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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

1. In the past year, has the governing body of your organization taken any decisions to advance sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensure that no one is left behind? If yes, please briefly mention these decisions taken by your governing body in 2024 and provide the respective symbols.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Council, at its 2024 session, revised Resolution 1332 on the ITU's role in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This update emphasizes ITU's commitment to accelerate digital transformation, including the responsible development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) to support the 2030 Agenda. 

2. During 2024, what actions have your entities taken to improve coordination among UN system entities across policy and normative activities as well as with ECOSOC subsidiary bodies with a view to increase impact and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? Please provide any relevant links.

  • United Nations Group on the Information Society (UNGIS) serves as an inter-agency mechanism to coordinate substantive policy issues facing the United Nations system’s implementation of the Geneva Plan of Action and Tunis Agenda for the Information Society adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), thereby contributing to improving policy coherence in the UN system, as requested by the 2005 World Summit. UNGIS has established itself as a valuable and successful model of digital cooperation, with two decades of experience in the field. As an existing body dedicated to interagency digital cooperation, UNGIS is well-positioned to help ensure that initiatives across the UN system are coherent, interconnected and coordinated, thereby maximizing sustainable impact. Through WSIS and UNGIS, a series of side events have been organized to actively contribute to various UN processes, including the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68)1 and events led by regional commissions such as ESCAP2 and ECA3. UNGIS organised a side event at the Summit for the Future Action Daysbringing together key stakeholders to discuss alignment between the WSIS process, the upcoming WSIS+20 review, and the 2030 Agenda. This work ensures that information and communication technologies (ICTs) remain central to the UN's development agenda and that digital transformation efforts are effectively integrated across entities. UNGIS held multiple coordination meetings to align strategic priorities, including its annual meeting at the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024. ITU serves as the permanent secretariat for UNGIS and is also currently the group’s vice-chair. 
  • The Inter-Agency Working Group on AI (IAWG-AI) was established by the UN Chief Executive Board’s (CEB) High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) in 2020. The IAWG-AI is co-led by ITU and UNESCO and brings together UN system expertise on AI in support of the CEB and HLCP workstreams on the ethics of AI and the strategic approach and road map for supporting capacity development. Currently with nearly 50 members, the IAWG-AI has promoted various collaborative efforts and thematic priorities to deliver concrete outcomes, from coordination on AI readiness assessment work among member organizations, and development of the annual UN activities on AI report to engaging with other UN mechanisms like the HLCM, and collaboration with external partners. The group developed the Principles for the Ethical Use of AI in the UN System in 2022. 
  • In 2024, the IAWG-AI developed the UN System White Paper on AI Governance, approved by HLCP at its 47th session and was subsequently endorsed by CEB. The White Paper analyses the UN system's institutional models, functions, and existing international normative frameworks applicable to global AI governance. The paper is offered as a UN system-wide contribution to relevant deliberations on the governance of AI, including the work of the Secretary-General's High-level Advisory Body on AI. 
  • The United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative is a global UN collaboration, coordinated by ITU, UNEP and UNECE, and supported by a network of key partners, including UN-Habitat, CBD, ECLAC, FAO, UNDESA, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO, UNEP, UNEP-FI, UNFCCC, UNIDO, UNOPS, UNU-EGOV, UN-Women, UNWTO, and WMO. During 2024, ITU, together with 19 other UN entities, developed case studies and guidelines through nine thematic groups to raise awareness and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. More information is available at:  
  • On 14 June 2024, during the first UN Virtual Worlds Day, ITU, UNICC and Digital Dubai, launched the first UN Global Initiative on Virtual Worlds – Discovering the CitiVerse. This initiative aims to enhance capacity development, facilitate the sharing of best practices, provide strategic policy guidance, and create a sandbox environment for governments and cities to simulate virtual world scenarios, accelerating progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More information is available at:
  • In collaboration with the Canton of Geneva, Atlantic Council and other stakeholders, ITU established a networking forum (the Digital International Geneva Connect with a Happy Hour) to facilitate networking, as well as improvement in communication and exchanges across different bodies to help Geneva based organizations navigate the digital age more effectively and create effective collaboration. 

