Broadcasting your gameplay

To broadcast (stream) your gameplay to online services, follow these steps.

Press the SHARE button while playing a game, and select [Broadcast Gameplay].
Select an online service.
If you have several channels, the screen for selecting a channel appears.
Prepare to broadcast.
You can enter a description or configure settings for video from your PlayStation®Camera or audio from the microphone. To configure advanced settings, press the OPTIONS button.
Select [Start Broadcasting].

Improving video quality

These guidelines can help improve video quality from your camera.

  • Brighten your room.
  • Reduce backlighting (the brightness behind you).
  • If the light from the windows is too strong, close the curtains and use interior lighting.
  • Move about 1 m (3 ft) away from the PlayStation®Camera.
  • Peel off the protective film from the lenses.
  • If the lenses are dirty or have fingerprints on them, clean them with a soft cloth.

These guidelines can help when the [Background] is set to [Chroma Key].

  • Use a blue or green background.
  • To prevent your shadow from appearing in the background, position yourself away from the background and make sure the background is evenly illuminated.
  • Select [Find Face] to enable the camera to detect your face and background again.
  • The first time you connect to an online service, you must enter your account information for that service. If you don't have an account, create one by visiting the online service's website. Also, depending on the online service, you might need to register as a paid member.
  • To configure camera or microphone settings while streaming content, select [Broadcast] on the quick menu.
  • Limits on the length of time you can broadcast and other details vary by online service.
  • To unlink from online services, change the setting for (Settings) > [Sharing and Broadcasts] > [Linked Services].
  • If broadcasts will not start or comments are not displayed, make sure these port numbers are enabled in your router or firewall. For information about confirming your port numbers and how to configure settings, refer to the instructions supplied with your network device, and information from your Internet service provider.
    • TCP: 1935, 2805–2899, 6667
  • With HDR enabled, the colors in the streaming video might be different from the colors in the gameplay video.

Viewing the screen during a broadcast

Screen during broadcast. Labeled A through G starting from the top left.

A )
Number of spectators
B )
Camera status*1
C )
Video from the camera*1
D )
Microphone status*2
E )
Number of comments
F )
Most recent comments
To view all comments, press the SHARE button and then select [Broadcast Settings] > [View Comments]. To enable your system to speak the comments, select [Broadcast Settings] > [Advanced Settings] > [Comments to Speech], and then select the checkbox for [Enable Comments to Speech].
G )
Message to Spectators
To change this setting, press the SHARE button and select [Broadcast Settings] > [Advanced Settings] > [Message to Spectators].
When using a PlayStation®Camera.
When using a headset or the microphones on a PlayStation®Camera.
  • During a broadcast, a standby image will appear to the spectator if there is a scene that cannot be broadcast, or if you switch from the game screen to a different screen, such as the home screen or a settings screen.
  • To display the game using the full screen, clear the checkbox for [Display Message to Spectators and Spectators' Comments].
  • Comments are displayed only when the screen resolution is either 1080i or 1080p.
  • The comments-to-speech feature is available only when comments are not displayed and the system language is set to either [日本語] or [English (United States)].
  • Comments can be displayed on devices that support the second screen feature. For details on the second screen feature, see “About the second screen feature”.
  • The items displayed vary depending on the settings.
  • To mute the microphone, select (Settings) > [Devices] > [PlayStation Camera], and then select the checkbox for [Mute Microphone].

Stopping a broadcast

Select [Broadcast] > [Stop Broadcasting] on the quick menu.