United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
1. In the past year, has the governing body of your organization taken any decisions to advance sustainable, inclusive, science- and evidence-based solutions for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensure that no one is left behind? If yes, please briefly mention these decisions taken by your governing body in 2024 and provide the respective symbols.
Building on the momentum built by the 2023 SDG Summit and its groundbreaking Political Declaration to help Member States to put the 2030 Agenda back on track, UN DESA adopted a Departmental Plan of Action 2024. It focuses on accelerating SDG progress with urgency, providing countries in special situations with tailored support, and delivering evidence-based policy analysis.
Among the several action areas outlined in the action plan, UN DESA sought to accelerate action on the SDGs and strengthening multilateralism, by providing meaningful support to crucial intergovernmental processes in 2024, including the Summit of the Future, to address critical challenges in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments to the SDGs and the UN Charter, and rebuild trust in a multilateral system that can improve people’s lives.
In addition, UN DESA also sought to address poverty, inequality, and leave no one behind in the recovery from the confluence of crises. To this end, the Department aimed to deploy increasingly disaggregated data to highlight inequalities and gaps in SDG implementation, provide support to Member States on various Our Common Agenda proposals to advance social development and strengthen trust in public institutions, including through preparations for the Second World Summit for Social Development in 2025.
2. During 2024, what actions have your entities taken to improve coordination among UN system entities across policy and normative activities as well as with ECOSOC subsidiary bodies with a view to increase impact and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda? Please provide any relevant links.
UN DESA, as the convenor of the Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs (ECESA), organized an ECESA-plus meeting with an overarching objective to coordinate and align efforts among 54 member entities from the UN system to follow up on key milestone events in 2024 (e.g., fourth SIDS Conference) and prepare for major events in 2025 (e.g., third UN Ocean Conference, fourth Financing for Development Conference, second World Social Summit) in support of accelerating implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
UN DESA also continued to support ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies in support of the 2030 Agenda through its Secretarial role. At the ECOSOC Coordination Segment, Member States called for reinvigoration of multilateralism to achieve the 2030 Agenda and build momentum towards the Summit of the Future. The ECOSOC Operational Activities for Development Segment called for enhancing the effectiveness and coherence of the UN development system (UNDS) to achieve the SDGs, reviewed progress and provided guidance on QCPR implementation and UNDS repositioning. The Department also continued to support the ECOSOC Commissions, Committees and Advisory Bodies in support of the SDGs, and led the organization of special meetings of ECOSOC on AI for the SDGs, international tax cooperation and the future of work.
3. In the past year, has your organization organized any intergovernmentally mandated conferences, forums or events that contributed to the achievement of the SDGs, or has been in the process of planning and organizing any such mandated events to be held next year?
In 2024, UN DESA supported the organization of multiple intergovernmentally mandated conferences, forums and events in support of the SDGs, as well as supported the planning and preparation of the forthcoming mandated events in 2025, including (but not limited to) the following major events:
Event Name | Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) |
Event Dates | 27-30 May 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | St John’s, Antigua and Barbuda |
Relevant SDGs | All SDGs |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | UN DESA helped deliver the landmark Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS – A Renewed Declaration for Resilient Prosperity (ABAS) at the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4). The ABAS outcome – adopted by consensus at the Conference and for which UN DESA supported the intergovernmental negotiations – sets out the sustainable development aspirations of SIDS over the next 10 years and the support required from the international community to achieve them. The conference itself assessed SIDS’ progress towards their sustainable development objectives and was a forum for practical and impactful solutions and partnerships to address SIDS’ most pressing challenges. As secretariat of the conference, UN DESA coordinated substantive and logistical preparations, in collaboration with the host country and other UN entities. It brought more than 3,000 representatives from 121 countries, the UN system and other stakeholders to Antigua and Barbuda in 2024. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of ECOSOC |
Event Dates | 8-17 July 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | New York, USA |
