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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

1. In the past year, has the governing body of your organization taken any decisions to advance sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensure that no one is left behind? If yes, please briefly mention these decisions taken by your governing body in 2024 and provide the respective symbols. 

ECLAC’s programme of work is fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda and geared towards the effective delivery of sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions, while leaving no one behind. At the organization’s Fortieth Session, ECLAC presented the document “Development Traps in Latin America and the Caribbean: Vital Transformations and How to Manage Them” with concrete recommendations to achieving more productive, inclusive and sustainable development in the region. The new proposal suggests (i) a productive transformation for higher, sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth; (ii) a transformation to reduce inequality and foster inclusion and social mobility and (iii) a transformation to boost sustainability and combat climate change. The approach was endorsed by its Member States and ECLAC will conduct future studies and formulate public policy proposals to support national capacity-building to advance the SDGs. Other examples for science- and evidence-based solutions include the launch of the Digital Development Observatory (ODD), the School of Digital Transformation and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean, an expert meeting on Harnessing AI and Digital Government, a seminar to improve the resilience of statistical systems with innovative data and modern technologies, a webinar on promoting the digital transformation of SMEs, an event on location intelligence and geospatial technologies in SIDS and capacity-building for anticipatory governance and legislative foresight to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.


2. During 2024, what actions have your entities taken to improve coordination among UN system entities across policy and normative activities as well as with ECOSOC subsidiary bodies with a view to increase impact and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? Please provide any relevant links. 

ECLAC serves as Vice-Chair of the Regional Collaborative Platform (RCP) LAC, which unites all UN entities working on sustainable development to ensure full collaboration and coordination of UN assets in addressing key challenges that transcend country borders. For 2024, ECLAC along with its partners, introduced several priorities to improve coordination among UN system entities in the region across policy and normative activities as well as with ECOSOC subsidiary bodies to accelerate the SDGs. These include (1) promoting regional coherence regarding global priorities, particularly in support system-wide efforts on the six key transitions, with an integrated approach based on the principle of leaving no one behind as a core principle of the 2030 Agenda; (2) supporting RCs and UNCTs in addressing SDG gaps in transboundary and subregional contexts; and (3) building partnerships with regional stakeholders such as international financial institutions and subregional development actors. ECLAC further coordinated the work of all five UN Regional Commissions in 2024, which resulted in several joined publications, audiovisual materials and the organization of high-level events, for example plenary sessions and side events at the HLPF, the Summit of the Future, and the UN Biodiversity Conference, just to name a few.  

3. In the past year, has your organization organized any intergovernmentally mandated conferences, forums or events that contributed to the achievement of the SDGs, or has been in the process of planning and organizing any such mandated events to be held next year? 


