Лучшая карбонара в моей жизни! Невероятный тирамису! Вкусное домашнее вино и хлеб) Самое настоящее колоритное итальянское заведение) тут шумно, но настолько душевно!
This is FANTASTIC. My personal top3. Everything we had here was outstanding. Try carbonara and tiramisu. Actually... The best would be to book a table for a whole day and try everything. ;)
The pasta with asparagus was fantastic, the carciofi ala romana was fantastic and the red house wine was fantastic! It's worth it but I do recommend to make a reservation!
Dans le Trastevere, petite place très agréable et animée. La cuisine est équilibrée, goûteuse et peu onéreuse, mention spéciale aux aubergines, crème de ricotta et menthe fraîche. Dai !!!
Maybe my favourite trattoria in town. Roman dishes as if your grandma was making them. Tip: take the involtino (meat roll) in tomato sauce stiffed with bread and mortadella. Lovely!
No hay nada como perderse por el Trastevere y acabar comiendo pasta con jabalí. Auténtico. There's nothing like getting lost in Trastevere and end up eating a wild boarpasta in Da Umberto. Authentic.
Excellent restaurant in lovely Trastevere - too bad we could only visit it once. Lots of locals seem to eat here; an unmistakable sign that the food is authentic.
Non puoi venire a Roma senza cenare qui!!! Meraviglioso e jovanni + ragazzi semplicemente fantastici! Lo chiamerei ristorante dei miei sogni romani...ti senti a casa.grande!
Consigliato da un amico non ha deluso le aspettative: piatti ottimi e prezzo più che onesto. Se volete essere sicuri di trovare posto meglio prenotare.
Decent, but not stellar, food. Mostly caters to tourists. Service was amateurish- the only time in years of eating in Italy that I've ever been asked to vacate a table.
fettuccinecarciofi was cold and staff was really rude and sniffy! made reservation 1 day before but in the middle of our dinner they said that they need the table for someoneelse! Irreverent place!
unfriendly rude staff.for more money they asked to finish our dinner earlier. they gave our table to someonelse, nobody waiting for a table :( also they asked to pay a plus dish that we didn't order!