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5 Times Sesame Street Dads Were Great, Relatable Fathers

Family Bonding
Everyone benefits from spending quality time with family. With little ones, that usually involves plenty of play!

Healthy Minds and Bodies
Help children build healthy habits to last a lifetime.

Explore resources to help both adults and children celebrate the role of fathers.

Moms take care of a huge range of children’s needs—from basic physical needs to emotional needs such as attention and comfort.

Blended Families
Becoming part of a blended family means big changes. Try these strategies to help everyone develop and deepen new relationships as you cope with this transition.

Here are resources and materials to help all children and grandparents continue to build special connections across generations.

El juego de movernos
Un video acerca de un juego para conocernos mejor que ayuda a los niños a apreciar las similitudes y las diferencias.

The Wiggle-Jiggle Game
A video about a getting-to-know-you game that helps kids appreciate similarities and differences.

Juntos en la barbería
Un video acerca de los vínculos afectivos con la comunidad de la barbería de Sesame Street.

Barbershop Bonding
A video about the community bonds of the Sesame Street barbershop.

Día de llevar a su niño al trabajo
Un video acerca de día de "llevar a su niño al trabajo" y el vínculo afectivo, el aprendizaje y la inspiración que pueden tener lugar en el trabajo.