Make a Family Emergency Plan
Customize your family's own emergency plan.
- Together with kids, fill out these pages. You can print them or save and email them to the important people in kids’ lives. Display where kids can see it.
- From time to time, ask kids about the important people and places in your plan. Who could kids call (or ask a grown-up to call) if they can’t reach a parent? Where should they meet in an emergency? Who is their out-of-town emergency contact?
Support After a Hurricane or Other Emergency
In the most challenging times, there's still a lot you can do to comfort and protect children.
Self-Care: During & After a Crisis
When we care for ourselves, we’re better able comfort and protect children.
Here for Each Other Family Guide: Wildfires
This family guide has tips and activities that offer comfort and reassurance before, during, or after a wildfire.
Offering Comfort in Scary Times
Ways to comfort children through scary times.
A Hurricane Comes to Sesame Street
Just like Big Bird’s friends help him rebuild his nest after a hurricane, you can help rebuild your child’s sense of safety and security.
Here For Each Other
You can use children’s questions as a springboard for conversation and comfort.
Handling Emergencies with Andrew Roszak
An interview with Andrew Roszak from Child Care Aware.