Finding Support in Friendships
Help children remember their "circle of care" in times of sadness.
- Tell kids that when Abby feels sad about her parents’ divorce, she remembers all the people who love and care for her. Show them the coloring page and say something such as, “On the way to the park, Abby sees all her amazing friends and family!”
- As kids color in the path, ask them to identify Abby’s friends. Point out that some are family (her parents) and some are friends (Rosita, Elmo, animals). They all love and support Abby.
- Talk together about kids’ own amazing friends and family, and how each person is special to them. (“Who do you go to for a good hug?” or “Who makes you laugh?”) These people may be near or far, but explain that love is love no matter how far apart we are. You might help them set up playdates with nearby friends, or send e-mails or letters to friends and family far away (or set up a video chat with them).

A Monster-Fairy Problem
A video about the challenges and joys of a blended Muppet family.

Adjusting to Two Homes
Use this video to show children that many other kids have two homes.

Co-parenting Conversations
Simple conversation starters to develop your parenting partnership.

Tell Me About It
Asking children questions and listening to their answers lets you know what’s on their minds.

Adjusting to Blended Families
These pointers can help you guide a child through a new family dynamic.

Taking Care of Yourself
A few ideas to help grown-ups take care of themselves during a divorce, too.

Dealing With Divorce
An overview of strategies adults can use to help kids understand divorce and adjust to the changes it brings.