EU CAP Network NewsletterMarch 2023 |
EU CAP Network Assembly meets |
The importance of networking, updates on networking activity and priorities for the EU CAP Network were highlights of the first meeting of the EU CAP Network Assembly. The Network was launched to provide strategic guidance for networking activities under the CAP during the 2023-2027 programming period. |
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Introducing the newly rebranded EU CAP Network website! |
| | With a fresh look and user-friendly design, accessing information on the Network has never been easier. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events, and explore useful resources all in one place. |
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| Agricultural & Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA) 2023 |
| | Identify and share good practices as to how the CAP is implemented at project level. This offers opportunities for peer-learning, knowledge transfer, encouraging replication of benefits and building capacity among CAP stakeholders. These are among the factors driving the EU CAP Network’s new Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA). |
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Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment: First meeting |
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| Meet the EU CAP Network’s #BloomTogether stakeholders |
| | Discover the inspiring stories of the stakeholders in our network with the #BloomTogether campaign. Meet the people behind the scenes, learn about their involvement, and join us in celebrating their contributions. |
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The Smart Rural 27 is launching new rural communities’ knowledge clusters on Renewable Energy and Digital Services |
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| Common Network Statistics report 2021 |
| | National Rural Network (NRN) achievements are assessed in a recently-published report featuring the Common Network Statistics for 2021. The report shows that the NRNs involved more than 350 000 people in events and 2021 was a year that saw digital networking continue to grow in importance for connecting rural Europe in greener ways. |
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New edition of the EU CAP Network’s Project Brochure: RIA 2022 |
| | Get inspired by 24 good practices in the use of rural development funding featured in the new edition of the EU CAP Network’s Project Brochure. The Project Brochure is dedicated to the finalists of the Rural Inspiration Awards 2022. |
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| Enhancing food security under changing weather conditions |
| | An EU CAP Network workshop in Italy discussed how to enhance food security under changing weather patterns. Innovative solutions and knowledge are needed to strengthen farm resilience while facing climate change, thus contributing to food security. This is a key topic for the ‘Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’. |
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Videos on RIA 2022 digital rural development projects |
| | Digital rural development projects are the focus of a new series of videos from the European Commission’s Broadband Competence Office. Each video features finalists from the 2022 Rural Inspiration Awards’ Digital Futures category. |
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| | Stay informed about the latest activities, innovation and EIP-AGRI, CAP Evaluation, and LEADER initiatives with our newsletters. Don't miss out on important updates, success stories, and upcoming events related to agriculture and rural development. |
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LEADER possibilities in the new CAP |
Our latest Policy Insight publication focusses on LEADER. It explores how Local Action Groups (LAGs) can deliver valuable local contributions to high-level objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the coming years. |
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How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP |
| This report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop on ‘How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP’, which was organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP on 9-10 November in Athens, Greece. |
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| ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’ |
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| ‘Animal welfare and innovation’ |
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