EU CAP Network NewsletterJuly 2024 |
Register now for the 4th Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain | The 4th Forum on Best Practices in the Agri-Food Supply Chain will take place in Brussels on 9 October and will explore the various ways in which producers can increase returns by actively participating in the value chain. Join this landmark event dedicated to all actors in the food supply chain in Europe! Registrations are open until 30 August. |
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| Join our next Thematic Groups on generational renewal in farming and biodiversity | Are you interested in generational renewal or biodiversity? Two new Thematic Groups (TGs) will kick off in September and explore these topics. Don’t miss the chance to join a committed group of colleagues from around the EU and engage in exchanges and networking - express your interest in joining our TGs now! |
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Call for three new EU CAP Network Focus Groups open! | The call for experts for three new EU CAP Network Focus Groups has just been launched! Farmers, foresters, advisors, scientists and others - please apply by 16 September 2024 23:59 CET (Brussels time). Topics are production of protein crops under climate change, local perennial plant genetic resources in view of climate change and biodiversity loss, alternative solutions for livestock product differentiation. For more detail on the topics and how to apply, visit the Focus Group webpage. |
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| How to assess generational renewal among European farmers | The CAP is facing the challenge of an ageing farming population. Experts discussed how to assess generational renewal. The evaluation of the coherence among national and European policies was at the centre of discussions among the 84 evaluators and Managing Authorities' representatives who participated in the Good Practice Workshop 'Assessing generational renewal in CAP Strategic Plans' in Zagreb, Croatia, on 14-15 March. |
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Explore the new LAG Directory | The newly-launched LAG Directory brings together in one place the contact details for the new LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) created in the 2023-2027 programming period. LAGs can be searched by Member State, but also by the key themes, linked to their Local Development Strategies (LDS), that will be the focus of their work. |
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| Thematic Groups: it’s been a busy spring! | Our recent Thematic Groups have successfully concluded their work and are now sharing key learnings and recommendations to future-proof rural areas. Discover what colleagues from across the EU have to say about the CAP's green architecture, Monitoring Committees, eco-schemes and support for farmers’ mental health. |
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A new network to empower young people in rural areas | Following the success of the EU CAP Network’s Young LEADER Forum in Vierumäki, Finland, in June, ELARD is now launching the LEADER Youth Community, a new network dedicated to empowering young people in rural areas. Whether you are young or just young at heart, join and help shape the future of rural development! |
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| Policy Insights – Mental health policy for EU farmers | | |
Policy Insights – Preventing food waste with CAP Strategic Plans | The latest Policy Insights article reviews the framework and initiatives of important actors in Europe's food chain to reduce food waste and raise consumers' awareness of this important topic. It also looks at the role of national CAP Strategic Plans to help reduce food waste and highlights inspiring initiatives on the ground. |
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| Highlights report – 3rd National Networks Meeting | The report of the third National Networks (NNs) meeting is now available online and summarises the discussions on how NNs contribute to LEADER initiatives in their Member States. We are looking forward to the fourth NN meeting in September! |
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