Resilience and Well-being Strengths for Teachers
Participants will develop an understanding of their responsibility to develop their resilience strengths in order to achieve a stable state of wellbeing. To achieve this, they will be introduced to strategies such as emotional management, positive mindset, changing the internal narrative, and building empathy and compassion.
Some people thrive in a crisis. Other people flourish in a state of well-being. Neither of these two states can be maintained consistently and they vary at any given time, in different aspects of our lives. We are constantly in a state of flux and change, perhaps now more than ever. Resilience can be described as a set of strengths we can employ to drive us towards achieving a balance between the highs and the lows that we experience, in life and at work. Together with well-being, it allows us to make teaching and learning sustainable and meaningful during times of change, crisis, and challenge. While we cannot maintain a constant level of well-being, we can lead students and teachers to recognize when a state of well-being exists, and when drawing on resilience strengths is useful or necessary. In this course, we will share and discuss the importance of teachers' understanding and taking responsibility to develop their resilience strengths to help them navigate their way towards a heightened and more stable state of well-being. Through exploring strategies such as emotional management, a positive mindset, changing the internal narrative, and building empathy and compassion, participants will discover how to rebuild resilience and render their life more enjoyable and manageable. By identifying and analyzing the strengths necessary for achieving well-being and behaving resiliently, we will collaborate to find ways of navigating emotional highs and lows in ways that promote mental, emotional, and physical health.
Learning objectives
The course will help the participants to:
- Identify and analyze the strengths necessary for achieving wellbeing and behaving resiliently;
- Appreciate the differences and connections between wellbeing and resilience;
- Appreciate the personal empowerment that comes from adopting a growth mindset;
- Develop awareness and skill in taking regular measurements of personal states of wellbeing and monitoring internal narrative;
- Recognize that emotions can be managed and supported through the activation of a set of resilient behaviors;
- Share wellbeing and resilience experiences through the creation of analogies and storytelling;
- Develop compassion and empathy towards themselves and others;
- Face and deal with fears head-on;
- Build a bespoke resilience toolkit to apply at work and play.
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Methodology & assessment
Certification details
Here's how we ensure your achievements are recognized and validated:
- Certificate of Attendance: Upon successful completion of your course, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance in line with Erasmus quality standards.
- Europass Mobility Certificate: If requested, you can also receive the Europass Mobility Certificate.
- Seamless Administration: We provide assistance and guidance to our participants throughout every step of the project: from the grant application to the final documents.
To make your participation accessible, our courses are designed to allow you to request 8 days of individual support for your subsistence costs. This includes 6 days for the course and an additional 2 days for travel.
Useful resources:
- Live Chat support: Monday-Friday | 8:30-22:30 CET
- Guides to Erasmus+
- OID Numbers and Fiscal Data
A 60 € late registration fee will be applied if you register less than 8 weeks before the course start date.
Pricing, packages and other information
Additional information
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)
Target audience type:TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalSchool Psychologist
Learning time:25 hours or more
Past sessions
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