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Abby’s Letter Garden
Prepare children for school success by exposing them to uppercase letters.
El jardín de letras mágicas de Abby
Un juego interactivo para crear las destrezas básicas del conocimiento de las letras.
I Know My Letters
A printable alphabet coloring page.
Ya me aprendí las letras
Un imprimible para colorear las letras del alfabeto.
Alphabet Art
Alphabet art is a fun, hands-on way to help kids recognize the shapes of letters. It can also provide an opportunity to layer in learning across subjects. Watch this video and think of ways you might incorporate letter crafts into your work with kids and families.
Creating Alphabet-Rich Environments
Alphabet recognition involves learning the names, shapes, and sounds of the letters in the alphabet, and it helps get kids ready for phonics learning. There are so many ways to introduce the alphabet to young children. Adding a little alphabet magic to your environment can be a great place to start.
Writing the Alphabet
Help your children learn their ABC's by tracing letters with Big Bird.
Escribir el abecedario
Tracen las letras con Big Bird para ayudar a los niños a aprender el ABC.
Recognizing Letters
Dance and clap along to celebrate the letter of the day...A!
Reconocer las letras
Bailen y aplaudan para celebrar la letra del día: A