Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI September 2023 |
Digital tools in organic agriculture |
| For a Portuguese agricultural company producing organic grapes, digitalisation has become crucial to their decision-making processes. In order to achieve their sustainability goals, they use digital-based management, both for technical tasks in the field as well as for the management of the team and the whole operation. Read more. |
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| Modernising agriculture through more efficient and effective AKIS |
| Effective Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) help farmers, foresters and rural communities meet current and future challenges. ModernAKIS is a recent multi-actor Horizon Europe project that aims to strengthen AKIS by developing a European platform for exchanging good practices and capacity building. |
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EIP-AGRI Support Facility Activities |
Upcoming events from the EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation, knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ |
| 16 networking events are planned from now until June 2024. Topics include competitive mountain areas, skills and lifelong learning, women-led innovation and more. For details see this web-page and this video clip. You can also sign up to newsflashes to receive information on the calls for participants as soon as they are released. |
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| | “Knowledge sharing and innovation play a key role in accelerating the green and digital transition for agri-food systems” – said Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General of DG AGRI at the EU CAP Network seminar on AKIS. This event aimed to support EU Member States in the implementation of their AKIS Strategic Plans. |
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Calls for experts - now closed |
| Before the summer, the EIP-AGRI Support Facility opened a call for coordinating experts and main facilitators for its upcoming events and Focus Groups, as well as a call for experts for 3 new Focus Groups. Over 400 people applied to both calls combined. Many thanks to you all. Applicants will be informed shortly. |
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| Report: EU CAP Network Brokerage event 'Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks' |
| Discover the main results of the EU CAP Network Brokerage event 'Get involved in Horizon Europe advisory networks', which took place on 17-18 January 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Participants were informed about the Horizon Europe calls for advisory networks and took part in interactive sessions to exchange ideas and build consortia. |
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Report and factsheet on recovery of abandoned agricultural lands published |
| You can read the report and factsheet produced by this EU CAP Network Focus Group. The experts tackled the main question: ‘How to foster new, practical ways for better management of abandoned agricultural land in a sustainable way?’ The report sets out examples of management solutions and lists needs for research and future Operational Group topics. |
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| EIP-AGRI Challenge: recovery of abandoned agricultural lands |
| The O Rexo’ project in Spain recovered abandoned lands into pastures for a flock of sheep. Anxo Quintana explains how they did this and what their plans for the future are. |
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Social innovation – Solutions for thriving agriculture, forestry and rural areas |
| This new EU CAP Network brochure on social innovation highlights how innovation, knowledge exchange and new ways of working together can tackle social challenges, covering social inclusion on the farm, better health and well-being, and resilient rural communities. |
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EU CAP Network Activities |
| Videos showcasing multi-actor projects on forestry |
| The CNPF (French National Forest Ownership Centre) has produced a series of videos showcasing different projects working on forestry. Discover INCREDIBLE, Horizon 2020 project on Mediterranean non-wood forest products or Operational Group SPNA about ‘precision forestry’. |
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Cross-regional knowledge sharing on smart Integrated Pest Management |
| SmartProtect is a recent Thematic Network on smart Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions for farmers and advisors. It aims to stimulate knowledge flow within and between regional AKIS on solutions integrating precision farming and data analytics. Take a look at their platform where you can find many different technologies and methodologies for IPM. |
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| A hub of rural knowledge from +750 research outputs |
| SHERPA, Horizon 2020 project has launched an online database where you can find more than 750 research outputs that are relevant to rural areas. The findings are from EU-funded research and innovation projects. The information is clustered into 9 topics including biodiversity, social aspects and digitalisation. |
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Save the date for the next Organic Innovation Days 2023 |
| This edition of TP Organics’ annual event will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 25-26 October and will focus on 'Citizen-driven transformation of European food systems'. Information on the programme and registration can be found here. |
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| Report on the potential for bio-based industries in Poland |
| The Bio-based Industries Consortium has updated its report ‘Mapping Poland’s bio-based potential’. The report states “The bio-based sector in Poland makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy,” but also highlights the high remaining bio-based potential, such as untapped and under-exploited bio-based resources. |
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Funding to improve skills in sustainable construction |
| Forestry and agriculture not only can be a supplier of sustainable construction materials but also a user of sustainable farming buildings. The CBE JU (Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking) has a call for the establishment of a training network for workers in the construction sector to boost bio-based solutions. It will have close links with Horizon projects working on bio-based materials. Call closes on 4 October 2023. |
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| What next for the European bio-based sector? |
| ‘What next for the European bio-based sector?’ will be the main theme of the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum which will take place on 6-7 December 2023 in Brussels. The organisers want to create opportunities for conversation among the 600 stakeholders from the circular bio-based sector. |
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New Horizon Europe calls 2024 open |
| The Horizon Europe Cluster 6: “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment” calls for proposals for 2024 opens on 17 October 2023. |
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Horizon Europe calls 2024 infodays |
| The infodays on 27-28 September 2023 present the various funding opportunities under the new 2024 Work Programme Horizon Europe Cluster 6: “Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment”. Register to attend in person (deadline 18 September) or you can attend online. The infodays will be preceded by a brokerage event (on 26 September 2023). |
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Funding opportunities under Horizon Europe – Calls 2024 |
| The EIP-AGRI Support Facility will soon publish a brochure that highlights interesting funding opportunities for agriculture, forestry and rural areas from Cluster 6 and other parts of the Horizon Europe Work Programme – calls 2024. The brochure will be published here. |
| Soil mission funding opportunities |
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3M€ Funding for projects reducing consumer food waste |
| Under the Single Market Programme (SMP), there is 3M€ available for projects which support stakeholders in taking actions to address consumer food waste. It covers actions such as food waste monitoringa and development of new business models. It targets multi-stakeholder partnerships including farmers, researchers and NGOs. Deadline 21 September 2023. |
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The Road to Green: Resilient Forests |
| Check out this latest episode of ‘The Road to Green’, a Euronews video magazine made in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Environment. This episode is about the importance of resilient forests in the green transition, and how the EU strives to protect and conserve these essential ecosystems. |
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| | | | SEND US INPUT FOR THE EU CAP NETWORK - INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE | EIP-AGRI NEWSLETTER If you have relevant information for the EU CAP Network based on innovation in agriculture- a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us: Newsletters go out on the second Tuesday of every month, so please send the info to us at least 4 weeks before that date. | | | | |
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