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Healthy Minds and Bodies
Help children build healthy habits to last a lifetime.
You can help children with asthma by understanding what it is—and how to be prepared for symptoms.
Managing Asthma as a Provider with Amy Brown
An overview of asthma, with strategies you can use in your own work with kids and families.
My Asthma Profile
Customize and print a digital asthma profile.
Perfil de mi asma
Personalice e imprima un perfil digital del asma.
Managing Asthma in a Childcare Setting
Learn about managing asthma in childcare settings.
Manejar el asma en una guardería
Aprenda a manejar el asma en establecimientos de cuidado infantil.
Spotting Asthma Signals
Become aware of asthma's symptoms.
Detectar las señales del asma
Aprenda a reconocer los síntomas del asma.
Factores que desencadenan el asma
Lea sobre los 12 desencadenantes más importantes del asma.
Asthma Triggers
Read about the top asthma triggers.
Working With Your Asthma Team
Consider ways to let others help!