Relevant SDGs | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | At the July 2024 High-level Political Forum, more than 90 Heads of State and Government, Deputy Prime Ministers, and Ministers, along with other actors, gathered at the UN Headquarters in New York to review progress towards SDG 1 on no poverty, 2 on zero hunger, 13 on climate action, 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions, and 17 on partnerships for the Goals. At this first meeting of the forum after the 2023 SDG Summit, 125 high-level presenters, experts, and representatives of the UN system shared experiences and showcased innovative solutions to achieve the SDGs. Thirty-six countries presented Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), demonstrating further deepening of data and indicators, maturing of institutional frameworks, and more inclusive engagement with stakeholders. Adopted at the closing of the Forum, the focused and balanced Ministerial Declaration identifies current challenges, and future actions and investment pathways to reinforce the 2030 Agenda and deliver on the SDGs. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Summit of the Future |
Event Dates | 22-23 September 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | New York, USA |
Relevant SDGs | All SDGs |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | In accordance with General Assembly resolution 76/307, the Summit of the Future provided a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments including to the SDGs and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that is better positioned to positively impact people’s lives. Building on the SDG Summit in 2023, Member States adopted the Pact for the Future, including the Declaration on Future Generations and Global Digital Compact. DESA has been actively engaged in providing support to the implementation of numerous Pact commitments, including in the areas of SDGs action acceleration, IFA reform, STI, social development and ‘beyond GDP’. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | United Nations Ocean Conference |
Event Dates | 9-13 June 2025 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Nice, France |
Relevant SDGs | SDG 14 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The third UN Ocean Conference, under the overarching theme “Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean,” aims to support further and urgent action to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and identify further ways and means to support the implementation of SDG 14. It will build on existing instruments to form successful partnerships towards the swift conclusion and effective implementation of ongoing processes that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean. The Conference will involve all relevant stakeholders, bringing together Governments, the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, other interested international bodies, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, philanthropic organizations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities and other actors to assess challenges and opportunities relating to, as well as actions taken towards, the implementation of Goal 14. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development |
Event Dates | 30 June – 3 July 2025 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Seville, Spain |
Relevant SDGs | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 17 |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) is mandated to assess progress in previous financing for development outcomes, including implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, the Doha Declaration and the Addis Ababa Action agenda. It will also address new and emerging issues and support the reform of the international financial architecture (IFA). DESA supported the organization of the first Preparatory Committee session for FfD4, which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in July 2024. Around 800 participants, including 29 Ministers/Vice Ministers, representing over 100 countries joined the session. There was a shared understanding of the urgent need for reforming the IFA to unlock financing with speed and scale, as well as the rules and governance of international taxation, building a development-friendly debt architecture, creating fiscal space for investment in the SDGs and reforming international development cooperation. |
Website (if applicable) |
Event Name | Second World Summit for Social Development |
Event Dates | 4-6 November 2024 |
Event Location (City, Country) | Doha, Qatar |
Relevant SDGs | All SDGs |
Description (max 150 words): please include a short summary of the event’s mandate and contributions to the SDGs, including its main outcome(s) | The Second World Summit for Social Development (WSSD2) aims to address the gaps and recommit to the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action and its implementation and give momentum towards implementing the 2030 Agenda. Co-chaired by Belgium and Morocco, outcome of WSSD2 is expected to culminate in a short and concise political declaration adopted by consensus. |
Website (if applicable) |
4. In the past year, has your organization published or planned to publish any analytical work, guidance or reference materials, or toolkits to guide and support the implementation of SDGs at national, regional and global levels? Please select up to three to highlight, especially those that address interlinkages among the SDGs.
