The European Committee for Standardization is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.
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Reference | EN 16849:2016 |
Title | Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of water content in bituminous emulsions - Method using a drying balance |
Work Item Number | 00336157 |
Abstract/Scope | This European Standard specifies a quick method for determining, by evaporation, the water content of bituminous road emulsions, with or without polymer added. For bituminous emulsions without flux oil, bituminous emulsions containing vegetal flux oil, and bituminous emulsions containing up to 1,5 % mass of mineral flux oil in the emulsion, this European Standard, according to the selected operating conditions, is considered as an alternative method to the reference method EN 1428 [1]. Above a mineral flux oil content of 1,5 % by mass, depending on the volatility of the flux oil: - the present method can be used up to a flux oil content above 1,5 % by mass if the user can prove its reliability in comparison to EN 1428. - the present method can only be used by correcting the result by means of a previously established correlation with the reference method EN 1428. NOTE Polymer modified emulsions can behave differently in the test than unmodified emulsions; in case of doubt, the method is checked against EN 1428. In case of dispute, the water content should be determined according to EN 1428. WARNING - The use of this European Standard can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment. This European Standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this European Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For environmental reasons and to reduce emissions to air, water and soil, it is recommended to limit the use of products, solvents and energy to the minimum required for a valid test result. |
Status |
Reference Document | |
date of Availability (DAV) | 2016-10-19 |
ICS | 75.140 - Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products 91.100.50 - Binders. Sealing materials |
A-Deviation(s) | |
Special National Condition(s) |
Directive(s) | |
Mandate(s) | |
Citation in OJEU |
date of Ratification (DOR) (1) | 2016-07-29 |
date of Availability (DAV) (2) | 2016-10-19 |
date of Announcement (DOA) (3) | 2017-01-31 |
date of Publication (DOP) (4) | 2017-04-30 |
date of Withdrawal (DOW) (5) | 2017-04-30 |
Supersedes | |
Superseded by | |
Normative reference (6) |
EN 12594
EN 58 |
Bibliographic references (7) | |
Sales Points |
(1) Date of ratification (dor) date when the Technical Board notes the approval of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), from which time the standard may be said to be approved
(2) Date of availability (dav) date when the definitive text in the official language versions of an approved CEN/CENELEC publication is distributed by the Central Secretariat
(3) Date of announcement (doa) latest date by which the existence of an EN (and HD for CENELEC), a TS or a CWA has to be announced at national level
(4) Date of publication (dop) latest date by which an EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement
(5) Date of withdrawal (dow) latest date by which national standards conflicting with an EN (and HD for CENELEC) have to be withdrawn
(6) This list of normative references is purely indicative. The only official list of normative reference is the list of the published standard.
In the case of undated standard, a link to the last dated version is provided.
In the case of series, a link to each standard identified in the series is provided.
We also invite you to check (via the website) whether corrigenda and/or amendments shall be read in conjunction with the main standard.
(7) This list of bibliographic references, which is provided for homegrown standards only, is purely indicative and was retrieved automatically using available XML files. It is limited to publications that have been published in the XML format. For standards that are not homegrown, the corresponding international standard should be consulted.