Average Bench: 443% (15th of 1084)

Based on 37,972 user benchmarks.  Models: WD_BLACK SN850X 1000GB, WD_BLACK SN850X HS 1000GB

The WD Black SN850X has a superb consumer performance profile. As well as offering solid burst speeds of 5 GB/s, the SN850X also offers respectable out of cache performance. At current prices (1TB $90 USD, 2TB $145 USD and 4TB $290 USD) the WD Black SN850X is our top value pick at every capacity. [Jun '24 SSDrivePro]

Outstanding average bench

The WD Black SN850X M.2 1TB averaged 342.6% higher than the peak scores attained by the group leaders. This is an excellent result which ranks the WD Black SN850X M.2 1TB near the top of the comparison list.


Avg. 4K-64Thread Mixed IO Speed 1,519MB/s
Avg. Sequential Write Speed 3,769MB/s

Terrible consistency

The range of scores (95th - 5th percentile) for the WD Black SN850X M.2 1TB is 358%. This is a particularly wide range which indicates that the WD Black SN850X M.2 1TB performs inconsistently under varying real world conditions.


Avg. 4K Random Write Speed 184MB/s
Avg. 4K Random Read Speed 68.6MB/s

Average Bench

(Based on 37,972 samples)
Min Avg Max
2,030 Read 3,711 4,629
1,853 Write 3,769 4,976
1,755 Mixed 2,835 3,409
1,042 SusWrite 2,152 4,096
700% 3,117 MB/s
Min Avg Max
46.6 4K Read 68.6 85.4
73.4 4K Write 184 314
49.7 4K Mixed 82.8 113
308% 112 MB/s
Min Avg Max
849 DQ Read 1,741 2,433
261 DQ Write 1,362 2,047
464 DQ Mixed 1,519 2,253
1,146% 1,541 MB/s
User Benchmarks BenchSequentialRandom 4kDeep queue 4k
The fastest SSD (mainstream) averages a speed of 100%
816GB free (System drive)
Firmware: 620361WD
SusWrite @10s intervals: 4943 4949 4910 4019 1352 1296 MB/s
Read 4,561
Write 5,040
Mixed 3,344
SusWrite 3,578
930% 4,131 MB/s
4K Read 88.3
4K Write 301
4K Mixed 115
441% 168 MB/s
DQ Read 2,120
DQ Write 1,853
DQ Mixed 2,025
1,507% 1,999 MB/s
847GB free
Firmware: 620331WD
SusWrite @10s intervals: 4117 4223 4184 4326 2707 1263 MB/s
Read 4,037
Write 4,498
Mixed 2,969
SusWrite 3,470
843% 3,744 MB/s
4K Read 64.6
4K Write 265
4K Mixed 85.8
348% 139 MB/s
DQ Read 2,991
DQ Write 2,704
DQ Mixed 2,752
2,090% 2,816 MB/s
644GB free (System drive)
Firmware: 620361WD
SusWrite @10s intervals: 1661 2095 2099 1600 1201 1212 MB/s
Read 2,368
Write 2,232
Mixed 2,107
SusWrite 1,645
470% 2,088 MB/s
4K Read 48.3
4K Write 84
4K Mixed 57
191% 63.1 MB/s
DQ Read 1,286
DQ Write 1,138
DQ Mixed 1,144
876% 1,189 MB/s
113GB free
Firmware: 620361WD
SusWrite @10s intervals: 495 543 513 491 491 571 MB/s
Read 1,315
Write 1,318
Mixed 1,222
SusWrite 517
245% 1,093 MB/s
4K Read 68.4
4K Write 156
4K Mixed 72.4
279% 99.1 MB/s
DQ Read 1,482
DQ Write 1,303
DQ Mixed 1,364
1,030% 1,383 MB/s
37,972 MORE »

 Market Share (See Leaders)

The number of benchmark samples for this model as a percentage of all 79,005,342 SSDs tested


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MSRP ≈ $160 @ launch in Aug '22
EbayUS $7910 mins ¥ 563USDCNY = 7.1
AmazonUS $893 mins ¥ 633USDCNY = 7.1
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Typical Black SN850X M.2 1TB Builds (Compare 11,803 builds) See popular component choices, score breakdowns and rankings
Gaming 291%
Desktop 123%
Workstation 346%

Motherboard: Gigabyte Z790 AORUS ELITE AX - ¥ 1,289

EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER Value: 112% - Outstanding Total price: ¥ 10,364

Popular Black SN850X M.2 1TB compatible motherboards:

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Solid State Drive Rankings (Price vs Performance) March 2025 SSD Rankings

Welcome to our SSD comparison. We calculate effective speed for both SATA and NVMe drives based on real world performance then adjust by current prices per GB to yield a value for money rating. Our calculated values are checked against thousands of individual user ratings. The customizable table below combines these factors to bring you the definitive list of top SSDs. [SSDrivePro]

Group Test Results

  • Best user rated - User sentiment trumps benchmarks for this comparison.
  • Best value for money - Value for money is based on real world performance.
  • Fastest real world speed - Real World Speed measures performance for typical consumers.


The Ultimate X Factor...

Added 9 months ago.


1 month ago.

Man, $77 on sale via Amazon is a steal for 1TB! Would recommend.


9 months ago.


18 months ago.

easily one of the fastest drives I have ever had


1 month ago.

One-year-old SN850X-1TB boot drive just scored 638% today on an Asrock z790 Nova mobo. Wicked fast and to date, completely reliable. Temps can get well into the 40s C, but no issues with reliability so far--HWMonitor64 says 100% of life still remaining even after a year of near daily use. I believe that this is the ultimate M.2 boot drive for any serious gaming rig.


21 months ago.

Good SSD


9 months ago.

I like it, picasso


2 years ago.

This thing is blazing fast!! I did not expect to see an FPS increase in game but wow, was I ever wrong. No stuttering or screen tearing at all when whipping the camera around, unreal. Unfortunately, userbenchmark keeps detecting my NVME as ram, and will not benchmark correctly :(

1084 Drives (Compared) Thousands of user benchmarks compiled into one comparison list

See how consistently different SSDs perform with varying real world conditions. The charts also illustrate overall performance, popularity and rank.

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The Best
Intel Core i5-12600K $148Nvidia RTX 4060 $269WD Black SN850X M.2 2TB $120
Intel Core i5-14600K $215Nvidia RTX 4060-Ti $411WD Black SN850X M.2 1TB $79
Intel Core i7-14700K $328Nvidia RTX 3060-Ti $499Crucial T700 M.2 4TB $320
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