menABLE toolbox: tackling gender-based violence online

The menABLE toolbox Ctrl+Alt+GBV is a visual educational resource designed for young people aged 13–18, which focuses on online gender-based violence, to foster discussions about gender and gender identity, promote reflection, and provide actionable guidelines for students.
The aim of the material is to enhance students’ understanding of the unfortunate, difficult and unpleasant experiences one can have online, and to increase their reflection on how they can act to protect themselves and each other. Additionally, the ambition is for students to become more aware of their own biases when discussing gender.
The toolbox includes interactive tasks, quizzes and games in the form of 7 different challenges. It also includes a multilingual teacher’s guide designed to equip educators with the necessary tools to use the materials effectively.
Additional information
Age from:13
Age to:18
Education type:School Education
Target audience:TeacherStudent TeacherHead Teacher / PrincipalPedagogical AdviserSchool PsychologistTeacher EducatorResearcher
Target audience ISCED:Primary education (ISCED 1)