Results (40)
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Usando el movimiento para aprender las matemáticas
¡Sigan las direcciones del Conde y cuenten los saltos!
The Language of Math
Help children understand the world through "math talk."
Tarjetas Matemáticas en camino
Hagan una aventura matemática con estas tarjetas.
Tabla de desarrollo de conceptos matemáticos
Consulte esta tabla para entender lo que los niños aprenden a distintas edades.
Sort, Order, Build!
Build math skills through activities like sorting and building.
Playing With Numbers
An interactive game to build the basic skill of number recognition.
Pattern Play
Teach kids to create patterns with the help of Bert and Ernie.
Math With Everyday Games
Learn how puzzles and other games can build math skills.
Math On-the-Go Cards
Make math an adventure with these on-the-go cards.
Math is Everywhere
Sesame Street curriculum expert, Autumn Zitani, M.A., explores strategies to support children's math learning every day.
Math in Unlikely Places
You can learn math anywhere!
Math Development Chart
Use this chart to plan curriculum and share stages of math development with families.