Amazing!nBest time to go is in the afternoon to avoid the mile long lines. The employees move fast and line moves quickly. We had waffle bowl sundaes and they were wonderful. They also do kiddie cones
The name doesn't lie. This idyllic ice creamery is on the gorgeous Chincoteague Island. So next warm summer night, grab a scoop of homemade, small-batch deliciousness. You can thank us later. \nПодробнее
Marsh mud, pony tracks, and rocket fuel are our faves. When it was 28 degrees F outside at noon last weekend, this ice cream shop had a line into the parking lot. Think about THAT. Great ice cream.
When the line is out the door, down the steps and spilling into the parking lot to the point where you're at the sidewalk, watch out for the dopes that will still try to pull in right there.
When you're on Chincoteague Island looking for a delicious frozen treat, there's one place locals will tell you is not to be missed. All you need to do is head down Maddox Blvd. until you come to the lighthouse, and we'll be there, eager to serve you our delicious homemade ice cream...