In 2024, UN DESA published various reports and analytical products to guide and support the implementation of SDGs at national, regional and global levels, including (but not limited to) the following major publications:
Resource Name | The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Publishing entity/entities | United Nations |
Target audience | Policy makers at the national, regional and global levels |
Description (max 150 words) | In June 2024, UN DESA led the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024, detailing the significant challenges the world is facing in making substantial strides towards achieving the SDGs based on the latest data and estimates. It features areas with setbacks while also showcasing where tangible progress has been made, for instance, in reducing global child mortality, preventing HIV infection, and access to energy and mobile broadband. The report also highlights where action must accelerate, particularly in critical areas undermining SDG progress — climate change, peace and security, and inequalities among and between countries. |
Language(s) | English |
Website (if applicable) |
Resource Name | World Social Report 2024 |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 1, 10, 13 and 17 |
Publishing entity/entities | United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs |
Target audience | Policy makers at the national, regional and global levels |
Description (max 150 words) | Titled “Social Development in Times of Converging Crises: A Call for Global Action”, the World Social Report 2024 explains that, in our current global policy environment, shocks more readily turn into crises that cross boundaries, demanding international action. Particularly as such crises disproportionately impact the most vulnerable people, societies and countries. It calls for the need of urgent global action to support national efforts in addressing the setbacks caused by the recent global crises, and avoiding the conversion of future shocks to crises. |
Language(s) | English |
Website (if applicable) |
Resource Name | World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024 |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 1, 8, 10, 16 and 17 |
Publishing entity/entities | United Nations |
Target audience | Policy makers at the national, regional and global levels |
Description (max 150 words) | World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024 presented a sombre economic outlook for the near term, caused by persistently high interest rates, further escalation of conflicts, sluggish international trade, and increasing climate disasters. The report also raised concerns about soaring debt costs hindering investment in education, health, and social protection systems in countries in vulnerable and special situations, including least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Against this backdrop, the report called for stronger and more effective global cooperation to reinvigorate the multilateral trading system, reform development finance, address debt challenges, and scale up climate financing. |
Language(s) | English |
Website (if applicable) |
5. The United Nations has defined six key transitions, or transformative entry points, that can have catalytic and multiplier effects across the SDGs and which have been guiding the UN development system work since the 2023 SDG Summit. In the past year, how has your organization contributed to these transformative actions and how various actors are being rallied behind them to mobilize further leadership and investment to bring progress to scale? Please provide any relevant links. (max 200 words under each transition)
In 2024, UN DESA supported Member States and other key stakeholders to mobilize transformative actions across the six areas, including (but not limited to) the following:
1) Food systems
- UN DESA is empowering communities to address poverty, environmental degradation, and food security challenges through innovation. In Fiji, UN DESA collaborated with national partners to showcase the transformative potential of “Juncao”, a type of grass that can be used in mushroom production, as feed for animals, as windbreaks, and to minimize soil erosion.
- UN DESA, in collaboration with International Organisation of Employers, World Business Council of Sustainable Development and UN Global Compact, organized the 2024 SDG Global Business Forum with special emphasis on corporate governance aspects of food systems transformation, along with other issues such as just transition, poverty eradication and the future of work.
- UN DESA has been supporting the work of the ECOSOC Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti (AHAGH) to follow closely the crisis in Haiti, including through its working group on supporting Haiti to meet the needs of crisis-affected populations and to build a more productive and resilient food system (WG2).
2) Energy access and affordability
- UN DESA organized a Global Stocktaking on SDG 7, which brought together governments, the UN system, and civil society including youth organizations, to accelerate implementation of SDG 7 by 2030 and beyond. The outcome was a call to action urging all stakeholders to step up action towards universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services by 2030; accelerate global energy transitions and actions towards net zero emission energy systems; scale up finance and investment for developing countries; ensure that no one is left behind; and follow up on the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, including through a UN conference on energy. The Global Stocktaking was convened in collaboration with UN-Energy to mark the completion of the UN Decade, in April 2024. UN DESA conducted regional and thematic consultations in preparation of the Stocktaking, meeting experts and collecting written inputs from Member States through an online survey.
