This is where you can access all the necessary tools to view your class rosters, manage grades, reserve classrooms and more.
- To access your grade rosters, log into, and click on the Faculty Center tile
- Click the Grade Roster icon for the course in you wish to enter grades
- Your course will then be displayed
- Use the drop down list to select the appropriate Grade Roster Type
Please note: a course can have a Non-Deg Candidate, and a Degree Candidate Grade Roster- Mid-Term Grade–all students are listed. Set the Grade Roster Type to Mid-Term Grade. Enter U for unsatisfactory work and leave the rest blank (only a U grade can be submitted on this roster). U grades are temporary grades and are not assigned to the student’s permanent academic record but are available for students to see on Students who receive U grades will be notified by the Registrar’s office via email
- Degree Candidate Final Grade–students expecting to graduate at the end of the term are listed. (Used only at the end of the semester)
- Non-Degree Candidates Final Grade–students not expecting to graduate at the end of the term are listed (Used only at the end of the semester)
- Final Grades (All)–This type of grade roster is only setup for sessions with irregular start and/or end dates. All students enrolled are listed.
- Assign grades for each student in each
- Set Approval Status and Save
- Not Reviewed–still editing grades, not submitted to the registrar’s office
- Approved–use this after entering final grades and ready to submit to the registrar’s office
- For Midterm or TAs–use this for entering midterm grades
- If a course has Degree Candidates and Non-Degree Candidates, you will go back up to the Grade Roster Type drop down box and choose the other grade roster type. Enter grades for these students following the exact same process.
- After you successfully submit grades for a grade roster, a message box will pop up letting you know that the grades were approved and sent to the Registrar’s Office. You will get an email from PS Mail confirming your grade roster submission
Special Note: In order to change a grade online, you will need to make sure that your
pop-up blocker is turned off, AND please note that Google Chrome is not a compatible
internet browser to use for this function.
After the request has been submitted, it is then routed to the department chair and/or
appropriate dean for approval. The instructor and the student will be notified via
email when the grade change is processed. Removal of I grades are included in this
- Log into your Faculty Center
- Click on the Grade Roster icon for the specific class.
- Click Request Change of Grade on the correct grade roster type such as Degree Candidate or Non-degree Candidate Roster.
- Enter a new grade and reason for the student, and submit your change.
It is the instructor's prerogative to use +/- grading. Consult your class syllabus for how your class is graded.
Academic Rating System
The UNDERGRADUATE definition of grades and grade points is as follows:
A 4.00 - Excellent
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00 - Good
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00–Satisfactory
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00–Poor
D- 0.67
F 0.00–Failing
P–Passed Credit was awarded for the course
NC–No credit awarded for the course
In all cases where academic policy requires a grade of C or better, a C- does not meet that criteria. The same applies for “B” and “B-”.
The GRADUATE definition of grades and grade points is as follows:
A 4.00–Excellent
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33–Good
B 3.00
B- 2.67–Marginal
C+ 2.33
C 2.00–Unsatisfactory
C- 1.67
F 0.00–Failing
Grades of incomplete must be changed by 60 days into the next long semester after the incomplete was received. “I” grades received in the spring semester must be removed 60 days after the start of the fall semester. Actual deadline dates are posted on the academic calendar.
To remove an incomplete, the instructor initiates the grade change via the grade roster. The request is routed to the department chair, and when approved, it is routed to the academic dean. After the dean’s approval the grade is changed. Current and cumulative grade point averages (GPA) are recalculated at time of grade change posting.
Unsatisfactory grades, or “U” grades are submitted to ensure students are aware that they are not doing satisfactorily in a course.
Notify a Class
Instructors can log into their account and click on the Faculty Center tile, click on the Class Roster icon, scroll down to the bottom of the roster page and click on Grab Email Address List to easily email their entire class at once.
Summer Classes
Main sessions and standard class times
MAY Session | JUN Session | JLY Session | 8W1 Session |
8:00–11:00 (002) | 8:00–9:30 (002) | 8:00–9:55 (002) | 8:00–9:30 (002) |
9:00–12:00 (010) | 9:40–11:10 (010) | 10:05–12:00 (020) | 9:40–11:10 (010) |
1:00–4:00 (050) | 11:20–12:50 (030) | 12:10–2:05 (040) | 11:20–12:50 (030) |
2:00–5:00 (060) | 1:00–5:00 (050) | 2:15–6:05 (060) | 1:00–5:00 (050) |
Finals for summer classes are to be scheduled on the last day of the session.
- Undergraduate classes require 8+ students
- Graduate (50000 or above) require 8+ students
- A summer class in a graduate program will be expected to have 8 for-credit enrollees or one (1) more than half of the number of students in the program as of the previous fall, with a minimum of 5 students enrolled in the class.
- The maximum number of hours that a faculty member may teach during the summer is normally six credit hours or equivalent.
- Faculty members will be limited to teaching no more than three or four credit hours (or equivalent) during the three-week “mini-term” segment of the summer session.
- Should the needs of the institution make it necessary or desirable for a faculty member to teach in excess of the normal load, he/she may do so with the expressed concurrence of the dean of the appropriate college or school and the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.
- Instructors of classes in the MAY session will receive compensation at the end of May.
- Instructors of classes scheduled to begin in the month of June, will be compensated at the end of June.
- Instructors of classes scheduled to begin In the month of July, will be compensated at the end of July.
Reserve Classrooms
Instructional/Classroom Spaces (I/C Spaces) are primarily used for scheduled academic classes. All other uses must not conflict with or diminish this primary mission.
Academic classes are scheduled as a joint effort with Academic Deans’ Offices as class offerings for each semester are developed.
Once all classes have been assigned rooms (normally eight weeks before the beginning of the semester), other activities may reserve I/C Spaces. Academic users and recognized TCU organizations may request the use of I/C Spaces directly through the Office of the Registrar. Some organizations require approval by TCU oversight before submitting space requests.
- Purpose of use
- Organization
- Individual responsible (with email and cell phone)
- Date(s) of use
- Start and end time
- Number of people
- Room preference (if known see link below)
- Desired room characteristics
- Room reservation approval will be acknowledged by email.
Persons wishing to use TCU I/C Spaces for other than TCU Academics or TCU Recognized Organizations should contact
All I/C Space use must assume the next user of the space is an academic class and the room must be left in perfect shape for that use.
- No food or drink is allowed in I/C Space
- Black/White boards should be erased
- Chairs should be placed in normal classroom configuratio
- Trash should be removed
- AV equipment should be in working order and turned off
Any other aspect of I/C Space that might hinder its primary mission of academic classroom use must be corrected.
Access(unlocking) for rooms with Key Card Access should be automated if reservations are made in advance. For rooms without keycard access, arrangements must be made with the specific office within each building to unlock the room. This will be indicated in the email reservation acknowledgment if it is necessary.
Reservation privileges will be revoked if you do not comply with room guidelines.