Event NameECOSOC Special meeting on “The future of work: towards a productive, inclusive and sustainable global society”
Event Dates23 - 24 January 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, especially SDG 8
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) ECLAC hosted the ECOSOC Special meeting to discuss the transformation of the labour market, owing to factors such as technological advancement, global economic integration and the green transition. While rapid changes in the labour market can garner significant benefits, adaptation can be a difficult process, particularly for the most vulnerable groups, including low-skilled workers and those in the informal sector. Gender gaps and barriers to women’s full and equal participation in the work force persist and the growth of the informal sector has resulted in precarious employment with limited access to social protection. The meeting welcomed high level participation from ECOSOC Member Countries, other Member States and diverse stakeholders and resulted in a summary by the President of ECOSOC, which served as an input to the Summit of the Future and the World Social Summit.   
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameIV Edition of ECLAC's Regional Water Dialogues in Latin America and the Caribbean
Event Dates11-13 March 2024
Event Location (City, Country)San Jose, Costa Rica
Relevant SDGsSDG 6
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The event features the participation of the Presidential Appointee of Honduras, the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, Ministers and Deputy Ministers, and representatives from 18 countries in the region, as well as over a hundred representatives from the public and private sectors, international organizations, development banks, academia, and civil society. Additionally, there were more than 1000 people attending remotely from over 30 countries in the region and the world. The Regional Water Dialogues provide a high-level ministerial space with exchanges of technical experiences with a multi-actor approach, to promote good practices and to drive the achievement of SDG 6 in the region, which seeks to "ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all".
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameFourth meeting of the Conference on Science, Innovation and ICTs of ECLAC
Event Dates4-5 April 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Bogota, Colombia
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, especially SDG 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies was established pursuant to resolution 672(XXXIV) of the thirty-fourth session of ECLAC and resolution 2012/35 of ECOSOC, as a subsidiary body of ECLAC. The Conference is a permanent forum for policy and technical dialogue at the highest level on science, innovation and information and communications technologies that facilitates the coordination of action and knowledge-sharing to improve the quality and effectiveness of policies in these areas. also strengthens the role of science, technology and innovation in the pursuit of greater sophistication, diversification and structural change in these economies to improve productivity and competitiveness, in an environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive manner. The Conference convenes mainly the high-level authorities responsible for science, technology and innovation policies in each country. The Conference periodically holds meetings to elect the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Executive Committee, and to define priorities, activities and workplans.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameSeventh Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
Event Dates15-18 April 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development is State-led and open to the participation of LAC countries. It is convened under the auspices of ECLAC and involves States, the private sector and civil society, as well as subsidiary bodies of ECLAC, development banks, other United Nations agencies and regional integration blocs. The seventh meeting included panel discussions on the progress made towards the five SDGs under in-depth review at the 2024 HLPF, namely SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17, a presentation of the annual progress report "The Challenge of Accelerating the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: Transitions towards Sustainability", an interactive session on the “Summit of the Future: multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow” and one on “Advancing the priorities of Caribbean small island developing States towards achieving the 2030 Agenda”, just to highlight a few.   
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameRegional Workshop on Accelerating SDG Implementation: the role of Voluntary National and Local Reviews
Event Dates15 April 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) Within the framework of the Seventh Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, ECLAC and DESA organized a “Regional Workshop on Accelerating SDG Implementation: the role of Voluntary National and Local Reviews”. The goal of this workshop was to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of countries in the formulation and preparation of their VNRs and VLRs as part of their national strategy to implement and monitor the 2030 Agenda as well as to enhance vertical integration across the local, national, regional and global levels. To complement this workshop, ECLAC and DESA also organized a side event on “Advancing the territorialization of the SDGs” to launch the guide for the preparation of Voluntary Local Reports at subnational levels in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameThird meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement
Event Dates22-24 April 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDG 16
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (Escazú Agreement) was adopted in Escazú, Costa Rica, on 4 March 2018, and entered into force on 22 April 2021. The objective of the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Escazú Agreement was the consideration and approval of the Action Plan on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters prepared by the coordinators of the ad hoc Working Group composed of Chile, Ecuador and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Likewise, reports from the Secretariat, Presiding Officers, Committee to Support Implementation and Compliance and national implementation routes were presented. The Conference adopted six decisions, including the Action Plan on Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameHigh-level seminar: Towards the Second World Summit for Social Development: Enhancing global efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda
Event Dates30 April 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, especially the social dimensional SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) This high-level seminar organized by ECLAC and ILO discussed how to enhance global commitments around the 2030 Agenda ahead of the Second World Summit for Social Development to be held in 2025. It analyzed the path that countries have followed since the First World Summit for Social Development held in Copenhagen in 1995, the changes that have occurred in conditions since then, and the central challenges that must be addressed to promote more inclusive and cohesive social development in the world and achieve the SDGs by 2030. The event was inaugurated by UN DSG, ILO Director-General, and ECLAC’s Executive Secretary and Coordinator of the UN Regional Economic Commissions in 2024.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameFifth session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Event Dates3-4 June 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The fifth session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development of Latin America and the Caribbean presented the second regional report on the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development by the Technical Secretariat, addressed achievements of the Montevideo Consensus and challenges 30-year after the adoption of the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), and analyzed the progress and challenges in relation to the rights of persons with disabilities within the framework of the population and development agenda.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameFirst meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Event Dates19 June 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, especially SDG 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The currently serving Presiding Officers were elected at the first session of the Regional Conference, held in May 2023, and comprise Argentina as Chair and Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Spain and Uruguay as Vice-Chairs. At that session, resolution 1(I) was adopted, in which the Presiding Officers and the member countries of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean were requested to promote the strengthening of synergies and partnerships with other stakeholders such as development banks, the private sector and regional and subregional integration mechanisms, as well as multi-stakeholder partnerships with civil society, local governments and academia in matters related to international development cooperation. They were also urged to identify common criteria to guide evaluation and assessment of these cooperation modalities and their impacts, and that consider the conceptual framework for the measurement of South-South cooperation.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameTwenty-third meeting of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC
Event Dates28-29 August 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDG 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The 2022–2023 biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC is framed within the Strategic Plan 2015-2025, which established as the pillars of action of the Conference the achievement of more robust institutions and a stronger governing role for national statistical offices; the development of human resources and statistical production in order to ensure quality; and regional and international coordination and cooperation for the development of official statistics in the region. At its twenty-third meeting, the Executive Committee considered regional challenges to be addressed in the new strategic plan for the period 2026–2035. The Executive Committee reviewed the progress in the implementation of the biennial programme of regional and international cooperation activities, 2024–2025, of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameThe eighth meeting of the Caribbean Development Roundtable and the thirtieth session of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC)
Event Dates9-11 September 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The CDCC was created as a permanent subsidiary body of ECLAC to promote development cooperation among Caribbean countries. The objectives of CDCC are to promote and strengthen economic and social cooperation and integration among the countries of the Caribbean and with Latin America, the sharing of information and experiences among its membership as well as common positions and strategies on economic and social issues among Caribbean nations, and on their relations with third countries, and to present those positions to international forums and agencies. 
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameEleventh Session of UN-GGIM: Americas
Event Dates7 October 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Mexico City, Mexico
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDG 17
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The eleventh Session of the United Nations Regional Committee on Global Geospatial Information Management for the Americas (UN-GGIM: Americas) was held in a hybrid format, with two virtual sessions on September 25 and 26, 2024, and one in-person session in Mexico City on October 7, 2024, at the headquarters of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico. On this occasion, progress in the execution of the work agenda of the Regional Committee was reviewed, taking advantage of the opportunity to share experiences and good practices in the management of geospatial information. Initiatives and opportunities for cooperation between countries and at the regional level were also be examined.
Website (if applicable)


