Results (40)
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Vaccines for Kids
Vaccines are an important way to help protect ourselves and our families, friends, neighbors, and entire communities.
Elmo Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Elmo and Louie share their experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Elmo’s Bravery Bandage
A coloring page to help celebrate a child’s bravery when getting a shot.
A Great Doctor Visit
Kids watch Bebe’s positive experience on a doctor’s visit.
My Healthy Team
Many kids have fears about going to the doctor. A coloring page and some conversation can help prepare them to interact with their whole healthy team.
You Can Do It! Poster
A poster for providers to display to encourage families to get their young children vaccinated.
Buenas preguntas (y respuestas) sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19
Preguntas que frecuentemente hacen los niños sobre la vacuna y las posibles respuestas.
Questions for My Doctor
A place for parents and children to list questions for their doctor.
Big Bird Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Big Bird and Granny Bird share their experience with the Covid-19 vaccine.
Afiche ¡Tú puedes hacerlo!
Un afiche para proveedores para animar a las familias a vacunar a los niños pequeños.
Super You!
A printable page to help children celebrate when adults get vaccinated.
Dr. Elmo
A video about staying healthy with the Covid-19 vaccine.