3) Digital connectivity
- In the 2024 UN E-Government Survey, UN DESA evaluated e-government services at both national and local levels to help governments identify strengths and areas of improvement. A key component of the Survey is the “Local Online Service Index” (LOSI) methodology, which aims to enhance e-government services by assessing local government portals.
- UN DESA helped countries to combat digital divides through a series of online national and local e-government toolkits. The national toolkit offers a strategic planning roadmap, while the local toolkit provides detailed guidance for local authorities to create user-friendly online platforms that promote citizen-centric services.
- [Forthcoming] UN DESA is supporting the preparation of the 19th Internet Governance Forum, to be held on 15-19 December in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. One of the focus themes of the Forum is “advancing human rights and inclusion in the digital age”, which will discuss how to empower all people and drive genuine inclusion of all communities in shaping its development. This includes efforts to connect and empower all populations, in particular marginalised communities and vulnerable groups to reap the benefits that the Internet has to offer, and ensure that the same rights they enjoy offline also apply online.
4) Education
- Recognizing the key role of higher education in achieving sustainable development, UN DESA continued to co-chair the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), a partnership between the UN and the higher education community, including UN University, UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education and the Sulitest Association. The 2024 HESI Global Forum at the HLPF, under the theme “The Future of Higher Education for Sustainable Development”, served as a preparatory platform for initiatives to be advocated or launched at the Summit of the Future.
5) Jobs and social protection
- UN DESA supported the organization of the ECOSOC Special Meeting on the Future of Work, which highlighted the need to accelerate action towards creating decent jobs as a crucial response to addressing poverty and deepening inequalities. Under the theme “Towards a productive, inclusive, and sustainable global society,” particular attention was paid to supporting vulnerable groups in the labour market through improved access to social protection programmes and urging international cooperation to ensure policies keep pace with rapid market changes.
- UN DESA supported the 62nd Session of the Commission for Social Development, which emphasized the need for context-specific policies, strengthened national statistical capacities, and robust social protection systems to accelerate poverty eradication.
- Recognizing the pivotal role of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in creating decent jobs and driving the global economy, UN DESA partnered with the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office and Country Team to deliver comprehensive training to local entrepreneurs in February 2024 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. These workshops equipped participants with enhanced entrepreneurial and digitalization skills, enabling them to tap into regional markets like the Africa Continental Free Trade Area.
6) Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
- 2024 edition of the Global Report on Climate and SDG Synergies was launched by UN DESA and UNFCCC during the HLPF. Prepared by the Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy, it provides a roadmap for policymakers to realize synergistic climate and SDG actions on the ground. UN DESA and UNFCCC also organized the fifth Global Conference on Synergizing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
- UN DESA is leading the analytical work to help prepare the 2025 UN Ocean Conference, involving extensive consultations with Member States, UN system representatives and other stakeholders.
- Together with UN-Water, the Department developed the first-ever UN system-wide Strategy for Water and Sanitation in consultation with Member States.
- UN DESA supported the organization of the 19th session of the UN Forum on Forests, which culminated in a high-level segment declaration and an omnibus resolution calling for actions across 10 key areas of the International Arrangement on Forests.
6. Please provide strategies (policies, guidance, plan) and/or collective actions taken to implement the 2024 Ministerial Declaration of the Economic and Social Council and the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the Council. Please note any challenges foreseen and provide any relevant links.
UN DESA has been diligently following up on the Ministerial Declaration of the high-level segment of the 2024 session of the Economic and Social Council and the 2024 high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) convened under the auspices of the Council through its three key pillars of work – intergovernmental support, analytical work and capacity building – in support of advancing the SDGs, including the Goals in focus of the 2024 HLPF. The Department prepares the informal note of the Secretariat, as mandated by GA resolution 75/290A, as a follow up to the implementation of the 2024 Ministerial Declaration as well as to further inform discussions at the 2025 ECOSOC Coordination Segment. The Department is also providing substantive support to Member States to prepare and present Voluntary National Reviews at the 2025 HLPF.
