Language On the Go
Use these tips to build language skills while you're on the go.
Consider these language-building tips:
- Listen to the sounds around you! Do you hear cars honking, helicopters buzzing overhead, or traffic controllers whistling? Imitate these sounds together and talk about the things that make them. You can even create sound patterns—such as honk, buzz, and whistle—and challenge children to follow the pattern!
- Create a morning rhyme routine. Older children (ages 4–6) are beginning to notice when words rhyme. Point to something you see, such as a car or a sign, and begin a rhyme with it. For instance, “car, far, jar!” Challenge children to begin rhymes of their own.
- Sing a song together. Singing is a great way to help children learn language. On a car ride, sing a song you know, or even make up a song together!
- Learn the road signs. Name the road signs that you see and let children know easy ways to notice them. This involves using brand-new words! You might say, “There’s a stop sign. It’s red with white writing, and it’s in the shape of an octagon. That means it has eight sides and eight angles.”
- This way, that way. When you talk aloud about your commute and the way you are going to get to your location, you can help introduce children to spatial language. For instance, you might say, “To get to daycare, we are going to go around the corner, through the tunnel, and over the bridge.”
My Favorite Part
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Grow, Grow, Grow!
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One More Time
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