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EU Social Economy Gateway

Updates log

This page provides a record of all content updates on the EU Social Economy Gateway, helping you to keep up to date with the latest resources and information. Check back regularly to see what has been added since your last visit. 



Link to a new portal with social economy data for Italy added to the country page for Italy.

Call for evidence - EU Start-up and Scale-up Strategy added

7 public consultations regarding the next EU long-term budget (Multiannual Financial Framework 2028-2034 (MFF)) added


Synthesis report on Council Regulation No. 1435.2003 - Statute for a European Cooperative Society added

New stakeholder article added: Impact Measurement and Management - FEBEA



Social Economy Voices: 12 testimonial videos from EU level networks added on the videos page and the stakeholder mapping page.

Public consultation and call for evidence for the evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives added

New stakeholder article added: Key Financial Instruments for Supporting Business Initiatives in Reducing Food Waste and Losses

SSE Essentials podcast added

Link to Transition pathway stakeholder collaboration platform added

New COSME call for proposal added: Agrifood and Retail SMEs Renewable Energy Communities (SMP-COSME-2024-REC-01) 

New COSME call for proposal added: Joint Cluster Initiatives (EUROCLUSTERS) for Europe’s recovery (SMP-COSME-2024-CLUSTER)

New report on EU funding for SE added to country page France (in FR)

New stakeholder article added: Social Economy Insider magazine – 3rd edition is out!

New Commissioner(s) responsible for social economy added

New event added: Webinar: Valorising volunteering for people and places: International trends and experiences


New stakeholder article added: Building Croatia's Social Economy: Insight into ACT Group's Mission and Impact

Code of Conduct for data management and data sharing in the social economy added on a dedicated sub-page

New stakeholder article added: FEBEA publication on EU Funding Opportunities


Event on 28 November 2024: Code of conduct for data management and data sharing in the social economy added

New stakeholder article added: European Microfinance Day Campaign – Changing the Narrative by building stronger & greener local communities

New overview page for Useful resources and corresponding sub-pages added

New COSME call for proposal added:


New study with data on the social economy in the EU added

3 YEPA workshops added to events list


G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting Declaration added


3 new COSME calls for proposals added

Revamped home page 

Added new page: "About the Social Economy Gateway"

Added new page: "Updates log"

Added new topic in focus: social economy strategies

Added new topic in focus: measuring social impact


Added two new calls for proposals:

A European Social Innovation Advisory Network in support of EU Mission Objectives

Framework Partnership Agreement for a European Networked Catalyst Fund for Social Innovation in Support of the Missions

Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy online workshops about youth entrepreneurship (September 2024)


New stakeholder article: Y.ES Project – Say yes to the Social Economy

Added human translations of the country pages in the official languages of the countries

Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy online workshops about social entrepreneurship (April 2024)

Call for applications for the selection of members of the expert group Social Economy and Social Enterprises added

Call for Financial Support for Social Economy SMEs from GRAINS project added


New stakeholder article:New learning modules on the Social and Solidarity Economy by ILO & UNTFSSE

New stakeholder article: Final event: Social Economy Actors for New European Bauhaus on 15/04/2024

Social innovation call for proposals: actions to develop impact performance intelligence services for the social impact investing market actors (ESF-2024-SOC-IMP) added

Transition pathway text updated

GECES call added

Country pages: Translations into the official language(s) of the country added. For the other languages machine translation remains available.

La Hulpe Declaration added


New topic in focus: Zero-long term unemployment

Public consultation for the interim evaluation of the Single Market Programme  2021-2027 added

SEAP page updated


Liège Roadmap for Social Economy in the European Union added

New stakeholder article: Conference on youth social entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans and beyond


New events added for 2024

New stakeholder article: Have your say on how to better inform about Socially Responsible Public Procurement




New stakeholder article: The European Social Enterprise Monitor – It’s time to have your voice heard! Euclid Network

Supply and Demand call added


New tender published: "Transition pathway stakeholder support platform: implementation for the ‘proximity and social economy’ ecosystem".

San Sebastián Manifesto added

2 consultations added


New stakeholder article: What is the European Semester and How Social Economy Actors Can be Involved in This Process? 

New stakeholder article: Social Economy Insider: a new magazine to understand the latest trends in the social economy

New stakeholder article: Social Impact Stock Exchange: A step forward towards a new financial market

New stakeholder article: Rural Pact Platform: Community Group on Social Economy launched

Organisation pages for social economy networks added

GROW consultation added


Proposal for a directive on European cross-border associations added  EU initiavites page

Rural Pact community platform added to resources page


Impact WISE study added to resources page

Gothenburg Manifesto added


"Topics in focus" section added: State aid and skills

Pioneers Post added to resources page

New ongoing consultations added

Call for Expression of Interest to join the drafting committee developing a  “Code of Conduct for data management and data sharing in the social economy”


Euronews video added