Results (40)
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Make Believe With Math
You can create math moments in young children's lives, especially during pretend play.

ABCs and 123s
Build vocabulary, spark curiosity, and help children think critically, preparing them to succeed in school and in life.

Math is all around us—and both kids and grown-ups can make math fun every day!

Juguemos con los números
Un juego interactivo para crear las destrezas básicas del conocimiento de los números.

Playing With Numbers
An interactive game to build the basic skill of number recognition.

¡Hacer matemática en cualquier momento!
Consejos que destacan la matemática en la vida diaria.

Making Math Time Anytime!
Tips to highlight math in everyday life.

Math is Everywhere
Sesame Street curriculum expert, Autumn Zitani, M.A., explores strategies to support children's math learning every day.

Hablando el idioma de las matemáticas
Ayude a los niños a entender el mundo usando "lenguaje matemático."

The Language of Math
Help children understand the world through "math talk."

Cinco maneras de ayudar a los niños a entender los números
Aprenda cinco habilidades importantes para desarrollar la lógica numérica en los niños.

How Kids Make Sense of Numbers
Learn about five important "number sense" skills.