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Сильні почуття (Соціально-емоційне навчання) : Коржик сумує
Навіть якщо багато речей змінилося та буде змінюватись і надалі, є речі, які назавжди залишаються незмінними.
Where are the Stones? (Dari)
Remembering the places or things we love from our old homes and honoring that memory in our new homes can bring us comfort.
Where are the Stones (Pashto)
Remembering the places or things we love from our old homes and honoring that memory in our new homes can bring us comfort.
Coping with Big Changes (Russian)
Even though many things have changed and will continue to change, there are some things that will always stay the same.
Coping with Big Changes (Pashto)
Coping with Big Changes (Dari)
Even though many things have changed and will continue to change, there are some things that will always stay the same