Looking forward, DESA aims to leverage the major UN Conferences in 2025, including the fourth International Conference on Financing for Development and the second World Summit for Social Development, to further accelerate the overall implementation of the 2030 Agenda. This includes reforming the international financial architecture and promoting inclusive and effective international tax cooperation, as well as promoting inclusive, comprehensive social protection that leaves no one behind, especially in support of countries in special situations and those in vulnerable situations – youth, older persons, Indigenous Peoples and persons with disabilities.
7. What collective efforts is your entity undertaking to support countries in accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in the areas of Goal 3 (Good health and well-being), Goal 5 (Gender equality), Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), Goal 14 (Life below water) and Goal 17 (Partnerships), which will go under in-depth review at the HLPF in 2025? Please note any achievements, challenges and gaps and provide any relevant links.
UN DESA has been actively working to support countries in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs in focus for the HLPF in 2025, including (but not limited to) the following:
Goal 3 (Good health and well-being)
- During the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), UN DESA supported the organization of a multi-stakeholder interactive dialogue, focusing on the need to invest in human capital to address health crisis in SIDS and build the potential of youth in SIDS.
- UN DESA provided technical support to Titchfield Group on Ageing-related Statistics and Age-disaggregated data, particularly the preparation and launch of the Titchfield Group report entitled "Improving the visibility of older people in global statistics." The Group examined data for indicators spanning policy priorities for older persons, including health and care.
Goal 5 (Gender equality)
- UN DESA and UN Women jointly published Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2024. While data presented in the report show that some progress has been made worldwide on gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment, none of the indicators and sub-indicators of SDG 5 has been met. The report includes a set of recommendations to eliminate gender disparities across all the Goals, including legal reforms, and outlines six key investment paths that policymakers must prioritize to ensure the full and equal participation of women and girls in every aspect of society.
- UN DESA assisted several countries to identify and address gender gaps in public administration. Capacity-development modules were developed in partnership with Bhutan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mauritius, and Senegal, which were based on national and international reviews of practice to promote women leadership in public administration. Peer review workshops were held in Thailand and Mauritius in April and June 2024, involving countries from Africa and Asia-Pacific, including SIDS. These sessions promoted a community of practice to enhance gender-responsive strategies. In June 2024, a global workshop in the Republic of Korea further shared insights and lessons from these gender equality action plans.
Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth)
- Produced in partnership with UNCTAD and the five UN Regional Commissions, the flagship World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024 report presented recommendations to foster stronger and more effective global cooperation to reinvigorate the multilateral trading system, reform development finance, address debt challenges, and scale up climate financing. Its mid-year update further provided recommendations to harness the potential of critical mineral resources for a renewable transition to boost economic growth and achieve the SDGs, while avoiding a renewed “resource curse” through sound national policies and effective implementation capacities, supported by an enabling international environment and stronger international cooperation.
- The Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development, chaired by UN DESA Under-Secretary-General Li Junhua, calls for the need to urgently close financing gaps through an investment push, close policy and architecture gaps to make the international financial architecture (IFA) fit for purpose in a crisis-prone world, and close credibility gaps, translating rhetoric into action to rebuild trust in multilateralism.
Goal 14 (Life below water)
- UN DESA leverages interlinkages among the SDGs and promotes synergies between different intergovernmental processes to help safeguard our ocean. UN DESA supported Member States in their call for a third Ocean Conference in 2025 to galvanize global ocean action and build on the outcomes of the previous two Ocean Conferences, the SDG Summit, the fourth International Conference on SIDS, the Summit of the Future, and recent climate and biodiversity COPs.
- UN DESA has been engaging actively with governments and stakeholders to ensure previous voluntary commitments and pledges are translated into tangible results towards SDG 14. For example, the Department organized a workshop in Incheon, Republic of Korea, in October 2023, bringing together past hosts of the UN Ocean Conference with the co-hosts of the 2025 Conference, France and Costa Rica, along with voluntary commitment holders and the Communities of Ocean Action, to exchange best practices and key challenges.
