Results (493)

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Age Group
Activity Length
Brushy Brush Album

Brushy Brush: Fun Songs to Inspire Healthy Teeth Brushing Habits in Kids

This curated playlist is perfect for celebrating and inspiring the important routine of tooth brushing! Keeping children’s smiles healthy is an important part of keeping their whole bodies well.

Health and Hygiene
Ages 3–6
A storybook cover featuring Rosita hugging a doctor.

Rosita’s Favorite

Regular check-ups can be a fun and informative experience for the whole healthy team, kids included!

Doctor Appointments
Ages 1+
A family walks through a field holding hands.

Mi vida sana integral: Conozcan a Wa. Sta. Tse 

Un video acerca de las distintas maneras en que una niña nativa americana y su familia se mantienen sanos.

Mantenerse saludable
Ages 3+
A storybook cover featuring Rosita hugging a doctor.

Los favoritos de Rosita 

Los chequeos médicos periódicos pueden ser una experiencia entretenida e informativa para todo el equipo de salud, ¡incluso para los niños!

La visita al doctor
Ages 1+
An adult adjusts a traditional Native American headpiece of a child.

Mi vida sana integral: Conozcan a Reignen 

Un video acerca de las distintas maneras en que un niño nativo americano y su familia se mantienen sanos.

Mantenerse saludable
Ages 3+
An adult adjusts a traditional Native American headpiece of a child.

My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Reignen 

A video about the different ways a Native American child and his family stay healthy.

How to Stay Healthy
Ages 3+
A family walks through a field holding hands.

My Whole Healthy Life: Meet Wa.Sta.Tse 

A video about the different ways a Native American child and her family stay healthy.

How to Stay Healthy
Ages 3+

March 22, 2023

Sesame Workshop Launches New Resources for Parents, Caregivers, and Healthcare Providers Addressing Health and Well-Being Inequities, with Support from Quest Diagnostics

PDF resource cover

Visitar al doctor: Ayudando a los niños a crecer fuertes y sanos

La preparación y la comunicación le ayudarán a obtener el mejor cuidado para su niño durante cada chequeo médico.

Salud e higiene
Ages 1–6
Visiting the Doctor Activity Guide Book.

Visiting the Doctor: Helping Kids Grow Up Strong & Healthy  

Preparation and communication help you get the best care for your child at every medical visit.

Doctor Appointments
Ages 1–6
A doctor with a parent and child.

Conectarse y comunicarse 

La comunicación y la conexión con las familias es clave para desarrollar un equipo de salud fuerte y eficaz.

Salud e higiene
Ages 1–6
A doctor with a parent and child.

Connecting & Communicating  

Communication and connection with families is key to building a strong, effective healthy team.

Doctor Appointments
Ages 1–6