Achieving student wellbeing for all: educational contexts free of violence

The report presents educational programmes and actions from across Europe and internationally that address various forms of VAC and serve all children – including those who are most vulnerable – and help them to grow up happy and healthy, and to develop to their full potential.
The report presents several negative effects that VAC has on children together with 13 programmes and actions for which there is scientific evidence showing that they address one or more consequences of VAC. The report also provides recommendations to the diverse stakeholders involved in children’s safeguarding.
- Published by: NESET / European Commission
- Year: 2023
- Read online:Executive summary (EN, DE, FR) and analytical report (EN)
Additional information
Education type:School Education
Funding source:European Commission
Intervention level:N/A
Intervention intensity:N/A
Published by:NESET / European Commission
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalPedagogical AdviserSchool PsychologistTeacher Educator
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
Year of publication:2023