Event NameFortieth session of ECLAC
Event Dates9-11 October 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Lima, Peru
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The session is the most important biennial meeting of ECLAC. It serves as a forum for the consideration of pressing development issues for the countries of the region, as well as an opportunity to review the progress of the Commission’s work. The session also enables the governments of member States to examine the secretariat’s report on the Commission’s activities and thus apprise themselves of the work accomplished by ECLAC during the preceding year. Furthermore, through the programme of work that the governments adopt and the calendar of conferences they approve, they also define the mandates that will guide the Commission’s work in the future. On this occasion, the secretariat presented the position document entitled, Development Traps in Latin America and the Caribbean: Vital Transformations and How to Manage Them.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameSixth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean 
Event Dates31 October 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Bridgetown, Barbados
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The Sixth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean is held in the framework of the XVI Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean of UNDP. This meeting will bring together all the authorities from the Ministries or Secretariats of Social Development and their equivalents, and the outcomes will be recorded in a report that will be distributed to all member countries of ECLAC. The Presiding Officers elected at the Fifth Regional Conference on Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago in October 2023 is constituted by Chair, and Vice-Chairs Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep. of).
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameNinth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean
Event Dates7-8 November 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) The Ninth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean is jointly organized by ECLAC and the Government of Chile. The Conference aims to define a set of digital policy priorities at the regional level within the framework of the Digital Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC). During the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean the countries adopted the Mexico City Declaration and the eLAC2018. This cooperation space continued in 2018, with the celebration of the Sixth Ministerial Conference in Cartagena de Indias, where the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean approved eLAC 2020 seeking to advance regional cooperation and governance that stimulates collaboration between countries in digital matters. The process continued with the Seventh Conference and a new version of the Digital Agenda (eLAC2022) was agreed upon.
Website (if applicable) 


Event NameSixty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
Event Dates4-5 December 2024
Event Location (City, Country)Santiago, Chile
Relevant SDGsAll 17 SDGs, in particular SDG 5
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) This meeting is organized by ECLAC, as secretariat of the Conference, in coordination with UN-Women. On this occasion, delegations will exchange on progress in the preparations for the XVI Regional Conference Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, a special regional consultation session will be held prior to the 69th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which will address the thirtieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), among other agenda items.
Website (if applicable)


4. In the past year, has your organization published or planned to publish any analytical work, guidance or reference materials, or toolkits to guide and support the implementation of SDGs at national, regional and global levels? Please select up to three to highlight, especially those that address interlinkages among the SDGs. 


Resource NameThe Challenge of Accelerating the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: Transitions towards Sustainability
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)All 17 SDGs, in particular SDGs 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17
Publishing entity/entitiesECLAC
Target audience Given the participatory and inclusive nature of the 2030 Agenda, this publication is geared towards all relevant stakeholders, which work towards the achievement of the SDGs in the LAC region, including member States, specialized agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations, other relevant regional and subregional entities and international financial institutions, local authorities, civil society, youth, academia and the private sector.
Description (max 150 words) 

The annual SDG progress report takes an in-depth look both at the international landscape of slow economic

development, fragmentation among the major powers and geopolitical difficulties and at the challenges

facing the region in relation to sustainable development. It discusses the implementation of productive development policies, which can contribute to a renewal of economic growth and to faster progress towards the SDGs. It further presents progress and challenges with the five SDGs that were selected for in-depth study at the HLPF 2024 and a detailed analysis of the six key transitions from the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean, which encompasses a description of the transition and how that transition supports the SDGs; the current and desired scenario; and the three fundamental action areas to accelerate progress towards the SDGs, namely (i) strategies, plans, policies and programmes; (ii) institutional arrangements; and (iii) investment needs. 

