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We Got This! Storybook
Show children some simple ways to feel safer and more secure.
We Got This!
A parent-child coloring page.
We Got This: A “Together Poem”
Through rhyme, rhythm, and repetition, parents remind children of the most important strategies for coping with crisis.
Un día colorido
Para los niños sin hogar, las cosas más pequeñas pueden desatar sentimientos fuertes.
Un consuelo muy especial
Los amigos de Sesame Street presentan las cosas especiales que les dan consuelo.
Taller para padres: Cómo consolar a sus niños
Un taller para padres sobre cómo ayudar a los niños a superar la experiencia de no tener hogar.
Talk About It: For Children Not Experiencing Homelessness
We all may be surprised by how many shelter-insecure people (both children and adults) are in our communities. Share age-appropriate, honest answers about homelessness for children who have not experienced it.
Talk About It: For Children Experiencing Homelessness
Honest, age-appropriate ways to respond to children’s difficult questions.
Supporting Children and Families in Transition
Resources to support your work with children and families.
Special-Special Comfort
The Sesame Street friends introduce their special comfort items.
Serving Homeless Families in Health Care Systems Part 2
Families in transition face unique challenges within the healthcare system. You can help by taking a holistic and creative approach to providing quality, compassionate care.
Serving Homeless Families in Health Care Systems
Families in transition face unique challenges within the healthcare system. You can help by taking a holistic and creative approach to providing quality, compassionate care.