Безусловно, стоит посещения, если вы в Зальцбурге, даже просто побродить по крепости без гида тоже интересно. Рекомендую воспользоваться фуникулёром, в стоимость билета входит билет в крепость.
Красивый вид на Зальцбург с одной стороны и на долину и горы с другой. Подниматься обязательно. Можно выпить пива на смотровой площадке. Если повезет со столиком.
Walk, don't get the funincular railway if you're able. The views are worth it on the way up and you'll feel you deserve the beer in the cafe once you make it to the top.
Picturesque view of the city from the terrace. The museums inside of the castle gives information about the militaristic history of the city and the castle itself.
Salzburg's landmark gives the city its instantly recognizable feature. Originally built in 1077 by Archbishop Gebhard, the castle is the largest fully preserved fortress in Central Europe.
This was really fun. Go for the all inclusive pass - it shows you the interesting residence rooms. Walk down to the city in the direction of modern art museum. The view on the burg from there is👌🏼
Die 8 Euro Eintritt lohnen sich absolut. Schon der Aufstieg ist ein Erlebnis und es gibt an jeder Ecke was zu sehen. Unbedingt auch die Audio-Führung mitmachen!
Excelente vista de Salzburgo. Hay que utilizar el funicular para subir y muda el tiempo para que no se le vaya el tren para bajar la montaña. En invierno cierran temprano el museo.
The view over the city is amazing. The museum inside the fortress is pretty interesting, not too boring. There's also a souvenirs shop, where you can get a nice surprise for your purchase.
Walked up the mountain pretending I was a soldier from the 1800s and ran out of breath real fast. Beautiful view at the top and free to roam inside the castle was a plus!
During early December beautiful Christmas Market up inside the fortress. Glühwein tastes better and romantic ambient. Take a Picture if the Salzburg city from the Restaurantterrace.
Uma das melhores atrações de Salzburgo, ingressos de preços variados (visita básica, completa, ou grupos). Lá em cima a melhor vista, restaurantes e cafés.
Mit der Festungsbahn hochfahren, Festung anschauen incl. Audiotour. Besuch auf dem Reckturm ist Pflicht wegen der Aussicht. Dann am besten zu Fuß wieder runter in die Altstadt.
La vista de Salzburgo es espectacular, desde este punto. El museo en sí no tiene muchos objetos, pero con el audio guía quedas bien informado. Es un lugar histórico obligado.
Kaleyi görmeden Salzburg'dan ayrılmayın, büyük bir alan olduğundan içeriyi de gezecekseniz en az 2-3 saat ayırın. İçeriyi gezmek için en fazla 40 kişi olmalı, yer dolunca sonraya kalıyorsunuz.