Language(s)English, Spanish and Portuguese
Website (if applicable) 


Resource NameThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Regional Gender Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: gender indicators up to 2023
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)All 17 SDGs, with a special focus on SDG 5
Publishing entity/entitiesECLAC and UN Women
Target audience Given the participatory and inclusive nature of the 2030 Agenda, this publication is geared towards all relevant stakeholders, which work towards the achievement of the SDGs in the LAC region, but especially those with a focus on SDG 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment.  
Description (max 150 words) Latin America and the Caribbean is amid cascading crises that are deepening historical and structural inequalities, and which disproportionately affect women. It is therefore urgent for the countries of the region to speed up progress towards achieving gender equality and the full exercise of the rights of women, adolescent girls and girls in all their diversity. This document presents a descriptive analysis of the gender indicators for monitoring the SDGs and the prioritized set of indicators for their regional follow-up, in line with the Regional Gender Agenda. It is intended be used by the countries of the region as a reference document for the sixty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, whose priority theme is “Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective”. 
Language(s)English and Spanish 
Website (if applicable)


Resource NameTerritorialization of the SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean: guide for the preparation of voluntary local reviews at the subnational level (only available in Spanish)
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)All 17 SDGs, especially SDGs 11 and 17
Publishing entity/entitiesECLAC
Target audience Given the participatory and inclusive nature of the 2030 Agenda, this publication is of interest for all relevant stakeholders, which work towards the achievement of the SDGs in the LAC region, but especially geared towards local authorities, national governments and regional networks of cities, municipalities and rural communities.
Description (max 150 words) With only six years to go until the deadline to achieve the SDGs, their achievement requires an unprecedented level of collective action. This requires strengthening the commitment of all relevant actors to find and implement lasting solutions. Although the SDGs are global in scope, their achievement will depend on the capacity to make them a reality at the subnational, local and territorial levels, including towns, cities and regions. The purpose of this guide is to share lessons learned and support the efforts of local governments to territorialize the 2030 Agenda through the development of voluntary local reviews (VLRs).
Website (if applicable)


5. The United Nations has defined six key transitions, or transformative entry points, that can have catalytic and multiplier effects across the SDGs and which have been guiding the UN development system work since the 2023 SDG Summit. In the past year, how has your organization contributed to these transformative actions and how various actors are being rallied behind them to mobilize further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale? Please provide any relevant links.

In its annual progress report "The Challenge of Accelerating the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean: Transitions towards Sustainability" launched at the Seventh Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development in April 2024, ECLAC presented a detailed analysis of the six key transitionsfrom the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean, which encompasses a description of the transition and how that transition supports the SDGs; the current and desired scenario; and the three fundamental action areas to accelerate progress towards the SDGs, namely (i) strategies, plans, policies and programmes; (ii) institutional arrangements; and (iii) investment needs. Some of the key findings are highlighted below: 


  • Food systems

The transition to sustainable and resilient food systems requires a comprehensive approach that integrates the three dimensions of sustainable development. Governments, firms, farmers, consumers and civil society must take collective action to transform the production, distribution and consumption of food. Simultaneous support for innovation, international cooperation and a commitment to natural resource management would help the countries of the region to build food systems that feed people, generate fair pay for producers, protect the planet and promote prosperity for generations to come. ECLAC advocates for the redoubling of public policy efforts in the fight against hunger, considering the entire life cycle, through measures such as monitoring of maternal or fetal health during pregnancy and prevention of low birth weight, breastfeeding advocacy, micronutrient fortification, nutritional supplements and food labelling. Public policy proposals developed by ECLAC, FAO and WFP encourage a regional food security plan. The recently launched ECLAC/WFP report "The cost of the double burden of malnutrition: main social and economic impacts in eight Latin American countries" includes policy recommendations to reduce malnutrition, while the ECLAC/FAO/IICA publication “Financing for food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean” presents a first approach to the issue of financing required to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. 

