Policy supporting open innovation
Better regulations for innovation-driven investment at EU Level is a document that analyses how regulation in the EU hampers or stimulates innovation.
Innovation Deals are voluntary cooperation agreements between the EU, innovators and regional or local authorities. They evaluate specific EU rules or regulations to see if they are a barrier to innovation.
The Innovation Principle makes sure that when a policy is developed, its impact on innovation is fully taken into account.
The Policy Support Facility helps improve the design, implementation and evaluation of national and regional research and innovation policies. It is open to EU countries and countries involved in Horizon 2020.
Funding for innovators
European Innovation Council (EIC) brings together a number of innovation funding schemes in one place. There is also a wizard tool to help you find the right funding scheme.
Proof of concept grants are provided by the European Research Council (ERC) to those who have already received funding from the ERC and want to explore the commercial potential of their work.
InnovFIN schemes are financing tools and advisory services offered by the European Investment Bank group.
European Fund for Strategic Investments mobilises private funding for strategic investments to increase the level of investment in Europe.
The Pan-European Venture Capital Fund-of-Funds programme will help increase the scale of venture capital funds in Europe and attract private investors.
EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) supports access to finance and markets for small and medium businesses.
Innovation procurement schemes can incentivise specific innovation.
Support services for innovators
European innovation partnerships focus on challenges that can benefit society, modernise sectors and markets. They are launched in areas where it is clear that combining EU, national and regional efforts in research and development will produce effective results.
Knowledge and innovation communities are partnerships between businesses, research centres and universities that develop new services and can start new companies.
The Innovation radar initiative identifies project innovations that have big potential, in Horizon 2020, the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP7), and the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).
The Seal of Excellence is a quality label given to project proposals that were submitted to Horizon 2020, positively evaluated but could not be funded. The seal is designed to help these projects find other funding.
Enterprise Europe Network has 600 members including national chambers of commerce and development agencies. They can help small and medium sized business make the most of opportunities in the EU with business innovation support and networking.