3. In the past year, has your organization organized any intergovernmentally mandated conferences, forums or events that contributed to the achievement of the SDGs, or has been in the process of planning and organizing any such mandated events to be held next year?  


Event Name   39th World Radiocommunication Conference  
Event Dates   20 November- 15 December 2023 
Event Location (City, Country)    Dubai, United Emirates 
Relevant SDGs    SDG 7, SDG 9, SDG 10, SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 17 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

Member States of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) agreed on revisions to the global treaty governing the use of the radio frequency spectrum, both on Earth and in space, at the close of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The agreement on updates to the Radio Regulations identifies new spectrum resources to support technological innovation, deepen global connectivity, increase access to and equitable use of space-based radio resources, and enhance safety at sea, in the air, and on land. A total of 151 Member States signed the WRC-23 Final Acts. The Final Acts constitute a record of the decisions taken at the conference including both the new and revised provisions of the Radio Regulations, all Appendices, and the new and revised Resolutions and ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference into the treaty by the conference

Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) 
Event Dates   15 – 24 October 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   New Delhi, India 
Relevant SDGs   SDG 5, 9, 11, 13, 17 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

Organized every four years, WTSA is the governing conference for the standardization work of ITU, the United Nations Agency for Digital Technologies.  

WTSA directs the agency's activities on standards and reviews the strategy, structure, and working methods of ITU's standardization arm (ITU-T). The conference also approves the mandates and appoints the leadership teams of ITU-T expert groups for international standardization. Standards from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) support cost-effective, interoperable advancements in technology at a global scale. By capturing and creating a basis for continuous innovation, standards provide the foundation for new industries to grow and established industries to evolve.  

Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024  
Event Dates   27-31 May 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

The UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 (21 December 2001) endorsed the holding of the World Summit on the Information Society in two phases.  

The first phase took place in Geneva from 10 to 12 December 2003 and the second phase took place in Tunis, from 16 to 18 November 2005.  

The goal of WSIS is to achieve a common vision, desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented information society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information.  

The WSIS Forum is an annual multistakeholder event within the WSIS process. It brings together various stakeholders, including governments, civil societies, private sectors, academia, international organizations, and technical communities, to network, partner, and share insights on achieving Sustainable Development Goals through the framework of WSIS Action Lines. The forum is hosted annually by the ITU and co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP, and UNCTAD.  

Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   WSIS+20 High-Level Event 2025  
Event Dates   7-11 July 2025 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

The UN General Assembly Resolution 56/183 (21 December 2001) endorsed the holding of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in two phases.  

The first phase took place in Geneva from 10 to 12 December 2003 and the second phase took place in Tunis, from 16 to 18 November 2005.  

The goal of WSIS is to achieve a common vision, desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented information society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information.  

The WSIS Forum 2025 is branded as the WSIS+20 High-Level Event 2025 in Geneva, serving as a platform for discussion of the WSIS+20 review and the WSIS Action Lines, and for taking stock of the achievements, emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities since the Geneva Plan of Action. The WSIS+20 Review will pay specific  attention to how WSIS can support implementation of the Global Digital Compact. 

Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   AI for Good Global Summit 2024 
Event Dates   30-31 May 2024 & all year long 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

AI for Good is the United Nations’ leading platform on Artificial Intelligence for sustainable development.  

The mission of AI for Good is to identify trustworthy AI applications and build skills and standards to advance AI governance for positive global impact.  The platform is co-convened with the Government of Switzerland and in partnership with over 40 UN agencies.  