  • Energy access and affordability

ECLAC urges countries to accelerate the transition towards renewable and clean energy sources, electrify the energy matrix, unleash the potential of energy efficiency, and universalize coverage with quality and without intermittence. LAC has enormous renewable potential and opportunities to increase the efficiency and security of the electrical system through regional integration need to be leveraged. The energy transition is already under way in the countries of the region and the challenge remains to accelerate that transition, given its multiplier role in driving the activities and services that will transform the development model into a more sustainable one. During the sixth edition of the Ministerial Meeting of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA 2024), ECLAC played an important role and articulated a strategic vision focused on accelerating the transition towards an efficient and sustainable energy model in the region. At the HLPF 2024, ECLAC coordinated a high-level side event with the other Regional Commissions on the topic of Critical Energy Transition Minerals to Accelerate Progress Towards the SDGs. In the forum "Energy Transition - Bolivia 2050”, ECLAC emphasized the importance of dialogue in the development of public policies to ensure greater legitimacy for the necessary institutional, technological, regulatory, and normative transformations and changes in the governance of the energy transition.

  • Digital connectivity

A sustainable digital transition requires enough resources to roll out 5G networks. According to studies conducted by ECLAC, in some countries these needs could exceed US$ 120 billion to achieve maximum national coverage and impact, which would require telecommunications service operators to increase their annual capital expenditures by approximately 40%. To ensure that all people and all productive sectors can enjoy its benefits, the digital transition must be reoriented through strategies that facilitate the re-employment of workers whose jobs are transformed by the transition and the reskilling of adult workers in a changing labour market to enable them to adapt to new demands and ensure that profits are equitably distributed between labour and capital. ECLAC’s Digital Development Observatory (DDO) aims to develop new metrics to understand the dynamics of digitalization in the region and to provide guidelines for their use in policy formulation to close structural productivity and social inclusion gaps through digital development. The Digital Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean (eLAC) proposes the use of digital technologies as instruments of sustainable development and promotes the development of the digital ecosystem through a process of regional integration and cooperation, strengthening digital policies that promote knowledge, inclusion and equity, innovation and environmental sustainability. 

  • Education 

Achieving a sustainable and just education transition requires an in-depth review of education objectives, an analysis of the relevance of education in the current context and efforts to address central issues, such as inequality and resilience in a changing world. The Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean provided an opportunity for a broad debate on effective strategies to achieve the goals of SDG 4 and the commitments outlined in the Transforming Education Summit (TES) . The TES urged countries to mobilize greater resources to increase investment in education, improve equity and efficiency in spending through sustainable financial management, periodic monitoring, and evaluations, as well as the availability of more data and accountability. One of the key agreements reflected in the Declaration of Santiago 2024 was the need to provide a systemic response to the educational challenges of the 21st century, promoting the comprehensive development of learning and competencies, both cognitive, socioemotional, digital, and life skills, and guaranteeing the financial sustainability of education as an enabling condition. In accordance with the Education 2030 Framework for Action and the TES, ECLAC advocates for increased investment in education in the region and education financing has been included in global agreements in recent years.

  • Jobs and social protection

A just transition towards sustainability in employment and social protection requires advanced productive development policies that stimulate labour demand as well as progress in the expansion of active labour market policies, particularly those targeting the most vulnerable populations. ECLAC advocates fostering contributory and non-contributory social protection systems to ensure their sustainability and resilience to crises and transitions. In addition, progress must be made towards the establishment of unemployment insurance and other mechanisms that act as automatic stabilizers during crises. ECLAC is closely working together with the ILO to push forward this transformation, which resulted in a diversity of joined publications, for example on the “Employment Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Labour market inclusion of young people and redistribution of care work: challenges and opportunities” and high-level events, such as the Regional Forum on Trade, Responsible Business Conduct, and Decent Work. ECLAC has continuously been promoting a care society in the region as the transformational change needed to build a new development pattern that puts equality and sustainability on the center. Furthermore, the Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development organized by ECLAC was dedicated to the topic "Social Protection and Inequality: Latin America and the Caribbean towards the Second World Summit for Social Development of 2025", just to name a few examples.

  • Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution

The transition towards resilient and carbon neutral societies and economies is a matter of utmost urgency for limiting average global temperature rise above pre-industrial levels to 1.5 °C. Scientific data on the transition’s trends and scenarios will be indispensable for a more accurate understanding of biophysical and economic changes in different parts of the world. This understanding would enable the implementation of adaptation measures and facilitate other transitions, such as the agrifood transition, the energy transition and the jobs and social protection transition. ECLAC’s Parliamentary Observatory on Climate Change and Just Transition (OPCC) aims to build up a regional agenda on climate ambition and just transition. In its role as a member of the Secretariat of the Group of Independent Experts, ECLAC has contributed to the development of the preliminary report "Debt, Nature and Climate". NDC LAC is a digital tool that provides information on the progress in the implementation and updating of NDCs in the region. ECLAC is a key player in the discussions on policies for protecting biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean, one of the richest regions in terms of biological diversity. At COP16 in Colombia, ECLAC stressed the importance of integrating environmental sustainability into social and economic development strategies and promoting public policies that would align biodiversity conservation with the SDGs.


