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La tienda de Hooper vuelve a abrir
Hacer las cosas un poco diferente por ahora ayuda a mantenernos saludables.
Hooper’s Store Reopens
As communities open up, together we can adjust to a new way of doing things—while keeping everyone safe.
Extrañar a los amigos
Hay muchas formas para estar en contacto con las personas que queremos de manera segura.
When Children Miss Their Friends
There are ways to stay connected with people we love...safely.
How to Talk to Kids about Tough Topics
Caring adults can help kids learn coping and resilience-building techniques to help them face tough challenges like divorce, foster care, grief, and more.
When a health emergency brings change and uncertainty to a child’s life, there are things we can do to face each day with optimism and hope.
September 20, 2022
Sesame Workshop Debuts Resources to Support Military Families with “Learning and Growing Together”
Elmo se vacuna contra el COVID
Elmo y Louie hablan de la experiencia con la vacuna del COVID-19.
Elmo Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine
Elmo and Louie share their experience with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Elmo’s Bravery Bandage
A coloring page to help celebrate a child’s bravery when getting a shot.
La curita de valentía de Elmo
Una página para colorear que celebra la valentía del niño cuando recibe una vacuna.
Good Questions (and Answers) About Covid-19 Vaccines
Common questions children ask about vaccines, and possible answers.