With a thriving community of over 37,000 active contributors spanning more than 180 countries, AI for Good is executing an ambitious programme on AI, guided by Resolution 214 (Bucharest, 2022) of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, and amplified by the new landmark Resolution A/78/L.49 of the UN General Assembly (New York, 2024). These AI resolutions underscore the necessity of developing safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems that contribute to sustainable development. The recent adoption of Resolution COM4/AI at WTSA-24 (New Delhi, 2024) further emphasizes ITU’s mandate and AI for Good’s role in establishing trusted AI and providing capacity development to member states  

Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   AI for Good Global Summit 2025 
Event Dates   8-11 July 2025 & all year long 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    To leverage the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive progress toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), AI for Good will continue in 2025 to host the flagship annual Global Summit in Geneva, along with regional impact events across the globe, engaging youth through Robotics for Good Youth Challenges worldwide, Innovation Factory and Machine Learning (ML) Hackathons, Governance Day and International AI Standards Summit. All of this is to address urgent calls from global entities like the UN Global Digital Compact, the High-Level Advisory Body on AI, and the G20 to lead in AI standards and capacity-building.  
Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   ITU Digital Skills Forum  
Event Dates   17-19 September 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Manama, Bahrain 
Relevant SDGs   SDG 4 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    The ITU Digital Skills Forum is the core global event for Member States and other stakeholders to discuss the most pressing needs that must be addressed to ensure that universal digital skills can be achieved, and the global digital skills gap be closed. Under the theme “Development skills for digital transformation”, the event addressed the need for increased action to ensure that individuals everywhere have the digital skills to fully unlock the benefits of today's technologies. It concluded with calls for collaboration, coordination and partnerships in developing and delivering digital skills to bridge the digital divide and contribute to digital transformation. 
Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   ITU Global Symposium for Regulators 
Event Dates   1-4 July, 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Kampala, Uganda 
Relevant SDGs   SDG 9 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    The 23rd edition of the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-24) was held in Kampala, Uganda, from 1 to 4 July 2024 under the theme 'Regulation for impact'. The event attracted over 600 participants from over 77 countries. Recalling the series of GSR Best Practice Guidelines since 2003 that capture established regulatory principles for a competitive, secure and inclusive enabling digital environment, regulators adopted Best Practice Guidelines recognizing the importance of defining effective policy and regulatory measures and guiding principles to help chart the course of telecommunications/ICTs as enablers of transformative technologies for positive impact.  
Website (if applicable)   GSR-24 


Event Name   ITU Global Standards Symposium (GSS-24) 
Event Dates   14 October 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   New Delhi, India 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

The fifth Global Standards Symposium (GSS-24) convened on 14 October 2024, in New Delhi, India under the theme “Charting the Next Digital Wave: Emerging Technologies, Innovation, and International Standards”. This  

significant gathering brought together esteemed thought leaders from government, industry, academia,  

standards developing organizations and the United Nations. The event attracted more than 2600 participants from ITU members and non-ITU members. A High-Level Segment was held with the participation of more than 20 Ministers/Deputy Ministers, more than 20 Head of Regulatory Authorities, and more than 10 industry leaders. The symposium's outcomes have been submitted for the consideration of ITU's membership at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24) and are freely available online.  

Website (if applicable)   GSS-24 


Event Name   ITU Digital Transformation Dialogues 
Event Dates   All year round 
Event Location (City, Country)   Virtual 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

ITU, in partnership with various organizations and UN entities, is organizing an ongoing series of Digital Transformation Dialogues (DTD). In 2024, the series hosted 21 sessions in diverse formats, including Fireside Chats, Ask-the-Expert sessions, and Digital Transformation Webinars. These events were tailored to address the industry’s rapidly evolving needs and to explore the future of digital transformation across multiple sectors.

The series drew a wide range of expert speakers and engaged over 2,700 virtual attendees worldwide. This format enabled ITU to connect with policymakers, industry leaders, and technical experts, providing critical insights on accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through digital transformation.  

In 2025, ITU will continue organizing the Digital Transformation Dialogues throughout the year.  

