Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI October 2023 |
| This newsletter focuses on the topic of animal health and welfare in EU farming systems. |
A national network stimulating knowledge exchange on animal welfare in Germany |
| Netzwerk Fokus Tierwohl is a multi-actor network in Germany. Via online tools, events and ‘impulse farms’, the network facilitates the flow of information between farmers, scientists, government and the general public nationwide. The aim is to ensure livestock farmers are supported in maintaining productive systems which have animal welfare as a fundamental element. |
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| Organic experimental farm in Finland testing methods for improved animal welfare |
| HAMK Mustiala campus farm is an organic dairy experimental farm in Finland where research institutes, advisory services & agricultural companies cooperate in on-site trials with a strong focus on animal welfare. Mustiala farm tests measures grouped into three topics - infrastructure, environment & feed - that can be rolled out by animal breeders. |
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EU Platform on Animal Welfare to organise actions |
| Through legislation and awareness raising, the European Commission has been promoting animal welfare for almost 50 years, one of the key priorities of the European Commission is to promote an enhanced dialogue on animal welfare issues between different stakeholders. To achieve this goal, the European Commission's Animal Welfare Platform will organise coordinated actions. |
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| European Partnership for Animal Health and Welfare (PAHW) |
| Did you know that the European Commission is currently setting up a European Partnership for animal health and welfare? It aims to deliver key knowledge, services, and products to significantly improve the control of animal infectious diseases and animal welfare in a coordinated way which will sustain animal production and protect public health. |
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EIP-AGRI Support Facility Activities |
EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation, knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ and animal welfare |
| Events, Operational Groups, Focus Groups, brochures, factsheets, videos, inspirational ideas… take a look at this summary of activities related to animal welfare and innovation in the EU CAP Network. |
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| EU CAP Network workshop ‘Animal Welfare and Innovation’: Report and factsheet |
| The EU CAP Network ‘Animal Welfare and Innovation’ workshop's aim: to address the animal welfare challenges affecting European livestock production. It facilitated knowledge exchange, sharing of innovative practices and identification of innovation needs to improve animal health and welfare. A report, factsheet & other info are on the event webpage. |
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EIP-AGRI challenge: Animal welfare and innovation |
| Friedrich Kinkelbur runs an organic dairy farm. When he was facing some challenges, he joined a network of demonstration farms focusing on calf rearing. Because of this, he has successfully implemented several innovations. |
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EU CAP Network Activities |
| Animal welfare matters for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) |
| ‘Five freedoms’ - freedom from hunger and thirst; from discomfort; from pain, injury, and disease; to express normal behaviour; and, from fear and distress - are internally accepted standards for animal care. They help guide and govern the CAP’s approach to safeguarding EU animal welfare via CAP Strategic Plan implementation. See the Policy Insight. |
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A welfare monitoring platform to support decision-making in pig & dairy cattle |
| ClearFarm: a Horizon project developing a platform for improved use of precision livestock farming technology and animal-based data. It will provide animal welfare, environmental and economic sustainability information that will assist production chain stakeholders and consumers in decision-making within the pig and dairy cattle value chains. |
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| Flock health and nutrition management: Best practices for sheep farmers |
| EuroSheep is a Horizon 2020 thematic network that has just come to a close. From 2020 to 2023, it brought together farmers and stakeholders involved in EU and Turkish dairy and meat sheep production. Its focus was on innovative technologies and practices in two main areas: flock health and nutrition management. See the results from this network. |
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EU pig industry health management & animal welfare practices |
| EU PIG, a Horizon 2020 thematic network, worked on health management and animal welfare. The links will provide you with related pig producer case studies and technical reports, all with a focus on best practices in animal welfare. The final webinar shows the project's impact in raising the competitiveness of the EU pig industry. |
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| Animal welfare in poultry and pig production systems |
| The ongoing Horizon 2020 project PPILOW looks at solutions to improve the welfare of poultry and pigs reared in organic and low-input outdoor production systems. A multi-criteria assessment of welfare-improving practices has been done so as to have an exhaustive view of the overall impacts of these practices beyond the gains for animal and human welfare. |
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Health benefits of innovative feed for broilers & laying hens |
| A Bulgarian OG is testing the benefits of insect-based feed for broilers and laying hens. The feed is a source of proteins, fats and components with high anti-microbial capacity. It could be a sustainable replacement for soy, improve the health of the animals and allow the reduction of antimicrobials. Read the article in the latest Agrinnovation Magazine. |
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| More EIP-AGRI projects on animal welfare |
| There are many other Operational Groups (OGs) working on animal health and welfare topics. Read our recent press article - ‘Smart barn makes for happy pigs’ - about a Dutch OG and browse many more OGs in the EIP-AGRI Project database (look in the keywords column for 'Animal husbandry and welfare'). |
'The egg farm of the future' |
| Take a look at this Dutch farm which has been designed around the needs and instincts of chickens. Their main value is the respect for life. The birds serve multiple functions, they are waste processors as well as suppliers of eggs and meat. They eat recycled feed made of leftovers from bakeries. The farm also gives a good life to the male chicks. |
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| SCAR working group on Animal Health and Welfare and sustainable animal production |
| The SCAR Animal Health and Welfare working group has published a report analysing the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and FOOD2030 strategy, focussing on livestock health and welfare aspects. The report notes the strategies as being essential in transforming Europe’s ways to produce, process and consume food into more sustainable and resilient food systems. |
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Developing EU advisory networks on sustainable livestock systems |
| Check out the 'Developing EU advisory networks on sustainable livestock systems' Horizon call (HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-13). Advisory networks (multi-actor projects connecting advisors across the EU) help advisors stay up to date with knowledge and innovation and facilitate opportunities for them to exchange. |
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| Horizon Europe animal health and welfare opportunities |
| If you are looking for other Horizon funding relating to improving animal health and welfare conditions, take a closer look at the call for 'Agro-pastoral/outdoor livestock systems and wildlife management': HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-1. |
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Webinar: Agricultural methane - Assessing its significance & seeking solutions |
| Save the date: Animal Task Force (ATF) webinar, 6 November 14:00-15:00 CET. After ATF events in 2022 about agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, notably methane, the ATF will present a Policy Brief on the latest advances in knowledge about agricultural methane emissions from the livestock sector and possibilities for reducing these emissions. You can register now. |
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| | | | SEND US INPUT FOR THE EU CAP NETWORK - INNOVATION, KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE | EIP-AGRI NEWSLETTER If you have relevant information for the EU CAP Network based on innovation in agriculture- a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us: Newsletters go out on the second Tuesday of every month, so please send the info to us at least 4 weeks before that date. | | | | |
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