6. Please provide strategies (policies, guidance, plan) and/or collective actions taken to implement the 2024 Ministerial Declaration of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the Council. Please note any challenges foreseen and provide any relevant links

ECLAC supports the 2024 Ministerial Declaration by channeling the national interests of its Member States from the regional to the global level and provide policy guidance and support to accelerate the SDGs across local, national and regional levels to foster more integrated solutions. ECLAC strengthens the follow-up and review of the implementation of the SDGs in the region by harnessing data to track progress in analysis of the interlinkages across goals and targets, including policy implications of their synergies and trade-offs, as can be found in the SDG Gateway, the Regional Knowledge Platform on the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC’s Community of Practice for VNR countries offers a regular space for peer-learning between LAC countries throughout the VNR cycle and beyond. The annual meetings of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development, including its regional VNR workshops, strengthen the capacities of countries in the formulation of evidence-based voluntary national and local reviews. ECLAC further provides targeted support and technical assistance to countries in the process of developing high-quality reviews, national road maps and more systematic use of accurate and comparable data and anticipatory models and statistical annexes. 


7. What collective efforts is your entity undertaking to support countries in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the areas of Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), Goal 5 (Gender equality), Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), Goal 14 (Life below water) and Goal 17 (Partnerships), which will go under in-depth review at the HLPF in 2025? Please note any achievements, challenges and gaps and provide any relevant links. 

Goal 3 (Good health and well-being)

In October 2024, ECLAC and PAHO/WHO launched the third joint policy document The urgency of investing in health systems in Latin America and the Caribbean to reduce inequality and achieve the SDGs, following the 2020 and 2021 documents dedicated to analyzing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report urges countries not to sideline health on the public agenda during the current post-pandemic period, both because of the duty to ensure the population's right to health and because of its fundamental role in achieving inclusive social development in the region. ECLAC advocates for essential transformations in the development models, with health being key for expanding social protection and moving toward more productive, inclusive, and sustainable development. The primary health care strategy should consider integrated services and essential public health functions, multisectoral action, and social participation to transform health systems to reduce inequalities and address setbacks in the implementation of the SDGs. Other examples include a Seminar on the "Challenges in moving towards universal health in Chile: the role of Primary Health Care (PHC) and financial sustainability" and a discussion panel on “Health inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean: the persistence of gaps and injustices that hinder inclusive and sustainable social development”. 

Goal 5 (Gender equality)

The Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean has become the main regional intergovernmental forum within the UN on women’s rights and gender equality and has resulted in a progressive Regional Gender Agenda, making region the only in the world with an agenda that steers public policies towards gender equality in law and in practice. The Sixty-sixth meeting of the Presiding Officers will take place in December 2024, organized by ECLAC, as secretariat of the Conference, in coordination with UN-Women. ECLAC further offers training in gender statistics, such a workshop held in the Caribbean subregion to collect, analyze, utilize and disseminate sex-disaggregated data in accordance with international standards and best practices. The Project “Strengthening Feminist Foreign Policy and Feminist International Cooperation through a community of practice between Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Germany and ECLAC” seeks to mainstream the gender perspective and intersectionality in all areas of foreign policy in the selected countries. Further examples include the international seminar “Gender equality in mining: towards an inclusive future”, the briefing for Ministers and High-level Authorities of the Machineries for the Advancement of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean about CSW68 and the panel discussion "The fundamental role of women and gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the Escazú Agreement".

Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth)

In January 2024, ECLAC hosted the ECOSOC Special meeting on “The future of work: towards a productive, inclusive and sustainable global society” to discuss the unprecedented transformation of labour markets owing to factors such as technological advancement, global economic integration and the green transition and take a critical look at key levers of transformation, such as decent work, towards more sustainable and inclusive development. Within the framework of the ECLAC-BMZ/GIZ project “Transformative reactivation: Overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean”, an event was organized to generate a space for debate and exchange on how productive development policies are being designed in today's world. Further examples to accelerate progress SDG 8 include the meeting Connecting the Productivity Challenge with Productive Development Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, the RFSD side event “Discussion on regular migration routes with a view to the creation of a regional labour intermediation system that promotes safe, orderly and regular migration” and the interregional seminar The future of social protection facing a cascade of crises: moving towards universality with solidarity and sustainability. Under the title Skill WAVE: Workshop for Action, Vision and Entrepreneurship, ECLAC will be hosting a series of capacity building workshops in various Caribbean countries, meant to build entrepreneurship skills among target groups to provide tools necessary to enhance entrepreneurship and related business activities, with priority given to women. A joined ECLAC/ILO publication analyzed the challenges and opportunities for the labour inclusion of young people and the redistribution of care work. The Fourth Regional Seminar on Social Development "Social Protection and Inequality: Latin America and the Caribbean towards the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025" aimed to strengthen the design of public policies that allow progress in inclusive social development and thus progress in meeting the goals agreed by the countries in the 2030 Agenda. In this context, ECLAC launched a new publication on non-contributory pension systems in the region.