Website (if applicable)   Digital Transformation Dialogues 


Event Name   8th meeting of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative 
Event Dates   19 September 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Madrid, Spain 
Relevant SDGs   SDG11 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

As part of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative, the eighth meeting of the U4SSC Initiative took place in conjunction with RECI congress on smart cities in Madrid, Spain on 19 September 2024.  

Four new Thematic Groups on future foresight for cities, sustainable digital transformation in buildings and urban energy, socio-cultural sustainability in people-centered city governance, and digital public infrastructure for cities were established during the U4SSC meeting. Three new U4SSC publications have been launched by ITU together with other 19 UN entities.

The next U4SSC meeting is expected to take place in 2025  

Website (if applicable)   United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative 


Event Name   UN Virtual Worlds Day 
Event Dates   14 June 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

ITU, in partnership with World Bank, UNECE, ITCILO, United Nations Futures Lab Network, WMO, UNICC, WIPO, UNICEF, UN Tourism, UNU, UNDPPA, UNIN, United Nations Guatemala, FAO, UNESCWA, UNFCCC and its interagency initiative Resilience Frontiers and UNRISD, organized the first-ever UN Virtual Worlds Day took place on 14 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, marking a significant milestone in showcasing how virtual worlds, including the metaverse and spatial computing, can accelerate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  

The first UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse for the SDGs was launched as one of the key outcomes of the UN Virtual Worlds Day.  

The second UN Virtual Worlds Day is expected to take place in May 2025.  

Website (if applicable)   UN Virtual Worlds Day 


Event Name   UN Metaverse Think-a-Thon 
Event Dates   5 March - 14 June 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Virtual & Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

ITU, in partnership with UNICC, FAO and IAEA, organized the first UN Metaverse Think-a-Thon, where participants designed innovative virtual simulations aimed at revolutionizing urban planning, education, and disaster preparedness. The theme of UN Metaverse Think-a-Thon 2024 is “Virtual Worlds Revolutionizing Smart Sustainable Cities & Communities”. 169 participants and 69 teams from more than 10 countries develop cutting-edge solutions for smart sustainable cities and communities during the Think-a-Thon. Three teams were awarded during the first UN Virtual Worlds Day on 14 June 2024 in Geneva.  

The second UN Metaverse Think-a-Thon is expected to take place as part of the UN Virtual Worlds Day in 2025.  

Website (if applicable)   UN Metaverse Think-a-Thon 


Event Name   ITU Forums on metaverse 
Event Dates   4 March 2024 and 13 June 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Queretaro, Mexico & Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   All 17 SDGs 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    

The objective of the forums was to stimulate global dialogue on the metaverse, providing a platform to:

  • explore challenges and opportunities for an accessible, sustainable, and inclusive metaverse;
  • foster the development of interoperability standards for an open and inclusive metaverse, and accelerate their development;  
  • debate the role of the metaverse in transforming consumer experiences and business models across industries;
  • discuss how the metaverse can be used to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and accelerate digital transformation;  
  • provide inputs and discuss relevant topics that can help accelerate the work of the ITU Focus Group on the metaverse. 
Website (if applicable) 


Event Name   Global Connectivity Forum  
Event Dates   8-10 July 2024 
Event Location (City, Country)   Geneva, Switzerland 
Relevant SDGs   SDG 4 
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s)    A convening of high-level representatives from Ministries of Education, Ministries responsible for ICT and Communications Regulatory Authorities from countries engaged with the Giga initiative and other stakeholders from industry and development partners to meet, network, take stock of progress achieved and the challenges/bottlenecks, and chart a course to achieving universal school connectivity. 
Website (if applicable)   Giga Connectivity Forum – Giga 


4. In the past year, has your organization published or planned to publish any analytical work, guidance or reference materials, or toolkits to guide and support the implementation of SDGs at national, regional and global levels? Please select up to three to highlight, especially those that address interlinkages among the SDGs.  


