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Tybee Island Lighthouse

Farol, Praia e Local Histórico e Tombado
Tybee Island
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    Lauren J.
    "PLUS the museum (museus) and the yellow cottage."(9 dicas)
    "room at the Light House parking (com estacionamento) lot just a bit"(4 dicas)
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  • Jonathan R.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jonathan RowsonAbril 1, 2016
    Truly a great place to visit even if you aren't a lighthouse buff! Your entry fee also gets you in the museum across the street.
  • Lauren J.
    Lauren JonesAgosto 8, 2013
    Esteve aqui mais de 10 vezes!
    Park for free in the lighthouse lot, then get ready to climb to the top! Your ticket gets you into the lighthouse, two keepers' cottages and summer kitchen, PLUS the museum and the yellow cottage.
  • Corey J.
    Corey JonesJulho 12, 2017
    The 2nd Assistant Keepers Cottage is informative and air conditioned. Climb the tower then cool off and learn the history.
  • De C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    De CogginsDezembro 27, 2017
    Stretch the legs before and after taking on the 174 lighthouse steps. Or pain the next day. Amazing view from above. A senior’s visit.
  • Emmett R.
    Emmett ReevesJunho 7, 2018
    Had intended a tour of the museum and lighthouse but ticket lady said my girlfriend had to cover up as she had a 2 piece swim suit with a coverup on already. Nothing wrong with her attire as it was!
  • De C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    De CogginsDezembro 27, 2017
    Truly enjoyed the visit. This gentleman provided a wealth of details, stuck with us throughout.
  • Greg P.
    Greg PollakJulho 7, 2014
    A very interesting place to visit. If you go up the lighthouse, be prepared to climb some stairs and take your time going up.
  • Your Savvy Atlantan
    Your Savvy AtlantanAgosto 4, 2013
    178 steps to the top! Built in 1753. It remains as an active intact lighthouses today.
  • Kitchenboy
    KitchenboySetembro 30, 2012
    Don't pay to park in front of Tybee Museum if there is room at the Light House parking lot just a bit farther down. It is free over there and the ticket covers both venues.
  • Tiffany G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Tiffany GonzalezNovembro 10, 2015
    The view is absolutely amazing and so worth the $9
  • Yaisiel T.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Yaisiel TorresSetembro 5, 2013
    10 bucks for a museum and getting on top of the lighthouse. The museum is moldy, old, and shabby but the lighthouse view is worth the cost.
  • Cassie P.
    Cassie ParrisSetembro 7, 2014
    Climbed to the top. The view was beautiful. The breeze was the best part!
  • Terry W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Terry WaldropOutubro 11, 2020
    Great history. Awesome view
  • Visit Savannah
    Visit SavannahJaneiro 28, 2012
    Terrific fun and exercise (that climb to the top can be a little brutal!) The view is worth it!
  • Aileen C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Aileen CorreaOutubro 24, 2016
    Stairs.....lots of STAIRS!!!!!!! Beautiful view worth the STAIRS!!!!
  • Jacob L.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jacob LawsonAgosto 20, 2015
    Seeing and learning about the history.
  • Brandon R.
    Brandon RogersJunho 6, 2013
    Beautiful views but it's a workout getting up there. Be prepared for your cavs to burn.
  • Denise R.
    Denise RiceSetembro 14, 2014
    Wear some good shoes and climb the tower when it's cool
  • Haley H.
    Haley HarrisonMarço 21, 2012
    If you come around a meal time, make sure to eat at the North Shore Bar & Grill! Delish!
  • Megan G.
    Megan GaytonJulho 22, 2013
    If you're a history buff, definitely go. Very interesting
  • Cj G.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Cj GillonOutubro 14, 2013
    I was impressed with the lighthouse, but the staff was very rude. Don't expect ANY museum reciprocations to be honored, not even the Coastal Museum Assoc. (they're members). No interactive exhibits.
  • Brooklyn R.
    Brooklyn ReeseJunho 20, 2013
    Nice little park on the north end of Tybee
  • Hhm T.
    Hhm TowingAgosto 7, 2013
    Nice weather. Kids loved walking and finding shells.
  • Tara R.
    Tara RievleyJunho 29, 2013
    Have water and oxygen to go to the top of the lighthouse ;) 😊
  • Chuck B.
    Chuck BolenJulho 17, 2011
    Parking is free at the lighthouse parking the battery is included with the lighthouse
  • Joseph V.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Joseph VerranOutubro 3, 2013
    Absolutely beautiful!
  • Travis V.
    Travis VolleFevereiro 24, 2011
    $8 dollars per person plus $1.50 to park makes this somewhat expensive. It also costs to visit the Battery museum as well.
  • Lionel S.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Lionel SpearmanAgosto 23, 2012
    This is a place you must visit
  • Ashley P.
    Ashley PhantomhiveMarço 18, 2013
    It's worth the 6 flights and there are landings to rest!
  • Chelsey W.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Chelsey WhittakerOutubro 9, 2015
    We didn't go in but it was busy! Tall lighthouse
  • sam b.
    sam ballardJunho 8, 2014
    Wear comfortable shoes
  • Brian W.
    Brian WilderJulho 25, 2012
    No water or backpacks allowed on the climb, so hydrate first.
  • Jason C.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Jason ClaymanJulho 28, 2015
    Just an FYI they are closed on Tuesday's
  • Kyrah B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Kyrah BenningAgosto 6, 2015
    Don't go when I went I got 3 ring Worms while in the water
  • Sarah B.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sarah BairdAgosto 8, 2014
    Very pretty view.
  • Rhonda A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Rhonda AndersonMaio 9, 2017
    Closed on tuesdays
  • Carol M.
    Carol MurphyAgosto 26, 2010
    Loved all the history behind it!!
  • Hamilton F.
    Hamilton FieldsOutubro 14, 2014
    178 stairs
  • Keith G.
    Keith GoolsbeeJunho 1, 2014
    A $9 rip-off
  • Sophie A.ícone de coração em imagem do usuário
    Sophie AshleyAgosto 30, 2012
    There are a bunch of stairs ! >.<
  • Charissa M.
    Charissa MurraySetembro 9, 2010
    176 steps to the top, how fast can you do it.
  • Scott H.
    Scott HermanJulho 19, 2011
    Not open on Tuesdays.....:-)
  • TipperayLondoner
    TipperayLondonerAbril 10, 2011
    Parking costs far too much.
  • Jan B.
    Jan BrezinaMaio 7, 2013
    Pozor, zavřeno každé úterý
  • Laura D.