Technical Support Instrument to assist Member States with the preparation of their National Implementation Plans for the Pact on Migration and Asylum
Following the entry into force of the Pact on Migration and Asylum and the adoption of the Communication on the ‘Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum’, the Commission has now launched a dedicated call under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) to assist Member States with the preparation of their National Implementation Plans.
In line with the Common Implementation Plan, Member States have to establish their National Implementation Plans by 12 December 2024. For this important work, they can count on the operational, technical and financial support of the Commission and EU Agencies, including through today’s TSI call. The TSI can offer Member States targeted support to carry out situational analysis and identify what needs to be done to implement the Pact. It can make recommendations across a broad scope of thematic areas.

Migration is a complex issue that requires a common European response as evidenced through the Pact on Migration and Asylum. With well-managed systems, migration can contribute to cohesion, growth, innovation and social dynamism. Within this policy area, the Commission helps Member States to design, implement and evaluate reforms for better management of migration flows and integration of third-country nationals.