Resource Name ITU Digital Skills Toolkit 2024 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG 4 
Publishing entity/entities ITU 
Target audience  Policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia 
Description (max 150 words)  The ITU Digital Skills Toolkit offers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to support policy makers and other stakeholders to create effective national digital skills strategies and policies. This practical resource offers actionable insights and examples, making it a valuable tool for countries at all stages of digital development.  
Language(s) English, but will be available soon in all 6 UN languages 
Website (if applicable) 


Resource Name ITU G5 Accelerator 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG 9 
Publishing entity/entities ITU 
Target audience  Policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia 
Description (max 150 words)  The G5 Accelerator brings together high-value tools and resources offering practical, step-by-step support for countries already embarked or planning to embark on their digital transformation journey toward fifth generation collaborative regulation (G5). The G5 accelerator includes global and national best practices in collaborative digital policy and regulation, research and learnings across two decades in a new, powerful engine helping countries accelerate their progress towards digital development. 
Language(s) English 
Website (if applicable) ITU | G5 Accelerator 


Resource Name ITU Digital Regulation Platform and Training 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG 9 
Publishing entity/entities ITU 
Target audience  Policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia 
Description (max 150 words)  The Digital Regulation Platform provides practical guidance and global best practice examples for policy makers and regulators on harnessing the benefits of the digital economy and society for citizens and firms. It is the result of ongoing collaboration between the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the World Bank, which started in 2000.  Structured by thematic areas, the Digital Regulation platform and training provides an update on ICT regulation in light of the digital transformation sweeping across sectors and also includes new regulatory aspects and tools for ICT regulators to consider when making regulatory decisions. 
Language(s) 6 languages 
Website (if applicable) Digital Regulation Platform and Trainings | Digital Regulation Platform 


Resource Name 1st UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse for the SDGs 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) All 17 SDGs 
Publishing entity/entities ITU, World Bank, UNECE, ITCILO, United Nations Futures Lab Network, WMO, UNICC, WIPO, UNICEF, UN Tourism, UNU, UNDPPA, UNIN, United Nations Guatemala, FAO, UNESCWA, UNFCCC and its interagency initiative Resilience Frontiers and UNRISD 
Target audience  Policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia 
Description (max 150 words)  The executive briefing provides an in-depth look at the enabling power of these digital spaces in advancing the SDGs, particularly focusing on the transformative impact of the metaverse, which has been defined by ITU Focus Group on metaverse as “an integrative ecosystem of virtual worlds offering immersive experiences to users, that modify pre-existing and create new value from economic, environmental, social and cultural perspectives”. It concludes that while there are challenges to leveraging virtual worlds for the SDGs, the opportunities are vast. By promoting equitable access, sustainable practices, and balancing innovation with responsibility, decision-makers can harness the potential of metaverse and virtual worlds to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future for all. 
Language(s) English 
Website (if applicable) 1st UN Executive Briefing on Unlocking the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse for the SDGs 


Resource Name United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Deliverables 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG11 
Target audience  City leaders, policy makers, city planners and related stakeholders, such as private sectors and academia representatives 
Description (max 150 words)  

The U4SSC thematic groups develop action plans, technical specifications, case studies, guidelines and offer policy guidance for cities to become smarter and more sustainable while accelerating their digital transformation. The following deliverables were launched in 2024:

  • U4SSC Brochure – Connecting communities, empowering people
  • Policy benchmarks for digital transformation of people-centred cities
  • Data and API requirements for centralized smart city platforms
  • Guiding principles for artificial intelligence in cities
    • Case study – Hong Kong  
    • Case study – Dubai  
    • Case study – Buenos Aires  
    • Case study – Singapore  
    • Case study – Copenhagen
Language(s) English 
Website (if applicable) U4SSC Publications 


