In January 2023, the European Commission published the Transition Pathway for the Chemical Industry. The pathway is an actionable plan co-developed by the European Commission with EU countries, chemical industry stakeholders, NGOs and other interested parties. It identifies the actions and conditions needed to achieve the green and digital transition and improve resilience in the chemical industry, in line with the updated EU industrial strategy.
The chemical industry, the fourth largest industry in the EU, plays a key role in the European twin transition. Chemicals are present in about 95% of manufactured goods and are at the basis of Europe’s major value chains. In addition, the chemical industry is one of the largest CO2 emitters in the EU.
The transition pathway for the chemical industry provides a list of more than 150 actions, grouped under 26 topics, to be implemented by the concerned stakeholders within an agreed timeframe.
Are you working on an initiative that will help achieve the digital and green transition of the chemical industry?
The European Commission has launched a call for transition initiatives to support the co-implementation of the actions highlighted in the transition pathway for the chemical industry. More than 140 projects and investments have already been published on our website.
Do you want to contribute to the future of a more competitive, green and digital EU chemical industry? If so, please submit your transition initiatives.
The call for transition initiatives will remain open during the entire co-implementation of this pathway. Transition initiatives will be published in batches over time.
The European Commission has set up this group to work together with stakeholders on the co-implementation of the pathway. The call for applications will remain open during the entire implementation of the pathway.
On 29 February 2024, the European Commission published its guidance on EU funding opportunities to support the co-implementation process.
This guide lists relevant funding programmes and calls that can finance investments in the twin transition of the EU chemical industry, who can apply and by when.
We intend to update this guide in the upcoming months as soon as new calls are published on the European Commission's funding and tender portal.
The annual progress report highlights the main results of the co-implementation of the transition pathway over the past year.
It provides an overview of the state of play of the twin transition of the EU chemical industry. Around 80% of the 187 actions needed for the twin transition highlighted in the pathway have been launched so far.
The document also presents an updated version of the regulatory roadmap included in the transition pathway and proposes next steps to be carried out in 2024.