Urgently looking for short-term mobility opportunities this school year in Ireland, Malta, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, or Portugal
looking for 2 weeks mobility for 2 pupils
looking for 2 weeks mobility for 2 pupils
We are a Spanish secondary school located 20km from the city of Cordoba (Andalusia) recently accredited.
We are expanding our mobility flows and we are planning to carry out mobilities with group of students, so we are looking for new partners....
Somos un grupo de maestras de un centro de educación especial que queremos observar y aprender a diseñar espacios de aprendizaje para nuestro alumnado y así mejorar en nuestra intervención con ellos y ellas para proporcionar una enseñanza inclusiva...
Executive function refers to skills that you use to manage everyday tasks like making plans, solving problems and adapting to new situations. The three main skills are working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibition control. These skills develop...
Looking for schools from Czechia and Spain for teachers for job shadowing.
With this project, we hope to give our students a greater understanding of the world around them and a motivation to continue and develop the French language. We also want to start thinking about sustainable development and give students
partnership, project education, outdoor education, entrepreneurship, leadership, formative assessment
short-term mobilities of pupils, job-shadowing
We are an accredited Spanish school located in Girona (north east of Spain) and we offer to host teachers from schools all around Europe. We have previous experience in both Erasmus+ projects and eTwinning. If you would like to discover our school...