Goal 14 (Life below water)

To achieve SDG 14 by 2030 in Latin America and the Caribbean, ECLAC recommends to move towards a circular economy and the orderly disposal of waste in certain activities that affect the oceans today; protect marine areas; increase resources for the management of marine and coastal areas; prioritize mangrove protection and restoration; recover overexploited fisheries, and improve fisheries management. The Regional Seas Programme involves three conventions in the region: the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region (managed by UNEP), the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Area of the South-East Pacific, and the Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Marine and Coastal Areas of the Northeast Pacific. The plastic bag bans in a growing number of countries —including Argentina, Chile and Mexico— are a step in the right direction. At the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Antigua and Barbuda, ECLAC and UNIC Caribbean launched the “Imagine a World Without Islands” campaign. ECLAC participated in the Peace Boat Reception in Valparaiso as part of the United Nations vision for the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and with the aim of highlighting World Oceans Day 2024 to raise awareness about life below water and encourage positive action for the preservation of our blue planet.

Goal 17 (Partnerships)

ECLAC supports Latin American and Caribbean countries in multiple ways to bolster regional, national and local action and accelerate the achievement of SDG 17, for example via its Community of Practice on VNRs, the annual Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development and its regional VNR workshops, and the SDG Gateway, as mentioned before. Some recent examples include a virtual expert group meeting on statistics for sustainable development in ECLAC associate member countriesa regional meeting on the role of subnational governments in promoting territorial productive articulation initiativesand the RFSD 2024 side event on Financing for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. ECLAC is further implementing a project to generate roadmaps for the integration of statistical and geospatial information in Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador

Paraguay and the Dominican Republic. ECLAC is further collaborating with UNDESA to foster the localization of the 2030 Agenda and the development of VLRs in the region, such as in the framework of a trinational program in the Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. Together with the GIZ and Aliarse, ECLAC is currently conducting a stakeholder mapping exercise in Latin America and the Caribbean to accelerate the 2030 Agenda and create partnerships with diverse stakeholders. 


If your organization has been part of any initiatives or multi-stakeholder partnerships in the past year that support these goals, please copy the below table to fill out for each initiative/partnership. 

Initiative/Partnership NameILO and ECLAC Regional Forum on Trade: Responsible Business Conduct and Decent Work
Partners (please list all partners)The International Labour Organization (ILO)
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG 8
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)The Forum is a space for dialogue between representatives of the business sector, unions, government officials and academia. Its main objective is to promote a learning platform on policies, practices and initiatives that increase synergies between foreign trade, responsible business conduct and decent work. During the sessions, the connections between trade, employment and decent work will be explored, focusing on value chains and the practices of various companies in promoting quality employment.


Initiative/Partnership NameThe Regional Tax Cooperation Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (PTLAC)
Partners (please list all partners)Government of Chile
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All SDGs, in particular SDG 17
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)ECLAC acts as Technical Secretariat of the Regional Tax Cooperation Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean, a regional space to generate knowledge, share experiences, contribute to the construction of common positions and solutions that guide decision-making to address tax policy challenges in an inclusive, equitable, sustainable and pro-growth manner.


Initiative/Partnership NameThe Civil Society Participation Mechanism in the Sustainable Development Agenda and the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development
Partners (please list all partners)Diverse civil society actors
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All 17 SDGs
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)The Civil Society Participation Mechanism in the Sustainable Development Agenda originated in the Latin American and Caribbean Civil Society Meeting, convened by the Secretariat of Foreign Relations of Mexico and ECLAC, on the First Meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development (Mexico City - April 2017). On that occasion, the representatives of civil society organizations decided to start a deliberation process, with the aim of agreeing an institutional mechanism to dialogue with governments and other relevant actors in the region and annual meetings in the framework of the Regional Forum. The Mechanism is made up of diverse Working Groups and a Liaison Committee facilitates the participation of civil society in the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as in other processes and agendas related to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda.


