack Miller Center
    Jack Miller CenterAgosto 23, 2011
    A National Park ranger is always stationed near the Liberty Bell. Ask them to show the invisible cracks and the history of the Bell's cross country journey.
  • Christopher I.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Christopher IgnatiusFevereiro 3, 2024
    Absolutely can't leave Philadelphia without seeing the Liberty Bell!
  • Caner G.
    Caner GözSetembro 12, 2011
    If you are just a visitor, you should visit this center. Sundays are so crowded and so long queue. Come early and take your photo!
  • Jasonícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    JasonMarço 21, 2015
    A must visit for any history nerd in Philly
  • visitPA
    visitPAJulho 30, 2013
    So you finally found the Bell. Yep, it’s still cracked and sorry, we don’t ring it anymore. Leia mais
  • Rob M.
    Rob McGowanAgosto 6, 2018
    Visit Independence National Historic Park and learn how the bell changed history!
  • Apostolos S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Apostolos SamarasOutubro 20, 2017
    Everything here was great! Great historic site!
  • Annamarie G.
    Annamarie GunterJulho 29, 2013
    It was great to see the Bell but a long line to get in did move some what fast Bell wasn't as big as I was thinking it would be. Did enjoy it.
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