Goal 17 (Partnerships)
- As the Secretariat for the ECOSOC Partnership Forum, UN DESA supported the Forum in demonstrating how innovative partnerships could be scaled up to drive the implementation of SDGs. It featured a set of SDG Action Segments organized by key partners from the UN system working in collaboration with Member States and other stakeholders.
- The 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator Initiative led by the Department continued to support effective multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs, offering training and advisory services for stronger collaboration across sectors.
- UN DESA also further strengthened partnerships in support of SIDS development priorities, by organizing the SIDS Partnership Symposium, in collaboration with ESCAP. The symposium gathered insights from SIDS stakeholders to enhance partnerships on key SIDS priorities, and foster peer learning for effective collaborations.
- UN DESA collaborated with International Organisation of Employers, World Business Council of Sustainable Development, and UN Global Compact to organize the annual SDG Global Business Forum to the special events programme of the HLPF in July.
If your organization has been part of any initiatives or multi-stakeholder partnerships in the past year that support these goals, please copy the below table to fill out for each initiative/partnership.
UN DESA has engaged in various initiatives/multi-stakeholder partnerships in 2024, including (but not limited to) the following:
Initiative/Partnership Name | 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator Initiative |
Partners (please list all partners) | Member States, UN system entities, and other stakeholders |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | The 2030 Agenda Partnership Accelerator Initiative led by the Department continued to support effective multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs – offering training and advisory services for stronger collaboration across sectors to Member States, UN entities, and stakeholders. Through the Partnership Accelerator, UN DESA established the Mexico Network of Partnerships for Local Action, collectively developed by various stakeholders dedicated to realizing the SDGs through strengthened partnerships and local approaches. A comprehensive national partnership landscape assessment for Moldova was conducted, analysing challenges and opportunities to accelerate SDG implementation through multi-stakeholder partnerships. The Department also collaborated with Partnerships2030 and the Global Forum on National SDG Advisory Bodies to raise awareness and develop enabling factors for multi-stakeholder partnerships through the SDG Partnership Symposium and the launch of the Unite to Ignite report. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) |
Partners (please list all partners) | UN system entities, university networks, higher education institutions, student organizations and other interested stakeholders |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI), launched in the lead-up to the Rio+20 Conference in 2012 as an open partnership between several United Nations entities and the higher education community, aims to enhance the role of the higher education sector in advancing sustainable development by facilitating multi-stakeholder discussions, actions, and the dissemination of best practices. In 2024 - 2025, HESI is chaired by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), UN University, UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), and the Sulitest Association - a non-profit organization and online platform aimed at improving sustainability literacy for all. Additional UN partners include UNESCO, UN Environment Programme, UN Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education initiative, UN-HABITAT, UNCTAD, UNITAR, UN Office for Partnerships, and UN Academic Impact. Together with hundreds of university networks, student organizations, and higher education institutions they collectively form the HESI Community. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | SIDS Partnership Symposium |
Partners (please list all partners) | ESCAP |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States, in particular SIDS |
Description (max 150 words) | UN DESA strengthened partnerships in support of SIDS development priorities, by organizing the SIDS Partnership Symposium, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The symposium – held during the 2024 Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development – gathered insights from SIDS stakeholders, explored ways to enhance partnerships on key SIDS priorities, and fostered peer learning for effective collaborations. In addition, the Department supported the organization of the “Partnering for the Planet” online course by St. George’s University, which engaged 468 participants from 74 countries to build capacity and demonstrate partnership principles for SDG support. The course covered modules on partnership approaches, including those related to health and climate adaptation. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | SDG Global Business Forum |