Resource Name A framework to guide the digital transformation of education 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) SDG 4 
Publishing entity/entities UNESCO, ITU, UNICEF, the Global Partnership for Education, as well as public and private partners 
Target audience  Policy-makers and other stakeholders, such as partners in the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and academia 
Description (max 150 words)  This document breaks down the essential components of digital transformation in education from a systems perspective. The outer layer of the framework represents the vision (purpose, priorities and principles) while the inner layer comprises the six pillars: coordination and leadership; connectivity and infrastructure; cost and sustainability; capacity and culture; content and solutions; and data and evidence. The framework serves as a tool to support decision-makers in the development of a holistic vision and participatory strategies for the use of technology to advance education system goals, allowing education stakeholders who use it to respond more effectively to new developments, emerging technologies and evolving educational needs. 
Language(s) English 
Website (if applicable) Launch of common framework to guide the digital transformation of education | UNESCO 


5. The United Nations has defined six key transitions, or transformative entry points, that can have catalytic and multiplier effects across the SDGs and which have been guiding the UN development system work since the 2023 SDG Summit. In the past year, how has your organization contributed to  these transformative actions and how various actors are being rallied behind them to mobilize further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale? Please provide any relevant links. 

4. Education

Giga – the joint initiative by ITU and UNICEF towards connecting all schools to the Internet, has continued to support Governments in:

  • geo-mapping of schools,  
  • providing a tool to facilitate real-time monitoring of the connectivity of the schools,  
  • infrastructure analysis – assessing the proximity of schools to existing national communications infrastructure as well as identifying the technical options, financial, policy and regulatory requirements to address the prevailing school connectivity gaps,
  • engaging financial institutions and private sector to facilitate investment and funding of the infrastructure and connectivity requirements
  • providing technical support and expertise in procurement and contracting of service providers for connectivity.

Giga is also establishing a capacity strengthening Centre that fosters knowledge transfer, information sharing, research, innovation and effective multi-stakeholder collaborations towards inclusive, universal school connectivity. During the year, the first course has been produced for which a call for participation shall be put out in November 2024. Partnerships have also been established with academic institutions first in Geneva to foster research and innovation into the challenges and opportunities along the entire value chain towards school connectivity.

This builds upon the Government Technology Exchange Program (GTEP), a session of which took place in Barcelona, Spain from 4-8 November 2024.  Government Tech Exchange Programme – Giga

3. Digital connectivity:

The Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition is ITU’s global multistakeholder alliance, bringing together stakeholders to mobilize and announce new resources, partnerships, and commitments to achieve universal and meaningful connectivity. The Coalition advances sustainable digital transformation worldwide, with a strong focus on reaching the hardest-to-connect communities, particularly in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

P2C uses the Action Framework to highlight the key elements that need to be addressed to achieve universal, meaningful connectivity and digital transformation for all. The Framework also gives a guideline to pledgers on the Focus Areas under which pledges can be submitted.

So far, P2C has received 951 pledges worth USD 52.7 billion. P2C engages 457 entities from government, private sector, UN agencies and other international or regional organizations (including multilateral development banks), civil society, academia, and youth groups.

Of the 457 entities participating in the Coalition, 182 are of governmental nature, 106 are from the private sector and 26 are UN Agencies. 

6. Please provide strategies (policies, guidance, plan) and/or collective actions taken to implement the 2024 Ministerial Declaration of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the Council. Please note any challenges foreseen and provide any relevant links.  

The annual WSIS Forum provides a platform to showcase trends, innovative ICT projects, and initiatives that directly align with WSIS Action Lines, reinforcing the critical role of ICTs in advancing the SDGs. As referenced in the Political Declaration, science, technology, and innovation serve as drivers of sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of building capacities necessary for sustainable transformations, all of which are echoed and reinforced through WSIS outcomes shaping global agendas alongside the 2030 Agenda and other essential frameworks. The upcoming WSIS+20 High-Level Event 2025, which will be held from 7 to 11 July 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland will serve as a platform for discussion of the WSIS+20 review and the WSIS Action Lines and to take stock of the achievements and key trends, challenges and opportunities since the Geneva Plan of Action. WSIS acknowledged that collective action and partnership are essential for realizing the vision of a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all. 

