EU CAP Network NewsletterSeptember 2024 |
| The 2024-2025 Work Programme is available: take a look at our next steps! | Our Annual Work Programme (AWP) offers a clear overview of the EU CAP Network's activities, projects, and plans for the year. It provides key details on governance, thematic work, editorial content, and upcoming events, as well as how to engage with the network. |
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Innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI events 2024-2025 | The EU CAP Network is organising 13 networking and capacity-building events over the next 12 months related to innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI. They include 3 Focus Groups, 2 seminars, 3 workshops, 3 cross-visits between Operational Groups, an ad-hoc expert meeting, and a stand-alone brokerage event. |
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| Supporting the mental health of farmers and farming communities | There is an urgent need for strategic action to support the mental health and well-being of farmers and farming communities across the EU. Learn more about what needs to be done and how you can help – with help from a committed group of CAP stakeholders. |
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New study on EIP Operational Groups: cooperation is key for innovation | The study was based on case studies and two surveys, respectively targeting Operational Group partners, and EIP/innovation stakeholders across EU. The study aimed to understand better how Operational Groups (OG) operate, how they design and run the processes of co-creation of innovation, and how they spread innovative solutions. |
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| Subgroup on Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (SoIKE) - 6th meeting | The 6th meeting of the SoIKE took place in June 2024 in Brussels. Members were introduced to the EIP-AGRI Support Facility’s annual work programme 2024-2025. The agenda was filled with many opportunities for networking and exchanges. Discover some of the conclusions of their discussions. |
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New CSP Summaries available | How have Member States designed their CAP Strategic Plans (CSP)? How are they pursuing the CAP-specific objectives? Discover all the key information in our new CSP Factsheets – user-friendly summaries of the CAP Strategic Plans. |
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| Supporting farmers' mental health: action-oriented recommendations | This set of 15 action-oriented recommendations was elaborated by the members of the EU CAP Network's Thematic Group (TG) on Supporting the Mental Health of Farmers and Farming Communities. The recommendations concern policy frameworks enabling community-led initiatives, support services and infrastructure in rural areas, research and data, and institutional approaches. |
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Supporting the maintenance, restoration and establishment of agroforestry systems | An overview of the current experience in the maintenance, restoration, or establishment of agroforestry systems in six EU Member States, and of successful approaches, barriers, and tools used under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plans (CSP). |
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| Good initiatives and elements of replicability to support the mental health of farmers and farming communities | This briefing explores best practices in mental health initiatives for farmers and farming communities at the local, national, and European levels. Furthermore, it provides insights into the common traits shared by these successful initiatives and ways to replicate them in different contexts. |
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Key ingredients for supporting the mental health of farmers and farming communities | This summary of 12 key ingredients for supporting the mental health and well-being of farmers and their communities was developed by the EU CAP Network's Thematic Group (TG) on this topic. It is enriched by examples of real-life practices from different Member States, shared by the TG members. |
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