EU CAP Network NewsletterFebruary 2023 |
EU rural network stakeholder survey findings |
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Survey: More support for agri-food, rural innovation, climate and environment, peer learning, social impact and digital outreach methods are expected to be prioritised by National Networks in the new CAP period. These are among the main findings from a mapping exercise of existing rural network stakeholders in the EU countries. |
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New thematic networking groups to be launched |
| New Thematic Groups focussing on the implementation of CAP Strategic Plans, forestry and rural youth will be launched soon to boost information flows relating to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). |
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| New rural development data sources released |
| New European Commission rural development data sources have recently been released. These are key given that rural statistics are essential implementation tools for the CAP. Wide-ranging data sets also became available last month from the new rural observatory (e.g. on population density, average distance to healthcare facilities or the broadband speed) and Eurostat. |
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New CAP evaluation guidelines set to address unknowns facing AKIS assessments |
| A new Thematic Working Group on the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) has been set up to assess to what extent the AKIS strategic approach contributes to the achievement of the CAP’s Cross-Cutting Objective of modernisation. It will produce guidelines that Member States may use to evaluate the AKIS strategic approach in the context of CAP Strategic Plans. |
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| Animal welfare, digitalisation, agroecology and more in the innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI newsletter |
| The February edition of the Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter provides you with inspiration and activities from the network focusing on animal welfare, bioeconomy, agroecology, and funding opportunities. |
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Sign up in advance for our upcoming LEADER e-newsletter |
| Sign up in advance for our new e-newsletter, which will be launched in the coming weeks and will be dedicated to sharing LEADER experiences and success stories from Local Action Groups around the Member States. |
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Policy Insight publications: CAP support for agroforestry, gender equality and younger generations |
| The three latest editions of our Policy Insight series feature opportunities for support offered through the CAP for agroforestry, gender equality, and younger generations. Issues covered include supporting the benefits of agroforestry for EU citizens via national CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs), enhancing the visibility of women’s success stories in agri-food value chains and rural development plus helping younger generations find employment in rural areas. |
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| Guide published to provide support for applications for Horizon Europe calls |
| The EU CAP Network guide to Horizon Europe - Calls 2023 is a factsheet containing tips & tricks for applications plus inspiration from a current Horizon project. Its publication is timely as many calls under Horizon Europe Cluster 6 close at the end of March. |
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| | 1st meeting: Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment: the Voice of Rural Youth |
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| | 1st meeting: Thematic Group on CAP Strategic Plans: Towards Implementation |
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| | ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’ |
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