Workshop on Building Capacity and Exploring Resources for implementing STI4SDGs Roadmaps, October 08-09, 2024, at UNCC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The theme of the workshop is on “harnessing the potential of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) to deliver on the SDGs”, with a focus on “building partnerships and STI capacity in developing countries”. It is jointly organized by UN DESA and ECA, supported by UNESCO, Future Africa, EC/JRC, International Science Council (ISC), Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Collaboration Platform (AERAP), and the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS).
Building on last year's UN workshop, this meeting will frame the discussion around roadmaps as a catalyst for sustainable development and the SDGs. In order to ensure strong and sustainable roadmaps, inclusive processes and voluntary funding models/mechanisms need to be established. In this connection, the workshop could discuss how to mobilize youth, the Diaspora, innovators, the private sector and others to engage in the development of STI roadmaps. The STI roadmap workshop will also inform the development of the Guidebook for the Development and Implementation of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs Roadmap for the Six Transitions. It will discuss the following key challenges and issues that the STI roadmaps are aiming to address:
• Mapping national STI stakeholders, skills, capacities, and activities in transition areas;
• Identifying opportunities for strengthening STI networks and partnerships and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to support national priority transitions;
• Assessing initiatives and investments to build STI capacities to accelerate priority transitions, including capacity to analyse and address SDG synergies and trade-offs;
• Identifying impediments to the application of scientific knowledge in SDG policy-making, and defining the roles of stakeholders such as funders, publishers, policymakers, and research infrastructure providers to leveraging STI for the SDGs;
• Ensuring adequate funding for R&D, identifying voluntary funding models on STI for the SDGs, and channeling resources to empower women and girls in science.
The Workshop will interrogate some of the complex issues, and explore potential collaboration among participants and beyond. It has three objectives:
- To learn about country level experiences in the region that can contribute to the development of a global Guidebook for STI4SDGs Roadmaps;
- To understand the needs for support in the region and existing initiatives that could be leveraged
- To engage the UN Resident Coordinators (RCs) and government officials that could benefit from and support capacity development project next year in 2025.
This workshop is primarily supported by the UN RPTC budget. The main outcomes will contribute to the 10th Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs. Due to budget constraints, the meeting will be conducted in English only.
The Workshop will bring together STI partners from across the world, including high-level policymakers, government and UN officials, UN RCs in Africa, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and representatives from civil society and international organizations.
Additional Resources
Background documents
Key documents
Technical Support Team (TST) Issues Briefs
Concept Note
Outcome Document
- International Science Council
- European Commission - Joint Research Centre
- Future Africa
- International Research Centre of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
- Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Collaboration Platform (AERAP)
- United Nations Development Coordination Office (DCO) Africa Regional Office
- Coalition on Science, Technology and Innovation for Africa's Development
- World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO)
Seychelles (SIDS)
South Africa