Events & News

Events & News

Stay on top of the latest from NYU’s School of Global Public Health. From novel faculty and student research to on-campus events, we have you covered.

February 06

The 2018-2019 Ebola Outbreak Response in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo


Hosted by the NYU GPH Department of Global & Environmental Health and the Practice Office

Click to access event details aboutThe 2018-2019 Ebola Outbreak Response in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
February 06

Causal Inference for Non-Stationary Time Series from mHealth Studies in Mental Health

708 Broadway, Room 801 | Online
February 07

“Is MOST still innovative?” and other reviewer questions: Team CADIO Q&A


Hosted by the Center for Advancement and Dissemination of Intervention Optimization (CADIO)

Click to access event details about“Is MOST still innovative?” and other reviewer questions: Team CADIO Q&A