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| | | | From deserted area to oasis of biodiversity |
| This project has transformed a 200-hectare area in Greece which was suffering from desertification into a thriving, healthy and productive ecosystem. It now hosts 40 000 organic olive trees cultivated with environmentally-friendly practices, contributing to the regeneration of the local economy as well as biodiversity. |
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| | | | | | Helping young entrepreneurs to ask the right questions | |
| | A Swedish Operational Group is developing a tool which helps entrepreneurs to plan for future change of ownership or retirement. It also provides guidance on issues concerning the company's long-term sustainability and the importance of personal values for entrepreneurship and leadership. | |
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| | Did you know? The EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation & knowledge exchange - EIP-AGRI’ is organising brokerage events as a new way of stimulating matchmaking and networking among farmers, foresters, researchers, advisors and rural entrepreneurs. . Next up: a brokerage event to support the preparation of Horizon Europe calls on advisory networks. Apply before 17 November. Take a look at the results from the previous brokerage event.
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| | AGRI challenge: nature-based solutions for water management |
| | The Tullstorp stream project is a water restoration project in Southern Sweden. It focuses on river restoration through meandering, two-stage ditches, and multifunctional wetlands irrigation and drainage. Project manager Christoffer Bonthron tells more and explains how farmers benefit from the project. Watch this video. | |
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| | EIP-AGRI Focus Group reports |
| | You can now read the reports and factsheets produced by 3 recent EIP-AGRI Focus Groups: - Sustainable ways to reduce the use of pesticides in pome and stone fruit production - here
- Nature-Based Solutions for water management under climate change - here
- Digital tools for sustainable nutrient management - here
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| | | | AGRI challenge: sustainable pome and stone fruit production |
| | Costantino is one of the farmers in the Operational Group SISCCCA. The project develops sustainable integrated systems to control the brown marmorated stink bug. Watch this video. | |
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| | Upcoming topics for the EU CAP Network – Innovation and knowledge exchange |
| | Over the next few months, the EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation & knowledge exchange - EIP-AGRI’ will run activities on topics including: young entrepreneurs, smart circular farming, animal welfare, sustainable use of pesticides, AKIS, food security, social farming, recovery of abandoned lands and biodiversity. If you are signed up to the newsletter and newsflashes, you will be first to know about any publications or calls. | |
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| | European Week for Waste Reduction |
| | 19 to 27 November 2022 is European Week for Waste Reduction to raise awareness about sustainable resource and waste management. They run awards every year, previous winners include innovative agricultural projects such as ‘InCommOn’ which collects spent coffee grounds and turns them into bioenergy and compost. You can still register your project for their awards until 13 November. | |
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The EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation & knowledge exchange - EIP-AGRI’ has carried out many actions on this theme. See here. |
| | | | | There are currently over 2400 Operational Groups on the database, you can browse by country and topic. You can also have a look at them on the map of Operational Group projects on this page. Enjoy browsing! | | | | |
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| | #Farming4Future - Meet 5 young farmers | |
| | | | | CEJA, the European council of Young Farmers, is running a campaign: #Farming4Future. Hear directly from the next generation of farmers, listen to what they have to say about the hardships and difficulties, but also the successes. In this video series, meet 5 young farmers that tell the story of more than two million young farmers across Europe. | | | | |
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| | | Podcast: More sustainable pest control, what does the future look like? |
| | Listen to the latest Food for Europe podcast which is all about pest control and the new EU legislation. It includes an interview with a Belgian farmer who has applied Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for years. They also talk to an expert from the Commission about the legislation and to a French scientist who presents latest research into alternative, more environmentally friendly pesticides. Listen now. |
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| | Operational Groups on Farm Health, Safety and Wellbeing | |
| | | | | The Irish National Rural Network has produced a new booklet showcasing Ireland’s eight Farm Health, Safety and Wellbeing Operational Groups. For example, Farmers4Safety Project tested a peer-to-peer mentor approach for attitudinal and behavioural change towards farm safety, health and wellbeing. Farm Family CPD Project offers continuous professional development to reduce the level of fatal and non-fatal incidents on farms. | | | | |
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| | | Resilient, sustainable farming and climate change |
| | There are many projects working on the topics of sustainable and resilient farming in the context of climate change. Interested? Watch videos from Horizon project UNTWIST which focuses on Climatic variability and extreme weather events which are increasingly impacting crop yield and value, or check out ClieNFarms supporting oilseed farmers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. More examples here. |
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| | Public consultation: Sustainable Food Systems | |
| | | | | The Commission would like your input on the candidate Horizon Europe partnership ‘Sustainable Food Systems for People, Planet & Climate Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda”. The ambition of the partnership is to accelerate the transition towards healthy diets that are safe and sustainably produced and consumed in resilient EU and global food systems. Read the proposal and have your say. | | | | |
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| | | | | FARMRes podcast is out! In the first episode the introduction to #FARMRes Erasmus+ project with the intervention of Lies Messely, researcher at the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture and Marian Glovatak, young farmer from Slovakia. Listen now➡️https://spoti.fi/3VhU1r6 |
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| | | New Horizon calls… coming soon |
| | Keep an eye out at the end of November for the new calls under the Horizon Europe Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. Projects funded through calls within this cluster focus on, for example, reducing environmental degradation, halting and reversing the decline of biodiversity on land and better managing natural resources. More info. | |
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| | Conference on innovations to reduce and remediate farm soil pollution |
| | This event will take place in Brussels and online on 21 November. It is is co-organised by LIFE AgRemSO3il, Diverfarming and Best4soil. These 3 European projects will present their innovative results followed by an open debate on their practical applications in current European legal, economic and technical circumstances. More info and registration. |
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| SEND US INPUT FOR THE EIP-AGRI NEWSLETTER If you have relevant information for the EIP-AGRI network based on innovation in agriculture- a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us innovation-knowledge@eucapnetwork.eu. Newsletters go out on the second Tuesday of every month, so please send the info to us at least 4 weeks before that date. |
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