Initiative/Partnership NameForum of children, adolescents and youth of Latin America and the Caribbean
Partners (please list all partners)LAC Children and Youth Regional Caucus MEsLAC - MGCY, alongside its affiliated organizations and members, FAO, Youth Working Group of the Regional Collaboration Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Agencies of the United Nations and the Working Group on Youth of the Regional Collaboration Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All 17 SDGs
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)The Forum of Children and Youth of Latin America and the Caribbean 2030 is a youth-driven initiative aimed at fostering active participation among young individuals in the region. It operates within the framework of reviewing and monitoring progress towards the 2030 Agenda in the region. This platform offers an opportunity for children and youth to engage with their communities, providing invaluable insights, contributions, and recommendations on the challenges faced by young people in advancing the SDGs by 2030. 


Initiative/Partnership NameECLAC's Community of Practice on Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) for Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries
Partners (please list all partners)Government officials, professionals, researchers and technical experts as well as representatives from the UN system, including RCOs, youth, civil society, the private sector, academia, local authorities, parliamentarians, and other stakeholders
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All 17 SDGs
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)ECLAC has tailored its analysis and policy advice to support all Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Member States, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Middle Income Countries (MICs), and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), to deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 SDGs. ECLAC’s Community of Practice is an informal space for exchange among peers and sharing of good practices and lessons learned with regards to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in general and the VNR process in particular. Since December 2019, 60 virtual meetings were held to support the region’s countries in the process of preparing VNRs, covering a wide range of topics, such as the localization of the 2030 Agenda, data and statistics and meaningful stakeholder engagement.


Initiative/Partnership NameSeminar on the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda: promoting integral public policies to accelerate the SDGs 
Partners (please list all partners)Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) at ECLAC, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Advisory Council of the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Municipal Associations
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All 17 SDGs
Member States benefiting from itLatin American Member States of ECLAC
Description (max 150 words)This seminar encourages a conversation regarding the incorporation of the human rights approach in the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda, as well as the role of youth in monitoring the SDGs and the preparation of voluntary local reviews (VLRs). It addressed both members of the ILPES/ECLAC Planning Network and professionals and public servants interested in these topics.


Initiative/Partnership NameThe Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean
Partners (please list all partners)Ministry of Education of Chile, UNESCO, Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), the World Bank and UNICEF
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All SDGs, in particular SDG 4, but also linkages to SDG 8
Member States benefiting from itAll 33 LAC Member States
Description (max 150 words)The Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean called together high regional authorities in education to address and exchange experiences, and to make progress in the reactivation, recovery, and transformation of education as a catalyst for achieving the targets of SDG 4. The financing of education, as an enabling condition, will be considered, around which reflections will be made, and good practices identified. As a result of this meeting, it is expected to generate the necessary inputs for the configuration of a regional reference framework on public policies for the reactivation, recovery, and transformation of education.



Annex Question 2:

Key achievements of the RCP LAC Issue-based Coalitions include the following: 

Climate Change and Resilience
  • Road to COP 28: 6 regional dialogues engaging 5,800 participants and influencing discussions at the XXIII Forum of Ministers of Environment
  • Brief on Energy Transitions and virtual dialogue on green economic transformations
  • Webinar and summary on the economic and political impact of El Niño
Equitable Growth and Financing for Development
  • Merging of the IBC on equitable growth with the IBC on financing for development
  • Collaboration with the network of economists of the Resident Coordinator Offices
Governance for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  • Merging of the IBC on crime and violence with the IBC on governance and institutions
  • 2 regional briefs on governance challenges and anti-corruption standards
  • 2 guidance notes on incarceration and drugs, and a webpage on the UN's position on drugs
  • Mapping of UNDS initiatives on access to justice
  • Reference guide for the collection, monitoring and reporting of SDG 16 indicators
  • United Nations Laboratory on Crime and Corruption (LabCC)
Human Mobility
  • Quarterly reports and online dashboard on regional mixed movements
  • UN joint analysis, technical support, strategic framework and communication plan on the

    border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti

  • Forums for government and civil society dialogue on migration
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls
  • Regional Gender Equality Profile
  • Campaigns to address digital violence, cyberbullying and online violence
  • International Youth Day communication package
  • Technical support to the ECOSOC Youth Forum and the Youth Forum at the VI Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
  • Regional Intergenerational Meeting on Youth, Peace, and Security
Populations Left Behind
  • Webinar on Indigenous Peoples at the Centre of Sustainable Development
  • Inter-agency roundtable on the discriminatory use of criminal laws
ECESA Plus Member
Year of submission: 2024