EU CAP Network NewsletterAugust 2024 |
Join our new Thematic Group on Generational renewal in farming! | Our new Thematic Group (TG) on Gen Z: Leading Generational Renewal in Farming will kick off in September. Don’t miss the chance to join a committed group of colleagues from around the EU and engage in exchanges and networking - express your interest in joining the TG by 9 September. |
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| Networking for the CAP | In the past months, we have toured rural Europe to participate in networking events organised by the National Networks. Here’s what we have learnt and how this contributes to our daily work – and yours. |
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How to assess the LEADER added value and demonstrate the benefits of its approach: guidelines to support Member States | The new guidelines provide insights into the operationalisation of LEADER added value and offer a non-binding evaluation framework. They were elaborated with the contribution of ninety experts during a related Thematic Working Group (TWG). The guidelines are available in all EU languages. |
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| The contribution of EU funding and LEADER to rural areas – new studies published | Two new studies published by the European Commission highlight the CAP's contribution to rural development, encourage more holistic policy approaches, and confirm the impact of LEADER on balanced territorial development. |
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Highlighting the achievements of Operational Group projects – on film | | |
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| Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities | Thematic Group members reviewed insights from previous TG activities, developed action-oriented recommendations to improve farmers' mental health support, and discussed how to replicate successful approaches. |
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Highlights report - Young LEADER Forum | Key outcomes of an exciting two-day gathering in Finland, where over 200 LEADER enthusiasts discussed ways to increase the power of young people in LEADER design and implementation. |
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| Highlights report - 2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Green Architecture: Designing Green Strategies | The second Thematic Group meeting built on topics discussed during two informal discussions, identified key elements for effective green strategies in CAP Strategic Plans, and developed recommendations for implementation. |
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