7. What collective efforts is your entity undertaking to support countries in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the areas of Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), Goal 5 (Gender equality), Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), Goal 14 (Life below water) and Goal 17 (Partnerships), which will go under in-depth review at the HLPF in 2025? Please note any achievements, challenges and gaps and provide any relevant links. 


Initiative/Partnership Name United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative 
Partners (please list all partners) The United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative is a global UN collaboration, coordinated by ITU, UNEP and UNECE, and supported by a network of key partners, including UN-Habitat, CBD, ECLAC, FAO, UNDESA, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO, UNEP, UNEP-FI, UNFCCC, UNIDO, UNOPS, UNU-EGOV, UN-Women, UNWTO, and WMO. 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)  All 17 SDGs, in particular SDG11 
Member States benefiting from it Open to all interested parties 
Description (max 150 words) The United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) is a global initiative that provides an international platform for information exchange and partnership building to guide cities and communities in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The U4SSC supports cities on their digital transformation journey in order to meet their goals and targets and create the cities and communities of tomorrow. 
Website  United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative 


Initiative/Partnership Name Global Initiative on Virtual Worlds – Discovering the CitiVerse 
Partners (please list all partners) ITU, UNICC and Digital Dubai 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)  All 17 SDGs 
Member States benefiting from it All 
Description (max 150 words) Global Initiative on Virtual Worlds – Discovering the CitiVerse aims to enhance capacity development, facilitate the sharing of best practices, provide strategic policy guidance, and create a sandbox environment for governments and cities to simulate virtual world scenarios, accelerating progress toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
Website  Global Initiative on Virtual Worlds – Discovering the CitiVerse 


Initiative/Partnership Name Network of Women 
Partners (please list all partners) Donors include China, Saudi Arabia, Australia 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)  SDG5 
Member States benefiting from it Global 
Description (max 150 words) The ITU Network of Women (NoW) initiative, along with the NoW of Digital Ministers, champions the inclusion of gender perspectives across all ITU activities and ensures meaningful participation of women in high-level conferences, assemblies and technical meetings. NoW actively engages women delegates, amplifying their voices and representation at ITU’s main assemblies and governing body meetings. By fostering networks and providing a supportive platform, the initiative has facilitated mentorship, training, and knowledge exchange, empowering women in ICT and enhancing their visibility and influence in a traditionally male-dominated field. Before each major assembly, NoW sets specific objectives and targets to increase women’s participation in decision-making and leadership roles, underscoring ITU’s commitment to gender equality in technology and telecommunications. Through its efforts, NoW has made strides in shaping an inclusive ICT environment that values women’s contributions and promotes diversity at all levels. 

NoW in ITU-T 

NoW in ITU-R 

NoW in ITU-D 


Initiative/Partnership Name WSIS-Beijing+30 Common Action Agenda for Bridging Gender Digital Divide 
Partners (please list all partners) WSIS/ITU, UN Women 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)  All 17 SDGs, in particular SDG5 
Member States benefiting from it Open to all stakeholders 
Description (max 150 words) This is a collaborative initiative aimed at advancing digital inclusion and gender equality globally. This initiative seeks to establish a common action agenda that addresses the digital gender gap by building on the WSIS Action Lines and the commitments of the Beijing Declaration. 


Initiative/Partnership Name Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition 
Partners (please list all partners) UN-OHRLLS, UN Tech Envoy 
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals)  All SDGs 
Member States benefiting from it All Member States and particularly LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS 
Description (max 150 words) 

P2C is ITU’s global multistakeholder alliance engaging all stakeholders to mobilize and announce new resources, partnerships, and commitments to achieve universal and meaningful connectivity.  

The Coalition fosters meaningful connectivity and digital transformation globally, with a focus on but not limited to hardest-to-connect communities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

P2C uses the Action Framework to highlight the key elements that need to be addressed to achieve universal, meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation for all. The Framework also gives a guideline to pledgers on the Focus Areas under which pledges can be submitted. 

ECESA Plus Member
Year of submission: 2024