Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI NewsletterFebruary 2024 |
Training programmes to boost food-related entrepreneurship in European rural areas | Many European countries are witnessing a significant decrease in the population in rural areas. But they are often places with a rich history of food production and gastronomy. The Erasmus+ project SAGA has created a training programme so that local people can capitalise on this heritage, creating jobs and making the rural area more attractive. |
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| Promoting gender equality in European agriculture and rural areas | SWIFT is a Horizon project to advance gender equality in farming and rural areas in Europe, Brazil and the USA. Marta Rivera-Ferre, project coordinator: “Despite the crucial contributions of women to European agriculture, they remain discriminated against in different ways. SWIFT will analyse and amplify women-led innovations and empower those acting for change in farming and rural areas.” |
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EU CAP Network activities on innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI |
EU CAP Network conference ‘EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice’ and the EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards | Thank you to all the Operational Groups which applied to the conference and the awards. Stay tuned for upcoming updates, including the announcement of the awards nominees, instructions on how to vote for the public favourite, details on the exciting programme for the conference and the awards ceremony and more! |
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| Apply to the EU CAP Network workshop ‘Promoting pollinator-friendly farming’ | Insect pollinators provide a vital service to both natural ecosystems & farming. But pollinators are declining, mainly due to habitat loss resulting from intensive agriculture, as well as from climate change. This workshop will explore how farmers can support pollinator conservation. The event is on 18-19 June 2024. |
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Report on ‘Enhancing food security under changing weather patterns: farm adaptation’ | This EU CAP Network workshop took place in March 2023. 75 participants gathered to share successful practices, opportunities and tools that can support the adaptation of farming to changing weather patterns while increasing farm resilience and enhancing cooperation. The report from this event has now been published. |
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| Innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI on the EU CAP Network website | Were you aware of the recent additions to the EU CAP Network website related to innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI? You can now browse sections dedicated to Operational Groups and Horizon projects. Browse the new EIP-AGRI project database and its almost 3 000 Operational Groups and over 400 Horizon 2020 projects. Many of them include practice abstracts for your inspiration. |
Collecting research needs from practice | Did you know that the EU CAP Network Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI collects and publishes research needs from practice? You can read the most recent report, which presents 122 research needs in detail. The needs are gathered during EU CAP Network events. |
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| FAO foresight report on emerging technologies & innovations in the agrifood systems | The FAO has published ‘Harvesting change: Harnessing emerging technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation’, a report assessing technologies and innovations that could be of paramount importance in addressing agrifood challenges from now until 2050. It also studies the most important trends and scenarios that will influence them. |
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Operational Groups on forestry in France | In October 2023, the French national rural network published a brochure presenting 25 Operational Groups on forestry. Most of these projects worked on techniques for the adaptation of forests to climate change. Some focused on new processes while others focused on technical management, knowledge tools or organisational innovation. |
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| Social farming guides for farmers for working with different target groups | SoFarTEAM, an Erasmus+ project, has produced a set of guides designed to support social farmers and others to work more confidently and effectively with different target groups. They cover seven different groups including refugees, people with disabilities, people overcoming addiction and more. The Guides are available in English, German, Czech and Dutch. |
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Co-creating the future of agrifood value chains | Register for the Horizon 2020 project CO-FRESH’s final event 'Co-creating the future of agrifood value chains' (14 March 2024, Brussels). The goal is to share knowledge, tackle policy-related challenges and accelerate the adoption of sustainable practices across Europe’s agrifood value chains and unveil transformative innovations born from the project’s seven pilot cases. |
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Save the date - the CBE JU Info Day 2024 is planned for 23 April 2024 | The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) has published its Annual Work Programme and it will dedicate €213 million to circular bio-based industries. The call will be launched later in the year and will include 18 topics. An Info Day will take place on 23 April, with registration information coming very soon. |
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| Horizon Europe Calls 2024 – deadlines approaching | The deadlines are approaching for funding opportunities under Horizon Europe – Calls 2024 addressing issues faced by farmers, foresters and rural communities. For some final tips on preparing your applications and to check specific deadlines, re-watch the sessions from the Horizon Europe Info Days, and download the EU CAP Network brochure. |
| | | | Innovation, Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter: Call for input If you have relevant information for the EU CAP Network based on innovation in agriculture - e.g. a video, a funding opportunity, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a survey, a report, then please do send it to us: Newsletters go out on the second Thursday of every month, so please send the information to us at least four weeks before that date. In Spring 2024, we will publish a thematic newsletter on bees and pollinators. If you have relevant news related to this topic, please send it to us! | | | | |