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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Matching the EU Transaction Log to the Orbis database

Updated every year by DG GROW’s Chief Economist Team, this page provides the result of a matching performed between the account holders in the EU Transaction Log (EUTL) and Moody’s Orbis database. Thanks to the company identification codes, the user can easily retrieve additional data from Orbis, thus obtaining a firm-level dataset with both climate (e.g., yearly emissions, allocation of free allowances on the EU’s carbon market, etc.) and financial metrics (e.g., turnover, employment, etc.).

This matching is a follow-up to Simon Letout’s work under a joint JRC/DG GROW project. The relevant company identification codes are published in agreement with Moody’s. 


See the result of the matching (Excel file).

How to cite: European Commission, DG GROW Chief Economist Team (2024): EUTL-Orbis matching dataset [Dataset].

Matching procedure

The matching procedure relies on natural language processing (NLP) techniques, summarised below. 

See the full matching procedure and code used (written in Python).

Step 1: Cleaning the variables

Step 2: NLP matching on firm names and legal identifiers

Step 3: Similarity measure on postcodes

Step 4: Filtering potential matches, resulting in the vast majority of firms having a single dominant match option

How to cite: Cameron, A. & Ho, V. (2024): Matching the EU Transaction Log and ORBIS: A Natural Language Processing approach.

Previous matchings