Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI May 2023 |
Smart barn makes for happy pigs |
| Consumers are calling for more affordable, sustainable pork which is produced in improved animal welfare systems. A Dutch Operational Group has developed a pilot barn concept in which the pigs are monitored in real-time using ear-tag sensors so that their surroundings can be adapted to their needs. |
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EIP-AGRI Support Facility Activities |
Agrinnovation magazine highlights innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI in the new CAP |
| In the new EU CAP Network, innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI play a crucial role in sharing good practices and connecting people across EU agriculture, forestry and rural areas. The new edition of Agrinnovation magazine offers inspiring stories, interviews, Operational Group updates, and other news from across Europe. |
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| EU CAP Network Workshop 'Animal welfare and innovation' |
| This EU CAP Network workshop will take place in Hanover (Germany) from Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 May 2023. The event will focus on exchanging innovative practices and practical knowledge on animal welfare. You can follow updates from the event on our social media and materials will be available on the webpage soon after the event. |
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EU CAP Network Focus Groups meet for the second time |
| The three current EU CAP Network Focus Groups are meeting in April and May 2023 for the second time. Follow their progress on our social networks and website: |
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Webinar: Developing interoperable agricultural software with ATLAS |
| Horizon 2020 project ATLAS is all about innovative data-driven agriculture, it is developing an open interoperability network for agricultural applications. A webinar on 12 May targets mainly developers of agricultural software, to present their basic concept and how it is implemented. |
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| COOPID project Bioeconomy Conference |
| On 31 May in Brussels, Horizon 2020 project COOPID is organising its final event. COOPID aimed to foster the development of the bioeconomy in the agri-food sector. At their conference, take part in a debate on challenges and opportunities, find out about the recommendations produced by COOPID and visit the project exhibition full of resources. |
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Analysing the innovative processes in Operational Group ArboNovateur |
| An important part of the Horizon 2020 project i2connect is analysing different types of innovation processes. This video explains how to analyse a practical case using a tool called the Spiral of Innovation, using a French Operational Group of fruit growers called ArboNovateurs as a case study. |
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EU CAP Network Activities |
| Strengthening the flow of knowledge and innovation |
| “The rural world occupies a key role in addressing the growing environmental, social, and economic challenges faced by the EU” - Four EU funded projects which aim to empower the rural sector to better deal with these challenges have teamed up to produce a joint newsletter: ATTRACTISS, EU-FarmBook, modernAKIS and PREMIERE. |
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Living Labs to address digitalisation challenges in animal production |
| SustainIT is an ICT-Agri-Food ERA-NET project using a Living Lab approach to study animal health and welfare-related databases, identify barriers for digitalisation and to engage value chain stakeholders into the co-design of conceptual solutions for adoption of animal health and welfare related ICT solutions. |
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Novel technologies for resilient agriculture |
| Don’t forget about the EIC Accelerator Challenge which supports SMEs, start-ups and spinout companies to develop and scale up game-changing innovations to support resilient agriculture. Calls are open now, see the details here. You can also watch the recording from the info day. |
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| | | | SEND US INPUT FOR THE EU CAP NETWORK - INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE | EIP-AGRI NEWSLETTER If you have relevant information for the EU CAP Network based on innovation in agriculture- a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us: innovation-knowledge@eucapnetwork.eu. Newsletters go out on the second Tuesday of every month, so please send the info to us at least 4 weeks before that date. Over the next couple of months one newsletter will focus on fertiliser and energy prices, and another on biodiversity, so let us know if you have anything specifically relevant for these topics. | | | | |
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