Partners (please list all partners) | UNDESA, UN Global Compact, International Organisation of Employers (IOE), and World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD) |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 1, 2, 13, 16 and 17 |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | UN DESA collaborated with International Organisation of Employers, World Business Council of Sustainable Development, and UN Global Compact to bring the annual SDG Global Business Forum to the special events programme of the High-level Political Forum in July. Considering the goals under in-depth review, the 2024 SDG Business Forum placed special emphasis on a just transition, poverty eradication and the future of work, as well as the corporate governance aspects of food systems transformation. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | UN Data Platform |
Partners (please list all partners) | Google Data Commons, UN system entities |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | The new UN Data Platform signifies a pivotal advancement in leveraging data for global progress. A collaborative effort between UN DESA and Google’s Data Commons, it empowers policymakers, researchers, and the public, leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide easy access to authoritative data and information across the UN system. The Platform directly responds to the Secretary-General’s Data Strategy and is informed by the Roadmap for Innovating UN Data and Statistics. Serving as a centralized hub for accessing official data and statistics collected by the entire UN system, this transformative initiative underscores the UN commitment to data-driven solutions. To showcase the Platform, UN DESA organized the UN 2.0 Week side event “Bringing Together UN System Data in One Place: Introducing the New UN Data Platform” in April 2024. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | Global Network of Data Officers and Statisticians |
Partners (please list all partners) | Member States, UN system entities and other international organizations |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | The Global Network of Data Officers and Statisticians — launched by UN DESA in October 2020 — grew to more than 3,100 members from over 180 countries and territories. The network provides capacity-building and encourages collaboration among peers and organizations working in different areas of statistics, data, and geospatial information. Since its launch, it has played a key role in improving the coordination within and among national statistical systems, United Nations country teams, and international and regional organizations. 50 per cent of the network’s members come from national statistical offices and governments, and 41 per cent from the UN System and other international organizations. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | UN DESA – UNFCCC partnership on Climate and SDG Synergies |
Partners (please list all partners) | Member States, UN system entities (including UNFCCC), academia, youth groups and other stakeholders |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs, with a focus on SDG 13 |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | Building on the findings of the first Global Report on Climate and SDG Synergies, and in collaboration with UNFCCC, a new 2024 edition was launched during a special event at the HLPF in July 2024. This new report provides a roadmap for policymakers with concrete recommendations on realizing synergistic climate and SDG actions on the ground. Furthermore, in 2024, UN DESA and UNFCCC co-convened the Expert Group Meeting on SDG in Tokyo, Japan; a side event during the 60th meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies in Bonn, Germany, for the launch of four thematic reports that inform the final 2024 edition of the Global Synergy Report; and the fifth Global Conference on Synergizing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | Regional launches and operationalization workshops of GSDR |
Partners (please list all partners) | Member States and other stakeholders |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | Building on the launch of the 2023 quadrennial Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) written by the Independent Group of Scientists appointed by the Secretary-General, UN DESA brought together a wide range of stakeholders to explore how the report could mobilize SDG acceleration in different regions and national contexts through a series of regional launches and operationalization workshops. The workshops strengthened the science-policy-society interface in support of science-based transitions towards the SDGs. |
Website |
Initiative/Partnership Name | United Nations Economists Network |
Partners (please list all partners) | UN system entities, academia and other stakeholders |
Relevant SDGs (list all relevant goals) | All SDGs |
Member States benefiting from it | All Member States |
Description (max 150 words) | Convened by UN DESA, the UN Economist Network (UNEN) conducted research and organized events to assist Member States in shaping policies relevant to the SDGs. Throughout the year, UNEN prepared and disseminated policy research on the informal economy, taxation, and migration, presenting evidence-based actions to help accelerate the SDGs. UNEN organized a virtual HLPF side-event on the topic of “How can economists in UN system address the most pressing challenges of the day?”. UNEN also examined ways to strengthen strategic engagements between the UN and international financial institutions at the country level. The network facilitates collaboration among UN system experts on issues relevant to sustainable development, fostering a cross-cutting approach to actionable research and policy analysis. |
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