Military Homecomings

You’ll spend weeks preparing for this special day, and the full military homecoming experience may last for weeks afterward. However, as with any highly anticipated event, the reality for your family could be different from your expectations. Having your loved one back is wonderful, but returning home from deployment is also another significant transition. With advance planning and some military homecoming ideas, you can prepare your children for the joys–and occasional stresses–of having the whole family together again.

Downloadable PDFs


  • How to Reconnect After Separation

    Find ways to bridge the gaps as your children grows and changes during a parent’s deployment.

    How to Reconnect After Separation

  • Multiple Homecomings

    Develop tools to manage multiple military homecomings and constant adjustments.

    Multiple Homecomings

  • Additional Resources

    Helpful links related to Military Homecomings

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