Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI NewsletterJanuary 2024 | | EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation and Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ wishes you a happy and healthy new year 2024 |
Innovation & sustainability in the rice sector | Ecosystem services in the rice production system provide many benefits, directly or indirectly, to the neighbouring community. Italian Operational Group Riso Amico+ is focusing on improving these services via the dissemination and adoption of innovative practices. |
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| A sustainable model for reusing water for olive groves | Olives are an essential crop in Andalusia, Spain, serving as the backbone of the social and economic fabric of rural areas. More than 50% of the irrigated agricultural land in Andalusia is dedicated to irrigated olive groves. However, there is a downward trend in forecasts for water resources for irrigation due to climate change. Operational Group REUTIVAR is tackling this issue. |
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EIP-AGRI Support Facility Activities |
Apply to attend the EU CAP Network Conference by 8 February 2024 | Take advantage of the remaining weeks to submit your application to attend the EU CAP Network Conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’ on 6-8 May 2024 in Estoril, Portugal. The event will celebrate and showcase the achievements of over 3 400 EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects and support the preparation and implementation of future OGs. The deadline is 8 February 2024. |
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| EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards Operational Groups | Does your OG project demonstrate excellent and innovative practices, solutions, products or processes? Are they sustainable and replicable in other parts of Europe or other sectors? Don’t forget to apply to the EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards. Deadline 8 February 2024. The awards ceremony will be on 7 May as part of the EU CAP Network Conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’. |
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EIP-AGRI project database | On the EU CAP Network website, you can now browse the new EIP-AGRI project database. Search using different criteria including funding source, key words and more. The database currently includes OGs and Horizon 2020 projects from the previous programming period and other innovative initiatives. New projects will be added in Spring 2024. |
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| Call for EU CAP Network workshop ‘Women-led innovations in rural areas’ | Women play a major role in civil society and economic growth in rural areas. Yet many women face numerous challenges, including difficulties in accessing the labour market. An EU CAP Network workshop that will take place on 17-18 April 2024 aims to support women entrepreneurship in rural areas. The call for expression of interest will be published soon. |
EU CAP Network Activities |
| EU-FarmBook platform launch event on 8 February 2024 | The EU-FarmBook platform is ready to welcome practice-oriented materials from EU-funded projects. Horizon projects as well as policymakers are invited to join an online event on the day of the launch – 8 February. This event will offer exclusive insights into the platform, showcasing its benefits for project dissemination and providing a preview of upcoming features. |
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Wireless collar powered using a cow's kinetic energy | Tampere University (Finland) is running an applied research project on precision livestock farming funded by Business Finland. They have created an experimental collar for measuring a cow's temperature, which can wirelessly transmit data. The device is powered only using the cow's kinetic energy – the energy is extracted from the animal’s movement as it grazes. |
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| Co-creating sustainable and competitive value chains for fruit and vegetables | CO-FRESH, a Horizon 2020 Innovation Action, is drawing to a close. Its aim was to redesign and pilot innovative systemic approaches to agri-food value chains and scale up this innovation at the European level. Discover some of its results, which include the implementation of technological and non-technological innovations in seven pilot value chains for fruit and vegetables. |
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The AKIS Portugal Platform | The AKIS Portugal Platform, coordinated by the National CAP Network, is a tool to create bridges between sources of research, innovation and practice, enabling sustained and informed decision-making in agriculture in Portugal. With a focus on farmers, it involves all those who produce and use knowledge, supporting the building of a community in the agricultural sector. |
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| Online and travelling exhibition on Spanish Operational Groups | The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on Spanish Operational Groups has developed a travelling exhibition to support the dissemination of their results in different events. It shows basic information on each project and has QR codes linking to an online version of the exhibition which gives more details. Virtual visitors can find videos and materials to download. |
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EU CAP Network workshop 'National networking for innovation' | If you are interested in finding out about similar initiatives, have a look at the materials from the 1st EU CAP Network workshop 'National networking for innovation'. The event brought together National CAP Networks and other bodies to share different networking approaches and tools to support a well-functioning Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS). |
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| Soil biodiversity literacy and enhancement | Healthy soils provide a range of vital functions beyond producing food, fuel and fibre. Healthy soils lead to plants taking up more nutrients, thereby ensuring the production of healthy and nutrient-rich food. Watch this video by the Operational Group in Ireland working on soil biodiversity literacy and enhancement. |
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Horizon Europe advisory networks | Advisory networks are multi-actor projects that connect advisors across the EU to help them stay up to date with cutting-edge knowledge and share experiences on how to tackle challenges and seize opportunities for farms, forests and rural areas. The 2024 Horizon Europe calls present opportunities to develop advisory networks on forestry and sustainable livestock systems. The deadline is 28 February. |
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| | | | Innovation, Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter: Call for input If you have relevant information for the EU CAP Network based on innovation in agriculture - e.g. a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us: Newsletters go out on the second Thursday of every month, so please send the information to us at least four weeks before that date. In Spring 2024, we will publish a thematic newsletter on bees and pollinators. If you have relevant news related to this topic, please send it to us! | | | | |