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How to Talk to Kids about Tough Topics
Caring adults can help kids learn coping and resilience-building techniques to help them face tough challenges like divorce, foster care, grief, and more.

Separation or divorce means lots of changes, but love, comfort, and care can help children adjust and cope with family trauma.

Un problema de monstruo-hada
Un video sobre los desafíos y las alegrías de una nueva familia de Muppets.

A Monster-Fairy Problem
A video about the challenges and joys of a blended Muppet family.

Co-parenting Conversations
Simple conversation starters to develop your parenting partnership.

Conversaciones sobre la crianza compartida
Iniciadores de conversación para desarrollar su paternidad compartida.

Adjusting to Two Homes
Use this video to show children that many other kids have two homes.

Adaptarse a dos hogares
Los niños aprenden que otros niños también tienen dos hogares.

Dealing With Divorce
An overview of strategies adults can use to help kids understand divorce and adjust to the changes it brings.

Hacerle preguntas a los niños y escuchar sus respuestas le permite saber lo que está en sus mentes.

Tell Me About It
Asking children questions and listening to their answers lets you know what’s on their minds.

Su cuidado personal
Atienda su cuidado personal durante el divorcio con estas ideas.